Scene 21 - The Doctor vs The IronSword

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The Doctor, Rose and the IronSword. Rose hangs onto the Doctor as he does the talking for the moment, as the majestic and powerful Leader steps forward to announce himself further. The Doctor frowns.


Well then, Doctor. What Time Lord magic have you against me that will stop my unstoppable legion? A unique adversary. The last of your kind. And a mere humanoid from our own reality. What use is she, the weak kind?


Well, guts to face off a power mad ruler killing everything before his eyes. Easy stuff.


It has courage too. And insolence. Perhaps I underestimated your allies, Doctor. You and your companions are loyal, resourceful, yet foolish to reckon with the greatest and most honourable race throughout creation itself! For even the Time Lords cannot prevent the vengeance of...


Yeah, yeah. You know what mate is that you type are just who tongue-wag, you announce that you, you know, intend to hold the world to ransom, destroy, rule yada, yada, nothing new in 900 years. But what's the point of it all? Why do you do it? And the worst bit is that you're type just don't seem to ever learn from it.


You dare to mock the might and the legion of I? Leader of the IronSword?


Well, wouldn't be the first time.


Oh, Doctor. You shall regret that remark. You will!


Well before you kill us both then, tell us what you're doing here. Like why, why have you been exiled and run off. If you're meant to be so mighty and strong then why did you run?


And you, weakling, dare to further mock the arts of war!


Well it's a good question. Besides, Leader, can I call you that, seeing that you're not leading much by the looks of this, why did you run away!


As you ran away from your home Doctor?


I wasn't exiled! Well, sort of, but never mind... Are you going to answer my companion's question, or are you afraid?


Afraid?! The Leader of the IronSword afraid?! Alright! My leadership! My honour! My rightful place as commander of our people! It was challenged! Abused! Ruined! I was driven out from our home! Left to scavenge and let myself be hunted as prey for the Judoon! I was hunted down across from the deepest corners of the universe. But a warrior never backs down! I hid from them. Somewhere so safe, where I can rebuild my army and calm my rightful and glorious revenge against those dim-witted animals! And for every puny, inferior little worm!


Oh here we go, the old the universe shall be swept away and destroyed or an angry bloke will release his new ideas out for the cosmos to obey or else. Sorry mate, you're not so intimidating as you kind of thing.


You wag your tongue well. Too well. And to insulate for my legion! You choose your next words well Doctor, because they might be your last!


Well that's not going to happen. But, yeah, so, you chose the Earth to rebuild from, and get your revenge from then?

Doctor Who/Thunderbirds: Leader Of The IronSwordWhere stories live. Discover now