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Xavier's POV, one week later:

Alvaro helped me out of his car and I thanked him. He locked his car and we made our way to his brother's house. I looked up at Amir's big, one story house and smiled. I hadn't been here in a while and that meant that I haven't been here in almost three years.

"You think he'll answer, or ignore us like last time you checked up on him?" I asked Ali as I looked up at the camera that was in Amir's driveway.

"He might not answer, but I have an idea in case that does happen." Alvaro playfully smiled and rang the doorbell to his brother's house.

We waited a few minutes and nobody came for the door. I turned to Alvaro and he grabbed my hand, leading me around the outside of Amir's house until we reached a sliding backdoor. He turned to me and smiled.

"Go hide around the corner and wait until Amir is chasing me out the door, ok?"

I gave him a confused look and he shooed me away. I went back and hid behind a corner, watching him bang his hands on the glass backdoor loudly and calling his brother's name. I laughed quietly, but held my breath when the door slid open loudly. I couldn't see the inside of the house from here, but I was able to hear.

"What the fuck do you want?!" Amir growled.

I frowned when I heard the raspiness and tiredness in his voice, a bit of sadness seemed to be buried in there too.

"Woah, when was the last time you took a shower, Amir? I thought you were the one to always be a bit of a cleanfreak?" Alvaro waved his hand around and stepped back, gagging jokingly.

"Why are you here?"

Ali pouted and clutched his chest. "I can't hang out with my older brother? I don't want him to be sulking by himself in his house." Amir grunted as his younger brother continued speaking, "I'll help you clean up. Here, step outside."


"So that I can wash you off with the hose, duh!" Alvaro laughed in his face and I heard Amir growl.

"Shut up, Alvaro. Remember when we were younger and-"

Alvaro jumped on him and covered his mouth. "You said we would never bring that up again!"

"Well, it's obviously a lie. Get off me, Alvaro!"

"No, you smell. You should be happy I don't have the hose in my hand or else I would be spraying you down with it!"

I heard silence, then heard grunts as I watched the pair of brothers fall on the grass. Amir pinned Alvaro below him with his hands and laughed. Alvaro tried getting out of his grip, but he was a bit weaker than his brother so he wasn't able to escape.

"Let me go, Amir!" I laughed into my hands and watched Amir's scowl turn into a smirk.

"I'll only let you go if you whine and beg me like how you used to when we were younger."

Alvaro's eyes widened and he blushed lightly. "N-No."

Amir shrugged. "I guess we'll stay here until you beg, then."

They sat there, staring at each other for a few minutes until Amir leaned closer and whispered something into Ali's ear. He froze and Amir pulled back with a smirk.

"You know how far I'll go, Al. You better do it or else-"

"Xavier, you can come out now!" Alvaro cut his brother off and I huffed, wanting to know what Amir was going to say.

I'll ask him some other time.

Amir froze and looked up, watching me come out from my hiding spot. I smiled and he sat back, letting go of Ali's wrists.

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