Chapter 12🩸

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June 13, 1994
Desire Hemera

"The fuck..." I mumbled to myself as I woke up with blurred vision and a serious headache.

I rubbed and blinked my eyes rapidly, trying to regain focus. Once I was able to catch a little bit of the surroundings around me, I carefully picked myself up off the cold floor to stand up. My legs were still weak, causing me to stumble and hit the wall. I looked around the room I was in, noticing it to be quite familiar. The last thing I remember was my loser Uncle busting down DeVanté's door and De trying to get him to leave.

"DeVanté?!" I tried to yell but the grogginess in my voice wouldn't allow it.

I used the wall as support to help me walk over to the window. It was daytime now so I guess I must've been knocked out for a while. All I could see was a baseball field and a few parked cars on the side of the street. And then it hit me.

"What the hell am I doing here?"

Here I am back in Harlem, at my old house that I grew up in. I turned around to look around the room once again and realized this was my old bedroom. I could tell nobody moved in here after I moved to Brooklyn judging by the way the room was all ugly and dusty. Sort of like an abandoned house.

I suddenly felt something inside my chest beating really fast. My body felt extremely warm and I could feel myself getting scared, a feeling I haven't felt in a very long time.

I started breathing deeply in and out as I brought my hand up to the left side of my chest, "my heart?" I questioned myself in confusion.

Why am I starting to feel a heart inside of me? I thought that shit was long gone. And why the hell is my body so fucking warm? Why am I at my old house? Where is DeVanté? What the fuck is going on?

I started to panic at all things that were happening all at once. I slid down on the wall back onto the wooden floor, trying to control myself.

"It's a dream... it's just a weird ass dream. Wake up Desire. Wake up!" I whisper shouted to myself with my eyes shut tightly.

I repeatedly told myself to wake up from this horrible nightmare when suddenly, I heard the bedroom door open and a grimacing chuckle. I immediately opened my eyes and seen my Uncle Chance walking over to me, "look who's finally awake. How ya doin', niece?" He asked as he squatted down in front of me with an evil grin on his face.

"What the fuck do you want from me? Wh-where's DeVanté?" I questioned as my eyes started to swell up with tears.

Chance raised an eyebrow and cocked his head back, "De who?!- oh... that light skin nigga with the kid hairstyle? He ain't here." He replied dryly and stood back up. I watched him take out a cigar from his pocket, lighting it and taking a pull from it before beginning to speak again.

"You ain't gotta be afraid, niece. I'm just here to protect you." He informed me.

I slowly got up from the floor, "from what? You don't even know me. I already know what you did to my parents and what you did to me after you killed them. You're sick you know that?!" I spat at him, looking him up and down in disgust.

He scoffed and took another hit from his cigar, "whatever them kids told you is a lie—"

"They'd never lie to me." I quickly cut him off. He chuckled and walked closer to me, "you know... you look just like yo mother." He said while circling around me.

I took a deep breath and gulped down my saliva. He stopped in front of me with a serious look on his face, "listen Desire, I care about you. You family. We only got each other. Them kids you been stayin' with all these years ain't yo blood, I am. Whatever they told you is false. And whatever you got goin' on with that light skin boy, ain't real." He expressed.

I instantly twisted up my face, "excuse you? You're not my fucking family, you're a monster! How dare you come up in my life talking all this bullshit to me. Them kids have been there for me! And DeVanté loves me. You don't know shit, get the fuck out my face." I brushed passed my Uncle and headed out the room. He ran up behind me and snatched me back by my arm, looking me dead in my eyes.

"You think that boy loves you?! Don't be stupid, niece. That lil nigga only wants one thing from you and that's yo mothafuckin vagina! You been a vampire all these years, so of course you ain't gon' know what real love feels like. But lemme tell you somethin', you better open up ya eyes real quick. Niggas are dogs, I would know. He doesn't love you. He's just usin' you for his own pleasure. What human is gon' really love a vampire, Desire? Stop bein' naive!" He let go of my arm and my body started going back to its usual cold feeling.

He gave me a devilish smirk, "I am the only one who cares about you. Remember... we are family." He disclosed.

Without breaking eye contact, I hesitantly shook my head. "You don't know what you're talking about." I said blandly. His eyes continued to stare deeply into mine as his pupils suddenly flashed into a red colour, "oh but I do. None of them kids care about you. Open up your eyes." A wide grin appeared his face.

My body felt frozen and I could no longer feel my heart beating. For some reason, I couldn't look away from Uncle Chance's eyes. Something was telling me to but I just couldn't. I felt hypnotized. My mind was agreeing with everything he was saying while something deep down inside of me was telling me he was wrong. But in this moment, all of his words were real to me and I actually started to believe that this estranged uncle of mine was truly the only one who cares about me. I mean after all, we are family. Real family.

"Let's go, niece." And with that being said, I slowly nodded and his eyes went back to normal. I followed him downstairs and outside into his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked him while staring blankly straight ahead as he drove off.

"We goin' where you shoulda been a long time ago, niece. You comin' home".



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