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Dom's POV:

It was a few days since Xavier was put in the hospital. He still hadn't woken up from the coma and we were all getting worried that he wouldn't wake up at all anymore.

Alvaro, Felix, and Ollie told us that they thought it was best if we went back to school since we had about two months left and this was our final year in high school. Benji, Ramy, Kian, and I still haven't thought about what we were going to do after we graduated.

We needed Xavier to tell us what he thought was best for us. I know that we shouldn't be depending on him to make our life choices, but we really didn't know what to do after school finished and he always knew what was the best for everyone.

I was also getting a bit scared since my parents weren't checking up on me as constantly anymore. This last month they only called me once when they would usually call me at least three times to see how I was doing and how my grades were.

What if they just gave up on me because of how I used to be?

I still haven't even told them about Xavier and Benji. Not because I wanted to hide them, but because of how my parents would react. My parents were very old school and strict, so I just had a feeling that they weren't going to accept me or my lovers. It made me sad because it would be my fault that I would lose the relationship that I have with them.

At this point, I wasn't too worried about it if they did disown me as their child. I was constantly scolded and yelled at when I was younger because of the way I was. Xavier changed all of that and I felt like I only needed him and Benji to be happy with my life. It's a bit scary to think about, but I knew that I was going to be fine in the end.

With that, I decided to call my parents and tell them about my relationship with the two males that I loved dearly. My mom's phone rang a few times, then I heard her voice.

"Oh, Dominic, why are you calling? Is something wrong?" I could hear her voice and she sounded a bit off, but I ignored it.

"Can you call dad so that he can be next to you? I need to tell you both something that I have yet to tell you both." I said and heard her hum.

I heard her yell for her husband, then some movement. "Dominic, your father is here. Go on, what were you going to tell us?"

I didn't even get to greet my dad as I said what I had been keeping from them for some time now. "Uh, I have been keeping something from the both of you for a while, because of how old school you both are, um..."

I didn't get to finish when I felt a rush of nerves hit me. I breathed out and cleared my throat. "There's no other way to say this, but that I'm gay-"

"What?! Did you just say you're gay, or did I hear you wrong?" I heard my dad's voice and sighed when I was able to hear the bit of anger in his voice along with amusement because he thought I was joking.

"Yes, dad, you heard me correct. I'm gay and I met-"

"It can't be, Dominic, no child of mine will ever be a gay. It's not right for a man to be with another man. You know that and I taught you to be with a woman!" He screamed in the end and I winced when he yelled into the phone.

"Dominic, we taught you what is right from wrong and you're clearly wrong." My mom said next and I growled.

"I'm not wrong, ok? I'm happy with them and they-"

"'Them?' Oh my, Dominic, what has gotten into you?! Are you ok in the head? Do you need to see a specialist to fix you? We can send you to a-"

"Mom," I yelled through the phone and she stopped, "nothing is wrong with me. I'm fine and-"

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