Chapter 25

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Four months! Four months of waiting and finally, Daniel got what he wanted. Well, not exactly what he wanted. He didn't expect something so extreme. He visited his P. I. earlier today. The man had called him regarding his request on Lilith Collins. Daniel was still shocked at what was revealed. He couldn't comprehend it. Like how? Why? The Lilith he knew seems like a nice woman although with a little fire. But that's what made her enticing. Is that why she has been ignoring him? Cos she despised men? Or why would she torture men if not. No! Nobody does that without a  fucking good reason. It's just insane.  Daniel thought back to the conversation he had with his P. I.

' If I get you straight, William, you're saying, she as in Lilith, tortures men'

' Very well, Daniel. During the months, I've been on watch. At day, she goes to work, comes back home in the evening. She doesn't go outside again till very late in the night. She drove to different locations with far distance."

' Yeah, keep going'

'I never saw anyone go inside the building but she always comes out with battered men. It's hard to tell it's her cos she was always in disguise."

' And what does she do with them afterwards?'

' nothing I can say. She only drove off and dropped them somewhere'.

' hmmm. Anything else? Something relating to work? Her plan? '

' I'm afraid not. She seems to be loved by people. She rarely have visitors save for two ladies that sometimes dropped by.'

' alright. Thank you, William'.

' one more thing'

' yeah?'

' At her work place, majority don't seem to approve of what she's doing. They believe she's going to jeopardize the little they have. They only got lucky the first time. They would have preferred her focusing her energy on what they have. Even her boss'.

' Hmm! Interesting. Well that makes everything so much easier '

' Have a great day, Daniel'.

Daniel made an impulsive decision to go to Lilith's work place. He told Clara to cancel his appointments for the day. He's not sure how the conversation will end but he be damned not to do something. He drove straight to D.E. Wells & Co. Daniel entered the building like he owned it. The aura he emitted was that of power and arrogance. Mix that with his good look. Everyone at the company knew who he was. It didn't deter the females from giving him the dreamy look. Hos presence stirred up the atmosphere. There were whispers around the company. People were confused. They wondered what brought him. Erin and Jenny were with Lilith at the moment. The looks of longing on their faces said it all. Lilith's face remained impasive.

" Holy hell! Look at those well sculpted lips. Damn, I want 'em on me" Erin sighed.

Jenny nodded in agreement, " I just want to rip off his shirt and feel those hard rock chest".

Lilith rolled her eyes at them.

" You guys are exaggerating. Please, there's nothing special about him. We've seen lots of fine men".

The girls gasped. Erin slapped Lilith by the shoulder.
" Shut the front door, bitch. You know want that piece".

" Yeah, Lil. Even I can't deny that. Just look at him" Jen added.

" Guys, I think he's coming our way" Erin gritted out.

" Holy shit! He's coming, he's coming. Let's all act calm, okay" Jen rushed.

" Shhh. Breathe, Jenny. Breathe. Yeah, just like that." Lilith said soothingly.

" Good afternoon, ladies " Daniel greeted with his charming smile.

"OMG! He's gorgeous up close" Jenny whispered to the girls.

" I can feel the huskiness of his voice wrapped around me." Erin whispered back.

" Girls, he's right in front of us and he can hear you" Lilith said through gritted teeth.

The girls smiled sheepishly at him and waved.

Daniel chuckled, " can I have some moments with you, Miss Collins?"

" Me?" Lil asked skeptically.

" Yeah" Daniel replied.

"She's free" Jenny pushed Lilith towards him.

Lilith staggered. Daniel steadied her, held her by the elbow.

" Go get it, girl" Erin pumped.

Mortified, Lilith freed her elbow from his grasp and begrudgingly followed him. Lilith led Daniel to her office. She locked the door and closed the blinds.

She faced Daniel and fixed him with a cold stare. " You had better have a damn good reason for being here".

Daniel rubbed his palms, his eyes calculating, " oh, trust me, I do have a reason. A very very good one. I believe it would interest you, dear Lilith".

Lilith raised an eyebrow. It's been forever he used her name. He wouldn't come here just to bluff. She decided to take the bait. " Enlighten me, would you?"

" Gladly. Perhaps, you would prefer to sit down before I start".

" Just get on with it, will you?"

" Alright, suit yourself". Daniel shrugged but continued nonetheless, "You're  hiding something from the world. Something big, something scandalous. Would you like to share with me what that secret is, Miss Collins?"

And we are back to 'Miss Collins'. Lilith doesn't understand his game.

She laughed humorlessly, " you should become a comedian, Daniel. Cos that was fucking hilarious"

" This is no joke time, Miss Collins and I'm definitely not here to play."

Lilith saw his serious expression and straighten her spine. " You don't say"

" So, yeah. You have a secret and fortunately for me, I know what it is".

Lilith's heartbeat spiked up. She remained composed, regardless.

" I'm aware of the men, Miss Collins. I know you torture men. Dear God! That's..." Daniel seemed lost for words.

" So?" Lilith fired blankly.

"So? So? You're not worried I know your secret?" Daniel said baffled.

" I'm not" Lilith replied calmly.

" You should be cos it will be out in the public. Unless you erase that silly idea that you're a match for DAA Corp."

" What! Are you insane? Oh my! I'd like to see you try, Mr Austin".

" Don't tempt me, Lilith. I'm fucking serious. Stop everything or your secret is out. Think about your family, your friends, the public, what would happen when they get to know. What will that do to you. Think about it and choose wisely".

" Why? Why won't you let me be? I just want to do my fucking job".  Lilith said with brewing anger.

" Your job, right. Even people here thinks what you're doing is a lost cause. They don't support you, why try too hard." Daniel shrugged.

" I. Hate. You." Lilith pronounced each word with so much venom.

Those three words pierced Daniel's heart. It hurts than expected.

"I know you are a wise woman. I believe you to do right".

Lilith was muted by anger. If looks could kill, Daniel would be laying six feet right now.

" Have a nice day, Miss Collins" Daniel left her office.

"Damn you" Lilith yelled at him.

Lilith collapsed on a chair. Her thoughts were circled on how. How did he find out?. Like a switch, she remembered the weird feeling of being followed for the past months. She thought nothing of it then. Damn it. What's going to happen now? She knew Daniel was no good. Her family were just fooled by his look and charming smile and good boy character. She knew it right from the start. Son of a gun. He played dirty. Fucking hell! Lilith's hands were tied. Fuck you, Daniel, she cussed.

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