Scene 13 - Washington's Terror

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The IronSword further happily continues his slaughter and mass destruction of the burning city before him. Laughing further at the infernal damage he creates around himself.


HA HA HA! This little slab of weakling scum doesn't stand much of a chance left!

Thunderbird 1 zooms off to Washington, being there very shortly.


International Rescue from Thunderbird 1, approaching danger zone. Height 2,500 feet. Air speed 7.500 MPH. I'll be arriving at Washington in two minutes from now.


F.A.B Scott. Be careful out there.


Sure thing dad.

Thunderbird 1 enters over the city, with Scott displaying a map for him of the city, with the IronSword on the opposite edge of the city. Washington, a dystopian remain with panic, cars dashing and people panicking, screaming, and running as more bolts of energy blast from the IronSword at the towers.


They must send something soon!

Doctor Who/Thunderbirds: Leader Of The IronSwordWhere stories live. Discover now