Chapter 30

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Daniel swiftly closed the tabs and resumed the series. His face was blank like nothing had happened. Lilith joined him, she noticed the change in his body language but said nothing. Daniel tried to act normal but his body was tensed. He was curious. Whenever he thought he was getting closer, another mystery pop up, he thought.

Lilith was an enigma and Daniel was all about having her. Daniel could have anyone he wanted but something about Lilith pulled him. He tried to figure out what it was about this girl that had affected him like this. Lilith was beautiful, but he had being with some of the most beautiful women in the world. She seemed intelligent but not brilliant. Her personality was complex yet simple. There was something else the successful bachelor could not quite put his finger on. And then he remembered her 'eyes'. Those guarded dark green orbs. The constant cold and fire in them. Her expressions spoke different languages but damn those eyes. He felt that it was a clue. There was some force in her that was irresistible, that would have anything she wanted. Daniel Austin felt that Lilith had affected him more deeply than he cared to admit to himself. He wondered about the pictures he saw. Daniel left her house with the excuse of attending to some work.

Lilith felt it was time to go back to her nights dealing. Daniel hadn't mentioned anything related to it either. She had a feeling it was coming. So close. His curiosity couldn't last the week. All Lilith did was because of Mike. She did everything to right the nightmare he gave her. She didn't asked for any of these but, here she was.

She continued her daily dose of flirting. The redhead began to wonder if it has always been a part of her, for she enjoyed it, crave it than what it was, a coping mechanism. Never would she have pegged the old Lilith, a dirty flirt. Despite the hatred she felt for Mike, she thanked him for snapping her cord, bringing out her inner self.

Daniel had made a dinner plan for them before he left. He had invited her for dinner at his house the next night. Lilith saw the surprised look on his face when she agreed, effortlessly. Definitely, Daniel didn't have an inkling of whom he was dealing with.

Lilith went to her parents house that evening. Leyla had informed her of the family dinner their mom had insisted on having. Kat claimed she doesn't see her children anymore. Lilith got there, she didn't bother knocking. She entered the house and saw Agnes coming out of the kitchen.

" Pumpkin"

Agnes turned her body towards the voice. She saw her aunt and ran towards her
" Aunt Lilith", the little girl squealed. She jumped into Lilith's waiting arms.

" Aww, you're sooo big now"

" No. I'm still a child"

" Huhn.. I can barely support your weight, you're so heavy"

" Stop it" Agnes giggled. "I'm as light as a feather"

" See, my hands are trembling, what have you been feeding on" Lilith pretended to shake her arms. Agnes giggled at her antics.

" Back. Back. Back." Agnes chanted.

"You want a piggy ride, huhn"

Agnes giggled while nodding.

" Piggy ride it is" Lilith said happily.

Jasmine entered on them. " I knew I heard your voice"

" Hi, sis"

" Mummy, aunt Lil is giving me a piggy ride" Agnes said with a full smile showing her missing front tooth.

" I can see. You carry on with whatever you're both doing. God knows I can't match your energy".

" All you need is a little enthusiasm" Lilith joked.

" Yes, mummy, come and join us."

" Errm... Thanks, I'll pass. Everyone is at the backyard" Jas chuckled.

They followed her to the backyard and met everyone.

" Woa, it's a full house" Lil laughed.

" Told you mum wasn't joking" Leyla chuckled.

Lilith dropped Agnes to hug leyla.

" I've missed you so much"

" Told you not to go but what can I say. Now, you're missing out on leyla's awesome energy" leyla said with pride.

" Get out of here" Lil lightly punched her.

The atmosphere was lively. Oh, she missed this. Everyone was having a good time, catching up and reminiscing about old memories. Lilith moved to greet her mum and dad. She gave them a hug.

" Hey, don't pass me" Jade said with spread arms. He wore a silly grin.

" Calm your horse. I know you've missed this incredible being" Lilith said.

" Humph! Whatever, just come here" Jade said eagerly.

Jade's enthusiasm seemed suspicious. Lilith was been cautious. She was about to hug him when Molly, Jedrek's daughter shouted.

"Don't! Don't hug him. He's got oil on his palms." Molly said.

" Yes! He's gonna rub it all on you" Agnes said laughing.

Jade gave them the eye." I don't have anything on my palms"

Leyla held him from behind while Lilith checked his palms.

" Ttt tth! Tough luck, Jade. Try better next time" Lilith patted his cheek and pulled it.

" Oh! Not again." Jade groaned." I almost had you. Thank the brats for saving you" he shouted.

" You're a sore loser" leyla grinned at him.

Lilith greeted the rest. Jedrek, his wife Elena, Molly, and Jason. Her emotion didn't show she knew what went down in his family. She greeted jason like the rest. The night went well. Everyone was happy and fed. They also talked about Hunter. His name brought silence over the table but was later filled with the good memories they shared. They all promised to visit more often. Everyone went back to their various homes after cleaning up.

Lilith got home feeling tired but the night was yet to be over for her. The green-eyed beauty had a service to render in a certain warehouse. Waiting for her was a man tied, blindfolded and terrified.

The next day, her day went as usual. She had her online class, flirt, spoke with Erin on phone. She went grocery shopping and branched her hair stylist. Tonight, Lilith would be having dinner with Daniel at his place. How wonderful. Not. Going meant nothing to her. No matter what, she wasn't capable of giving herself to anyone again. The only person who had her was Mike. She had been ruined for every other male. Lilith had a feeling that everything would change that night. Going to Daniel's house would be another start. Strangely, she wasn't bothered and that should have alarmed her. But, Lilith paid mild attention to it.

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