Chapter 25❤️

445 41 40

Ala Kazam
Desire Hemera

The ray beam connected from Sincere's eyes to mine disappeared and I released a deep breath. "Welp. If Chance doesn't kill me, she definitely is once I get up outta here." I rested the back of my head against the wall.

After leaving DeVanté's subconscious, Sincere still had some energy left for me to speak to one more person and like an idiot, I chose Aunt Abby. I explained to her what happened and where I currently am. Let's just say, her ass is just about ready to fuck my shit all the way up.

"I'm really sorry again, Des. This shit is all my fault." Sincere apologized and sat against the wall beside me.

"It's alright. It's actually my fault, I shouldn't have called you." I sighed.

"Ouch." He held on to his chest.

"Oh- no not like that. Well, actually... yea. B-but I mean—"

Sincere let out a chuckle, "aye it's cool. I get what you mean." He said and we both laughed.

"Thanks again for helping me." I said as a wide smile formed on my face.

"No problem. I just hope ya mans can snap outta this shit soon. I'm hungry as hell." He expressed.

I quickly looked at him, "aren't you a vampire also?" I asked, remembering the information he told me when we met at the party.

"Yup." He responded.

"Wow. So you just everything, huh?" I snickered.

"It's in my genes. Got all different types of people and creatures in my family. That's why we so broke, nobody wants to take us in for work. They all think we weird and dangerous to the public." He explained while fidgeting with the chains on his ankles.

I looked at Sincere with sorry eyes and turned my head away from him to look for a sharp object around me. I spotted a piece of glass and quickly crawled to it. Sticking my arm out in front of me, I used the glass to cut into it as I hissed at the slight stinging sensation.

"Here." I quickly crawled back to Sincere. His eyes lit up and he immediately grabbed my forearm and drank from my open wound.

I chuckled and licked my lips, "I used to be a vampire too."

He pulled away from my arm and looked at me in shock, "forreal?!" He questioned. I nodded at him and smiled. "Yea. I was one for 7 years. That's why I didn't really go out much. I was afraid of what I might do to people, until I met De. That nigga was very persistent and wouldn't take no for an answer." I laughed as I thought about DeVanté and I's first few encounters with each other

"Damn. So he wasn't scared of you?" Sincere asked.

"Surprisingly, no. I remember spazzing out after we kissed for the first time. I transformed into my vampire form right in front of him. He wasn't scared but I was. I thought he was gonna try to kill me or go around telling everybody that there was a real vampire in his home. I was freaking the fuck out. But you know what he did instead?"

"What?" A side grin appeared on Sincere's face.

"Music. He's very talented, he can sing and knows how to play almost every instrument ever create- anyway, he sang me this beautiful song that I still remember the words to while he played his acoustic guitar."

"Awwwwwwww..." Sincere dramatically dragged and I playfully kissed my teeth and rolled my eyes. "Boy, be quiet!" I laughed and shoved him.

We both continued to share a laugh until it slowly died down and I suddenly furrowed my eyebrows.

My eyes widened and I released a loud gasp. Sincere and I immediately shot a look towards each other, "MUSIC!" We exclaimed simultaneously.

We quickly got up from the floor and began to panic, but in a good way.

"Music is his first love. That's all he's ever known!" I quickly spat out.

"Yo that shit might actually work, Des!" He yelled excitedly.

"Alright, shh shh! You got your energy back?" I brought the volume in my voice down.

"Lemme try." He held out his hands and I instantly grabbed on to them.

We both exhaled deeply and gave each other a head nod. We stared intensely into each other's eyes as Sincere tried to release the ray beam of light. The light shot out very faintly but quickly disappeared. "Shit. Lemme try again." Sincere insisted and I nodded.

Staring into each other's eyes again, the beam shot out but was still very faint and disappeared within a second.

I sighed and let go of Sincere's hands. "It's alright, we'll just wait. Don't ware yourself out." I said softly and sat back down against the wall.

Sincere took a seat next to me and pointed at my arm, "uh.. can I get some more?" He asked awkwardly.

I glanced down at my bloody arm and chuckled, "yea." I responded and he quickly pulled it up to his mouth.

I rested my head back up against the wall and closed my eyes while Sincere drank away. The melody of the song DeVanté sang to me that night started to play in my head, causing me to smile to myself.

" In the morning when I open up my eyes
I still be feelin' high from the love you gave last night, girl
But I still try to get it up wit my friends
But they just think I'm crazy, oh
No more do I fit in, girl... "

I began to sing the words softly as I sat there, thinking about being in DeVanté's arms again.



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