Chapter 1

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Sonic holds in his breathe, gripping his pistol tightly. He was covering behind a police car, in the middle of a shoot out. There was a dead police man by his side, poor guy. Only started 4 months ago. Now he's dead on the ground. Sonic kneel's up and shoots at the drug dealers; there was only 4 left, hiding behind some barrels or their cars. Sonic shoot three times, one of his bullets go through a dealers shoulder. Knocking him down as he screams from the impact. Sonic hovers back down, glances over to his deputy; Tails. Who was hiding behind a police car a few feet away. Tails nods, signaling that Sonic has a opening to run. Sonic nods back, showing that he understands as he looks over to the opening. Sonic curls up in a ball and zooms to the dealers, knocking them down in a straight line. He then stands up, "Move it people! Inside! Inside!" He orders as he reloads his gun. The police officers run into the building (Whilst two stay behind to cuff the knocked out criminals), raising their guns in case anyone else were inside the building. They run in to find bags full of cocaine, scattered and some still on the tables. There was no one inside, most of them had already escaped the raid. Especially Shadow. Sonic seems to be so close to catching him, only for him to somehow slip away in time. Frustrating him more and more each day, knowing he had Shadow in the palm of his hands. For him to disappear. The police searched the whole building, finding no one but the drugs. "God dammit!" Sonic stamps his left foot down in annoyance. His deputy sighs, "Calm down Sonic. I'm sure we'll get him. We just have to be two-steps ahead him!" The yellow fox assures. "Sure. Thanks for the small pep-talk but... I doubt it." Sonic says, exiting the room. Heading out for a smoke. Tails shakes his head before he continues to take photos of the scenery.


The office reeked of smoke and alcohol; Shadow never minded the smell though. All he cared about now was getting back at that cop. That cop who never gives up on trying to catch him. To  him the hedgehog was nothing but a problem. His slams his fist on the desk, "Fucking assholes! This is going to fuck up the business." He groans, leaning back into his chair. Across from him was his 2nd hand man Scourge, sitting in one of the red armchairs. The other was empty. The room was dim lit, the only light source was the sun. Peaking through the closed blinders behind Shadow. Along with Shadow's cigar being lit. "Well what should we do? Most of our men got killed or arrested by that raid." Scourge groans, placing his hand onto his forehead. Rubbing it from the stress and frustration. There was silence until Shadow spoke up, "Maybe... we can use something against that prick. If there's any dirt on him, we blackmail him with it." Scourge smirks and nods in agreement. Moving his hand away from his forehead, to grab the chairs arm. Pushing himself upward in the chair. "Yeah we could! Blackmail him to give us the money he owes, for ruining our last factory of coke." He gets up from his chair with a confident smirk. Scourge loved blackmailing others, knowing you had something that the person would try to hide. A deep and dirty secret kept away from everyone they know, only for a complete stranger to find it. And use it against you. Letting them use you as a puppet, just so no one else could know the secret. It thrilled him, for once being the one in control of another.

Shadow gazes up at his right hand man with a devils grin, "Find anything you can on this faker." He commands. Scourge nods before turning on his black boots heel. Exiting Shadows office, leaving him alone. Once he was alone, a sigh escapes his lips. 3 years of their rivalry, yet Shadow seems to be the one losing. That last raid is tanking his drug business and making him lose more men. There is only 2 factories left, his casino (Which Shadow and Silver own together as partners) and 3 nightclubs. The hedgehog leans further back into his chair, rubbing his forehead. Pondering about his rival, what could they find on this faker?

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