Chapter 22

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"Spending time with my love," Tom says.

He leans in for a kiss, but I push back.

"Are you drunk?" he comes inside my house.

"Who-Who is this basterd?"

"That's my boyfriend Tom," I say

Antonio gets up and his face is all serious. He comes over to me and starts talking to Tom. I can't hear anything I just see their mouths move. I hear thunder. Thunder? I turn around I hear it again and again. Its coming from down the hall. I slowly go toward the rooms. I get closer and closer. The closer I get the louder and louder it gets. I walk into my room. And I see purple lighting and a dark grey clouds all over my room. I want to touch it I don't know why I just do. I reach my hand out and step closer. The lighting is sparkly. Out of nowhere Vanessa tackles me to the ground.

"W-What are you doing?"I ask weirly

"Saving your life," she says calmly. She gets back up and casts a spell I have never herd before.
Dark moon and dark night, tonight is Halloween and with the strength of ME! GO AWAY dark magic AND NEVER RETURN!

The words echoed making her voice powerful with every word she said. She held her hands out and a powerful wind came and like a tornado swirled it away making it disappear .

"It was dark magic?"

"Yes,and your lucky I can in time to save you or else. You would have gone off with Tom and he would've have taken your magic and killed you."

"Wait-wait Tom?!?! You mean there is another guy named Tom right!?"

Vanessa stayed silent.

"VANESSA!! You mean he has magical powers?!"

"Yes I'm sorry," she says

I take this all in. I can't believe our relationship was a lie. THEY WERE ALL LIES. HE USED ME JUST TO GET TO MY MAGIC. HE NEVER DID LOVE ME. HE WAS JUST PRETENDING. AND THAT'S WHY HE WANTED ME BACK! AND CAME HERE TODAY! I BET HE WASN'T REALLY DRUNK JUST AN ACT.  The room gets colder as I wraped my mind around what just happened. All the doors and windows close. Vanessa looks all around and goes to the window to try and budge them open. My fist clenches and my knuckles turn white. Wind starts to swirl all around my bedroom making a huge mess.

"LESLIE!!!STOP" I heard Vanessa scream

I don't want to stop because I don't care anymore. I just want to go downstairs with Antonio. ANTONIO??!!! He is in the living room with that devil. I open the door and quickly turn to air and race to the living room. He wasn't there ANTONIO AND TOM WERE GONE.

"WHERE ARE THEY!" I shout at Vanessa.

" I don't know," she says innocently.

"WHERE does he live!"

"Your eyes,"

"WHAT!" I say in a confused angry voice.

"They are red," she says scared

"I don't care. WHERE DOES HE LIVE!"

"Leslie calm down," she says motioning her hands.

"DO NOT tell me to calm down he has ANTONIO!" At that moment all I wanted to do was kill.

"Calm down Calm down we all have-" she starts chanting.

" What are you doing?" I ask but she keeps on going "STOP!" I scream in an all powerful voice making her fall back. Really hard along with knocking other objects to the ground. I didn't really care at this point about anything. My magic was at its strongest right now I could feel it. I walk to where she was lying on the ground bleeding.

"Where. Does Tom live?" I say in a more calm intimidated voice.

She doesn't say anything probably passed out or dead. I smile at the thought. I walk outside and cast a spell showing me the way to wear he lives. I walk out of town following my magic. Its always gold but now its a glowing black. I follow it thinking of all the ways I could kill Tom. My ex boyfriend I can't believe I ever dated him. My mind leads to Vanessa. What did she mean my eyes by my eyes are red?

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