Chapter 27

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Daniel waited not so patiently for Lilith's decision. When he couldn't take it anymore, he decided to give her a call.

Ring Ring Ring!

Lilith's phone rang, she was in the middle of her favorite TV show. She looked at the flashing screen and saw Daniel's name. She hissed. Lilith turned the phone face down and continued with the show. Minutes into it, her phone rang again. Annoyed, she put the phone on silent. Just because Daniel believed they are okay now doesn't mean she is. She still doesn't like him. She might never do. She can only try her best to tolerate his existence.

Lilith doesn't know what to expect. Daniel knew a part of her hidden self, she has to be on guard. Who knows what he might do next with the information. That's one of the reasons she told him he's forgiven. And why she needs to tolerate his tight ass. Urggh! Why did she have to think about his tight ass. Damn her hormones.

It's 21 hours to the dinner and Lilith was yet to give him a location. She already has a place in mind but she'd decided to hold on for sometime, just for fun.

At exactly 1pm, Lilith texted Daniel the restaurant address and to pick her up around 7pm. She chose a very expensive, very high class, very hard to book restaurant. It's was done on purpose. She wants a rise out of Daniel. She's isn't gonna make things easier for him. Who says you can't have fun while dealing with your less favorite person.

Lilith took her sweet time to get ready. She could get dressed and what not in the span of an hour. But she decided to spend hours and delayed Daniel. As expected, he was right on time but had to wait 30minutes for Lilith to be done. She came out of her apartment in her fine self. She was dressed to kill.

Daniel had gotten them a table at the restaurant. It wasn't easy but he did it. Coming here again, he had to wait in his damn car for 30 minutes. He was a little irritated. All his annoyance dissipated the moment he set eyes on Lilith. She was beautiful. She was a mixture of angel and devil, in the white dress and flowy red hair. Her green eyes were what captured his attention most. They held something he can't explain.

Daniel walked up to Lilith, " you are beautiful, Lil" he breathed out.

" You cleaned up nice, too" Lilith said with a tight smile. " I hope I didn't take too long?" She said, expecting him to complain.

" You're worth the wait. Come on, let's go".
Daniel led her to the car and opened her door.

" So, chivalry is still alive" Lilith stated while entering the car.

"Very much, my dear". Daniel chuckled. He closed her door and joined her in the driver's side.

The 15 minutes drive to the restaurant was filled with comfortable silence.

" I called the restaurant while you were getting ready. They're aware we'll be arriving late. So, don't worry, our table is secured". Daniel said when they were few minutes away from the restaurant.

" I wasn't. I knew you'd handle it" Lilith said. So far, Daniel hasn't showed any sign of being upset.

They got to the restaurant. Daniel parked the car and opened Lilith's door. He placed her elbow in the crook of his arm. Lilith squirmed but went with the flow. They entered and were led to their table.

Dinner was pleasant. They got along well but Lilith was a little reserved. Halfway through the dinner, Lilith brought up the big elephant in the room.

" I've you forgotten your discovery on me, Daniel?" Lilith said looking Daniel straight in the eyes. She didn't break the contact just in case he tried to hide anything.

Daniel cleared his throat, " That isn't something to forget, Lilith"

" And yet, here you are. Trying to get closer to me. Aren't you worried? Don't you like have reserved feelings about it. I don't maybe hurl insults and call me crazy, whatever".

" You see, everyone has a dark side, Lilith. One might just be heavier than the other. It doesn't make any difference. And I know that every dark side of a person has a history. Something that led them to that. My theory is  you've been hurt in the past. And that's why you shield yourself from men. Or maybe not. I don't exactly know why you do what you do but it doesn't change anything for me. You're still the sweet Lilith I know and lo.. Sorry, I got carried away for a second. So, yeah, I'm not calling you crazy cos there's gotta be a reason."

" That's quite a speech there, Daniel. Well, many people of nowadays don't reason like that. They stereotype and jump to conclusions."

" Thank God I'm not many people". Daniel chuckled. He held Lilith's stare, " I want you to know that I'm being sincere and all. And I'm sorry once again for you know. I know you still have some doubts about me. Whenever you want to talk, I'll be listening".

" Alright. Thanks" Lilith faked a smile.

The night ended on a good note. Daniel drove Lilith back to her apartment before heading to his.

Daniel was curious as fuck. He wished for nothing but to know her reason behind it. All he told Lilith was true but he's worried about her mental state. One step at a time, he would wait before asking her about it. For now, he needs to gain her trust and heart.

Don't forget to VOTE.

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