"Ahh!" I held onto Kai's hand and he squeezed my hand tightly. The coaster slowed down and Kai whined beside me. "I r-really didn't like that..."
The coaster stopped and the bars lifted. I helped Kai out and he stumbled into my side, whining quietly.
"Is he ok?" Dom asked me and I shrugged.
"Can you just carry him out?"
Dom nodded and picked Kai up, walking to the gate. When we were out of the people's way, Dom set Kai down on a bench and I crouched in front of him, grabbing onto his hands.
"Are you ok, Kitty? How are you feeling?"
"I'm ok, Master. I just didn't like that ride, it was a bit too fast and shaky." He explained and I sat next to him.
"I'm sorry for making you go, Kitty." I smiled sadly at him, but he shook his head.
"I wanted to go on it with you, Master. It's my fault for pushing myself." He kissed my cheek. "I just need a small break because I feel sick."
I nodded and he leaned on my shoulder. I checked the time and realized that the indoor amusement park was going to close soon anyway.
"We should go back. The park is going to close in less than an hour anyway."
My lovers agreed, and Amir picked Kai up. My kitty rested his head on his shoulder and we left the park. I held hands with Rami and Benji, and swung our hands.
"I feel bad for my cute, little kitten, but that last ride was still a lot of fun."
"Yeah. I haven't been to an amusement park in a long time." Benji said and squeezed my hand.
"Kian and I used to go to them a lot with our friends when we were younger. We both love rollercoasters! Huh, K?" Rami looked beside him at his brother, and he nodded.
"Yeah, we would go a lot with our family too, but it felt good if it was just Rami and I with some friends, so since we have you guys, it feels like old times." Kian smiled at me, and I winked.
We walked for a few blocks and reached the parking lot where the RVs were. Manuel, Jace, Gio, Marco, Eddie, and Reece had gone to the strip to walk around.
"Gio took the keys." Amir sighed, and I pulled him into the boys' mini home.
"Just stay with us until they come back." I pushed him down onto the booth with Kai still on him.
"Daddy, are we going to sleep?"
I looked down at Quincy and noticed that he was looking at me with tired eyes. "It's pretty late, so yeah. Want me to help you change?"
"Mhm," he sat down on the bed and I started pulling out pajamas from his suitcase.
I chose a loose, white shirt and another pair of boxers for him. It was pretty warm out even if it was almost midnight, so it would probably be warm when we sleep.
I stripped Quincy down and helped him dress, then grabbed Bert, who was a big, baby chick stuffed animal. He hugged it tightly, but I grabbed his toothbrush and handed him the travel-size toothpaste.
I then helped Kai sit next to Quincy and made sure that he was feeling better, before helping him change. I gave him his toothbrush after and they went to the tiny bathroom to brush their teeth.
"Master, help me..."
I turned around and laughed when I saw Levi struggling to put his shirt on. "What did you do?"
"I don't know. Help me."
I pulled Levi's arm through the arm hole and his head through the top, pulling his shirt down. "There, all better."

The Ones For Him
Romance(Not Edited) Not a stand-alone! (#1) The One For Them ~~~~~ (bxb+) After winning the battle against Mauricio's gang, Xavier, his friends, and three of his lovers headed out to go home. What they didn't expect is that Mauricio himself would come bac...