Chapter 11

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"Mum, Dad, I have something to tell you" Lilith's heart was pounding but her face remained calm.

"What is it, honey?" Rick asked.

" I want to start volunteering, since I don't know what to do with my degree yet"

" That's great, Cara Mia. Take your time"

" It's a good thought. Have you found where to volunteer? "

They were currently in the living room.

Lilith has been scared to tell her parents.

She feared been judged for not knowing what to do despite her outstanding degree.

But her parents surprised her by being supportive.

And she was glad.

"Yeah. I already contacted an hospital"
"I'm starting on Monday".

"Congrats, sis. Volunteering is just for you" Leyla said.

Ignoring the double meaning behind her words, Lil smiled at her.

" You know what, Cara Mia let's go celebrate tomorrow"

"Yeah. Dinner, tomorrow night".

" Uhmn, I'm busy tomorrow night". Ley said

" Where are you going?" Rick asked.

"A friend's" she replied vaguely.

"Dear, it's a family dinner. I'm sure you can reschedule". Kat said sternly.

" Mom, dad, it's fine if she can't make it. She has a life too" I smiled.

"You see, we should listen to Lil often. Such a selfless angel. Thank you, sis." Leyla said theatrically.

Lilith faced her parents, "it's fine, really. She's a teenager after all".

They succumbed after awhile.

Later in the day, Lilith decided to go shopping for new outfits.

She doesn't have friends to drag along.

She's not anti social.

She has friends and they loved her.


She kept them at arm's length.

Keeping friends too close is  dangerous.

Getting to the mall, Lilith didn't waste time.

She was a fast shopper and she preferred shopping alone.

Going shopping with a partner disturbs Lilith.

During her uni days, Lilith was popular with people.

She did a lot of things with friends including shopping.

Well, that was all before the incident.

Lilith left the mall for park.

Seeing children happy and carefree without any thoughts in the world.

It made her happy.

She sat on a swing, watching the children.

She wished she was a child again.

She wished she didn't have to carry these burdens.

She wished her mind could be as pure as these children.

She wished she could trust men again.

She wished she could believe in love again.

Not wanting to get lost in thoughts because for her, it's a dangerous zone.

She joined the children in playing.

She loved children and they loved her in return.

During the play, she saw a girl crying.

She approached her, squatted in her front.

Cleaning her tears, she asked the girl,

"Oh baby, why are you crying?"

The girl only cried more.

" Did anyone hurt you , angel? "

The girl nodded.

"What's your name, angel?"


"Aww what a sweet name. Your name is so pretty, Bonnie".

Bonnie smiled and stopped crying.

" Tell me what happened, Bonnie".

" That boy pushed me and called me fat"

" Oh, he did"?  " that's bad, really bad of him".

" So what did you do"

She shaked her head in negative.

" You know what, Bonnie, let me tell you a secret"


"Whenever a person treat you bad, you stand up for yourself, okay"

" You do not cry"

" Don't let whatever bad things they say get to you, alright love? "

Bonnie nodded.

" Good. Now repeat after me"

" I am strong, beautiful and confident"

" I am strong, beautiful and confident".

She hugged Bonnie.

" Very good, angel. Whenever you are in this situation, always remember those words".

" Thank you so much"

" You are welcome, doll".

Bonnie happily went back to join her friends playing.

Lilith walked towards the said boy.

"Hello, dear"

No answer

"What's your name?"

No answer

" Okay, let me tell you mine. My name is Lilith"

" I'm David"

" David is such a good name for a good boy. Right?"

David shrugged

" And you know what good boys don't do"?


"They don't insult  people. They dnt bully. They don't act mean to girls."

" What do they do then?"

" Thank you, dear. Good boys respect girls. They are nice to people. They treat girls well".

" But I don't do any of these" David sulked.

" It's okay, David. You can start from now on. Infact, you can go apologize to Bonnie"

" Won't she hate me"

" No, she won't, dear".

" Thank you, Lilith".

"You welcome, dear. Bye."

Feeling pleased, Lilith went home.

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