Chapter 27❤️

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While Desire and Sincere awaited in their cell for DeVanté's return, the crew back at Giselle's place began to put their plan in motion. Sarafina had set out to The Land Of Fairies to collect more invisible dust while DeVanté made a phone call to Amaru to inform him of what's going on.

DeVanté gave out instructions to Amaru to let all the other associates and workers know back at the castle that their help was going to be much needed. Of course, they were all hesitant knowing that Chance and King Adonis aren't people you should be messing with. But just like DeVanté, Desire and their friends, everyone back at the castle was just about tired of all the shit they've been put through and all the absurd demands and rules they've had to follow. They were ready to put their lives on the line if it meant taking out Chance, Adonis, and Nyx.

Meanwhile, Nyx was sure something was up with DeVanté. She stomped back into the royal palace, once he drove off on his motorcyle, eager to report the brief encounter to Chance.

She swung Chance's bedroom door open, completely unfazed by the sexual acts he was currently participating in.

"I'm busy." Chance said nonchalantly while keeping his eyes on the woman who's lips slurped up and down on his shaft as he gripped her hair. Another naked woman popped out from his bedroom's bathroom and slowly strutted her way over to the bed to join the activities.

"I don't care. DeVanté went out." Nyx disclosed. Chance furrowed his eyebrows, "ok...and?" He was getting agitated by Nyx's presence but eased up as one of the females began to leave trails of kisses down from his neck to his chest.

Nyx huffed and folded her arms, "have you checked on the boy and your niece since you brought them in?" She questioned him.

Chance angrily grunted before stopping the women from continuing on with their lustful endeavours. "Why are you so fucking annoying?!" He pulled the sheets over his exposed bottom half and sat up on the bed as he yelled at Nyx. "No, I haven't! I've shielded Sincere's powers and Desire ain't nothing but a helpless human being now. There ain't no fucking key down there anyway! You wanna check on 'em, Nyx? Go ahead. Now get the fuck out. Always ruining some shit." Chance returned his attention back to the young ladies, leaving Nyx standing there with her chest heaving up and down as frustration grew within her.

She swiftly spun around and exited the room. Her heels harshly clicked against the floor as she made her way to the castle's lab. She aggressively dashed all the potions she needed inside of a big a bowl and waited for them to settle in. Once the liquid began to bubble up, she proceeded to speak softly into in the bowl.

"Show me DeVanté." Nyx requested. The substance tried to form the images of DeVanté's current whereabouts, but nothing occurred.

"I said... show me DeVanté!" She shouted into the bowl. Her now red pupils, glowed in anger while her fangs suddenly shot out from her gums. She roughly pushed the bowl off the table and stormed out of the lab.

Nyx knew better than to disturb King Adonis during after hours, so finding DeVanté's location was something she would have to execute on her own.  She made her way out into the garden and straight towards Desire and Sincere's new home.

The two friends were fast asleep on the cold ground of their prison but that didn't stop Nyx from doing a damn thing.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO DEVANTÉ!?" Nyx screamed loud enough for both Sincere and Desire to jump out of their slumber.

"Wh- Excuse you?" Desire squinted, still trying to fully wake herself up.

Nyx paced back and forth with her hands on her hips in front of the cell. She just had a feeling that Desire was connected to the reason why she was unable to see where DeVanté was.

"What did you do to him? Did he come down here?!" Nyx halted her movements and faced Desire.

Desire kissed her teeth, "listen lady..." she stood up on her feet. "I have no idea what you're talking about. As you can see, me and Sincere have been asleep. Don't come stomping up in here all mad and shit just because your loose ass pussy can't hold him—"

"You listen to me!" Nyx slammed and held her hands tightly onto the bars of the cell. "It's over for you. You should've left Kazam along time ago but no. You chose to stay and behave like a little typical, pathetic human girl. Now look where you ended up." She taunted and released an evil chuckle.

"Poor Desire, chasing after a man who no longer loves her." Nyx grinned and removed her grip off the bars. "He doesn't want you. He doesn't love you, his brother, or the rest of the peasants he once cared for. You all are just people of the past now."

Desire was unbothered by Nyx's words, knowing that the spell on DeVanté has already been broken. She just snickered and turned away to sit back down on the ground. "Such ugly words from such a beautiful woman." Desire spoke up and let a yawn escape from her mouth.

"Get out so we can go back to sleep." She spat at Nyx. Nyx dry chuckled with a grimacing smirk, "enjoy it while it lasts." She turned on her heels and exited the chamber.

Desire and Sincere gave each other a look before bursting out into laughter.

"She's in for a rude awakening."



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