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"Are you guys sleeping here tonight?"


"No." Amir pushed me into the RV first, then shut the door. "I booked a room for Xavier and I tonight, so I'll just be grabbing my stuff, then we'll head across the street to the hotel."

Jace frowned a bit, but nodded. He walked to me and hugged me, kissing my ear.

"It looks like Amir has something special planned, and I'm pretty sure we both know what it's going to be." He pulled back a bit, then pecked my lips. "But good luck."

I blinked. "Good luck?"

"Well, yeah. Good luck on your ass getting pounded." He chuckled and I blinked again.


Jace shook his head, and I watched Manuel come up behind him, wrapping his arms around my brother and pulling him back. He kissed his head, and my brother blushed. A simple sign of affection always had him blushing, so it was extra cute seeing him with Manuel.

"Jace told me that he wanted you to be there for our first time."

I nodded. "I know that it should be a special time between the both of you, but if Jace wants me to be there because he's nervous and scared, then I'll be there for him."

"Oh, I don't mind, Xavier. Jace and I can have many other special times alone in the future." He smiled, and Jace's blush only turned darker.

"I don't like talking about this so...openly..." He looked down at the ground.

Both Manuel and I raised our brows. "We're not in the open, though?"

Jace groaned and shook his head. "Never mind..."

I shrugged and Amir came back with a duffle-bag. He moved to my side and looked at both Manuel and Jace.

"Well, we're leaving. Goodnight."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the RV. "What about Eddie and Reece?"

"They're already asleep."


We walked to a crosswalk and I felt him hold onto my hand. I looked up at him and could see all the colorful lights reflect off his face, making me smile and squeeze his hand.

We crossed the street once it was our turn to cross, then Amir led us to the hotel. It was quite big with high ceilings and it looked super nice and expensive, which made me grumble about that.

"Leave me alone." Amir huffed, making me chuckle.

"Ami, it could've been a cheaper hotel. I don't care."

"If you don't care, then I'll get the most expensive hotel if I want to." He pouted, making me shake my head.

We walked past the lobby and went straight to the elevator. When the doors slid close after pressing the button for our floor, Amir faced me and tilted my head up.

"I love you, mi amore." He smiled softly and I could see his eyes flick around my face. "I'm really happy right now, Xavier."

I smiled. "Me too, Amir."

His smile broadened, then he leaned down to place a gentle kiss on my lips. I hugged him and laid my head against his chest, hearing how fast his heart was pounding.

I couldn't help but smile to myself.

Was he getting nervous for our first time?

The doors opened after a few more moments and Amir grabbed my hand again. He led me through the corridor until we reach the last room. He pulled a keycard out, then swiped it and let me step in first.

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