Scene 26 - Fixed

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The red smoke had passed. We return to the Doctor and Rose on the tower together. They stand facing the city, Rose leaning on the Doctor's shoulders bored and tired. The Time Lord, wearing his glasses, in the meantime still fixes with the Particle Holder device, meticulously and strained, holding his sonic in his mouth as he fixes and plays around with the circuits and internal mechanism.


It's really pretty out there.


Yep. Nice seeing a rescue first hand. You tired?


Yeah. Just a bit. Long day. Never thought to meet International Rescue, get pinned to the TARDIS by a space rhino, see a city's destruction. I don't like seeing it this way.


None of us do Rose. It's always fine with you and me isn't it?


Hmmmm. Yeah.

She hugs the Doctor. He then hugs her too, taking off his glasses. They hold it for a moment, then looking into each other's eyes for a moment. Leaning into each other? Just at that precise moment, the radio calls out.


Thunderbird 1 to the Doctor. Thunderbird 1 to the Doctor. Are you receiving me?


Bad timing.


Hello? Scott, what's the situation? The city safe?

Rose goes to check the IronSword lying at the bottom of the tower.


Yes Doctor. Washington is safe now. I'll explain on the way back. Coming to pick you two up now.


Doctor! He's gone!




The IronSword. He's gone.

The Doctor rushes to look down with Rose. And he had gone. He then frowns and heads back to where he was, followed by Rose as he continues to fix the Particle Holder with the Sonic Screwdriver on the circuits.


Right. Haven't got a moment to lose! Just finish up tweaking the Particle Holder. Give it a bit of a blast up. Re-route the internal mechanism and circuitry, and should be right as reign! There! Good as new!

The Doctor marvels smugly at what he has achieved. Rose screams!



He turns around, to his terror – the IronSword has her in his arms, trapped! And she can't escape from them! Not even bite or wriggle her way out, for the IronSword also had a beam of bright purple energy hanging over her head which he would use to kill her with! He then levitates over the edge, her legs dangling off – failing to fight against the IronSword.


Well Doctor! Drop the device! Or Ms. Tyler dies!

The Doctor frowns again, his sonic preparing to activate behind his back. He tightens his grip over Rose.


Doctor! Don't!


I'll do it Doctor!

Doctor Who/Thunderbirds: Leader Of The IronSwordWhere stories live. Discover now