Xavier's POV:
I was mad at the guys. I know I just got back, and they think that I'll leave them, but I really won't. I just wanted to spend time with my family and have a small break from everything. No boyfriends stuff. No gang stuff. No worrying about falling into a dark hole and getting stuck in my head.
If they weren't going to let me leave, then I'll just have to leave.
After I had went up to my room, I showered and packed a few things in a duffle-bag. I went to one of the guest rooms and put the bag in the closet, then went down once it was time for dinner. It was a quiet dinner, but I didn't really care. I didn't eat much, so I finished up and told the guys that I would be sleeping in one of the guest rooms for the night. I told them goodnight, then left.
Now I was laying in bed just waiting until I knew that everyone was dead sleep. I had locked the door and pulled out the one blunt that I had left from under the nightstand. I popped the window out and climbed onto the roof, but was surprised to find Reece laying down as he stared at the sky.
"What are you doing out here?" I watched him freeze, then he quickly turned to me and sat up. "I don't care if you're up here."
"Oh, ok, I just wanted to watch the stars and moon. Why are you up here?"
"To smoke." I pulled out the lighter and blunt, then lit the end.
"You smoke?" Reece furrowed his brows and I nodded.
I inhaled deeply and felt the familiar burn at the back of my throat. I blew the smoke out and coughed into my sleeve, chuckling when my eyes watered.
"Yes, I-I do, well, not in a long time." I took another long drag of it and coughed, holding it out for Reece. "Do you want to try?"
"I'm fine..." He shook his head, but continued to look at me. "Are you ok?"
I chuckled, "Of course not."
Reece looked away and I continued smoking. The cold breeze felt great, but the end of my blunt would go out, which kept annoying me. I put the end of the blunt out once I smoked half of it, then put it back into the small tube.
I laid down and sighed, staring at the sky. "Reece..."
He turned to me and I chuckled. "I'm going to leave for a bit. But then the guys are going to worry, then they're going to try and look for me. I just don't understand why they can't...like I can't even visit my own family. They're trying to keep control over me again..."
I groaned loudly and rolled over onto my stomach, feeling a small hand land on my back. "I just need a break from everything. Breathing. Living. Everything."
Reece didn't say anything, but he laid down next to me and scooted closer since it was getting colder. "I understand what you're saying, but we still have to keep trying, Xavier."
Turning my head to lay it on my arm, I stared at him with a small smile. "I like you. You're so nice and cool even after all that you've been through."
The smaller boy blushed lightly. "Thank you. You're pretty nice, too."
"Thanks." I pulled him closer, "I want good things to happen to you. I don't want bad things to happen to you anymore. You've had more than enough. You deserve good things to come your way."
Reece nodded, "I do too, but we can't control things. Whatever happens, happens."
"You're right." I closed my eyes for a while, then opened them and sat up. "Well, I have to go, Reece."
"You're going to sleep?" He asked and I shook my head.
"No, I'm going to my family's home. The guys don't want me to go and sort of aren't letting me go, but I'm still going. I just need a break, but I'll be back...soon." He nodded and I got up, looking back down at him. "Tell them that I love them and not to worry about me. I'll be staying at my family's home, so they'll know that I'm safe."

The Ones For Him
Romance(Not Edited) Not a stand-alone! (#1) The One For Them ~~~~~ (bxb+) After winning the battle against Mauricio's gang, Xavier, his friends, and three of his lovers headed out to go home. What they didn't expect is that Mauricio himself would come bac...