Chapter 2🩸

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May 2, 1994
Desire Hemera

The smell of DeVanté's blood rushing through his veins as he spoke to me almost made me collapse. It's extremely hard being who I am, especially when I'm around men who are enticed by me. But this is what I asked for, so I guess I have to deal with not being able to devour just anyone.

I've been a vampire for about 7 years. After both of my parents died from being ill when I was 18, I fell into a deep depression. I was alone. I don't have any siblings and I didn't really get to meet any family members growing up. I also didn't have a lot of friends but that didn't bother me because I enjoyed my own company a lot. Friends were a waste of time and trouble, in my opinion. It was always just my parents and I, but I loved it. Our little happy family was enough for me to be excited to live everyday. When I lost them I didn't know what to do with myself. I suddenly felt like all that joy I once had, never existed. I wanted to kill myself many times but couldn't actually go through it. All I wanted was to stop feeling pain. To stop feeling hurt. I wanted to just to stop feeling.

Then one day I met K-Ci Hailey. He literally just came out of no where. I never cared to have friends but when he came into my life, he started to bring back some sort of happiness into my life. He was goofy and made me laugh almost every second of the day. He seemed to genuinely care about me. It was something I haven't felt in a while. He introduced me to his brother, Jojo, who was just as kind and a real sweetheart. I moved in with them and they both became my new family.

But everything came crashing down again when they both revealed to me that they were vampires. At first I didn't believe them because... what the fuck? But then they showed me their fangs and everything. I wasn't scared at all. Instead I was quite fascinated and actually wondered why they haven't attempted to do anything to me.

When I realized that my only 2 friends would live on forever and I would grow old and die alone, I wanted nothing to do with them anymore. I wanted to go back into my little cave and hide from the world. But that was when I decided to ask K-Ci to turn me. He wasn't too fond of the idea but I just had to explain to him that I was tired of feeling emotions. I wanted to stop feeling depressed and hurt by my parents sudden death. If I was going to continue living, I wanted to live without a care in the world. No emotions. No sadness and no anger. No happiness and no love.

"I met someone last night." I said to K-Ci as I blankly stared at the TV in front of us while Fresh Prince of Bel-Air played.

"Oh word?! Who?" He asked while eating away at his popcorn, not taking his eyes off the television.

"A guy at the bar, his name's DeVanté. He plays the piano there." I responded. K-Ci's head slowly turned to me, staring at me for a couple of seconds before grabbing the remote to turn off his show.

He sighed and put his bowl of popcorn down on the table. "You haven't tried to make any friends since you met us and I'm glad you tryna do it now. But do you plan on tellin' him bout yaself?" He asked.

I looked down and shrugged, "I don't know. I wanted to sink my teeth into him so bad, K-Ci. I heard the way his heart was rapidly beating and it made his blood smell so fucking strong. He gave me his number and he seems like a nice guy but I don't wanna hurt him. I don't think I'm gonna go back to the bar either." I said and finally looked up at him as he moved in closer to me.

He threw his arm over me and took my hand with his free one, "control yaself, baby doll. Remember what me and Jo taught you? If you feel like you gon' lose it, sing a melody out loud or in ya head. Music calms everything. That's why you go down to that bar every weekend ain't it?" He chuckled and smiled at me.

It was extremely hard getting used to being a vampire when I first got turned. I basically killed everyone in sight. K-Ci and Jojo helped me back up the crimes though by telling police and witnesses that they were eaten by animals. I don't know how they made everyone believe them, but it worked.

However, they did have to find a way to train me in order for me to stop hunting so freely like that. That's when they turned to music to help me out. K-Ci noticed how much I enjoyed listening to the records in his home. I told him that the music would keep me relaxed whenever I started to feel like I was about to leave and do some crazy shit again. Him and Jojo would sing to me when I would have outbursts of how hungry I was, and it helped me every single time. After we found this remedy for me, they would just do the hunting for me since they were more experienced. They also trained me to go after animal blood such as deer and bears if I ever got hungry and they weren't around to tend to me.

I looked back at him and nodded, "yea... it is. It's beautiful, the way he plays. And the way the young woman sings is everything. Makes me forget who I am sometimes." I said with a slight smile.

He raised his eyebrow at me, "woman? And she could sang?! Who dat?" He asked, causing me to laugh at his typical boy behaviour.

"DeVanté said her name is Mary." I responded.

"She pretty?" He quickly asked. I playfully rolled my at him and chuckled, "yes. She's very beautiful, just like her voice." I said.

He slowly nodded with a smirk on his face as he removed his arm from around me. "You goin' back to that bar on Sunday and I'm comin' wit ya." He instructed, turning back on the television and grabbing his popcorn.

I shook my head and waved him off, turning my attention back to the screen. The front door opened with Jojo coming in with bags of blood and my eyes lit up. "I brought food!" He yelled, and I immediately got up and ran to him. "Well damn, Desire. Slow down girl." He laughed and shook his head at me as I gulped down a whole bag. I stuck my middle finger at him and walked away to my room with another bag.

I closed my door and plopped down on my bed, bringing the bag of blood up to my mouth. Noticing DeVanté's number on my dresser, I stopped my feeding and picked it up. "You're not ready for all of this, DeVanté." I said to myself while staring at the paper. I put it back on my dresser and laid down flat on my back, closing my eyes to drift off into a deep sleep.
"It's better if I just dream about you..."



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