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"Is this where your family lives?"

"No." I looked up at the one-story house and stepped out, closing the door, "I want you guys to stay here...I'll be back."

I walked towards the house and knocked on the door. The door opened after a few moments and I looked down, smiling and opening my arms.


"Hey, Julien." I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. I pulled away, but he held onto me which made me laugh softly, "Is Leo with you?"

"Yeah, he's in the living room. My parents are out for the week since they're visiting some family."

I rubbed his head, "You didn't go?"

"No, I have an irrational fear of planes. So I stayed behind because I'm too scared." He finally looked up at me, "Dom, Benji, Rami, and Kian told me that you disappeared for five months, Xavier. What happened?"

"I just...I ran away to Las Vegas. I didn't know that I was suffering from PTSD until I ended up in the hospital and told the doctor everything that was happening. I finally found out why I was getting panic and anxiety attacks, flashbacks, nightmares, and why my behavior changed negatively."

"Baby, who's that?" Leo walked up and looked at me, smiling brightly, "Xavier, I missed you!"

He threw himself at me and I chuckled, grunting a little bit when I felt my right shoulder hurt. He pulled away and frowned.

"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry."

"Don't worry, Leo, I'm ok." I smiled and hugged both him and Julien, kissing their cheeks, "I missed the both of you guys so much. I just wanted to stop by to see how you guys were doing, but you guys look great. I'm happy that you guys are still together."

"Us, too." Leo and Julien smiled.

"Well, I'm gonna go back to the house. I'll come by another time when things are somewhat back to normal, ok?" I smiled.

"You promise? I want to see you doing better, Xavier." Leo asked and I nodded.

"Yes, Leo. I promise I'll come back doing better." He smiled as him and Julien hugged me, kissing my cheeks.

I kissed their cheeks back and bid them goodbye, walking back to the car. I hopped in and sighed.

"Who were those boys?" I heard Hunter ask from the back.

"Some friends from my old school. I hadn't talked to either of them in a while so I just wanted to stop by and say hi." I looked out the window and felt how sweaty my hands were. I felt like a panic attack was coming so I breathed deeply, "I don't think I-I can talk to them today."

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, my hands fidgeting in my hair as I whined. "I can't do it..."

The car stopped and I felt hands grab mine, pulling them away from my head. I looked up at Cameron and saw his soft smile. He rubbed my cheek and Evan got out of the car.

"Come sit in the back with us, Xavier."

Evan helped me out of the car and I moved in next to Hunter, laying my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me to pull me closer. Evan moved in and closed the car door, holding my right hand.

Cameron looked back at me, "You don't have to talk to them yet, Xavier. You should talk when you're ready and comfortable to open up. Don't talk because you should. Talk because you're ready to explain, ok?"

I nodded and closed my eyes.

"I think it's best if you take a few days to yourself so that you can prepare yourself."

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