Chapter 3🖤

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May 6, 1994
DeVanté Swing

It's been a few days since my encounter with the beautiful Desire and as expected, she hasn't called

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It's been a few days since my encounter with the beautiful Desire and as expected, she hasn't called. I ain't trippin' over it though, I know I'll most likely see her again on Sunday night. I'm more excited to talk to her again than to actually perform. She's exactly what her name is, desirable. I haven't even known the girl for a full week and she already got me feeling all these weird ass emotions. Even if I can't have her as a lover, I'd love to have her as a friend. She seems like someone I can really fuck with and I don't say this about a lot of women. I've had my heartbroken a couple times and shit but I'm still open to love, by the right girl of course. I've come across way too many females with no personality and basically just wanted me for my looks and dick. So I started being a dog back to them. But I have no intention on being that way with Desire. When it comes to her, I just feel like holding her in my arms and protecting her from all her fears.

The fuck is going on with me?

"Yo Static, hold these for a second please." I dumped a whole bunch of records in his arms as he struggled to balance them.

He watched me walk off to pick up 4 more vinyls. "Nigg— you gotta be kiddin' me right now. You tryna buy out the whole fuckin' store?!" He dramatically yelled. I ignored his question and continued searching through the records.

I met Stephen, better known as Static, 2 years ago at some birthday party Mary invited Dalvin and I to for one of her close friends named Melissa. Static basically became another brother to me after that. The nigga is as real as they come. I also can't deny his musical abilities either. He helps me out a lot when it comes to writing music. He's co-written majority of the songs that Mary performs.

"That'll be $478." The lady at the cash register finished scanning the records and put them inside a few plastic bags. Static scoffed and looked away as I took out my credit card.

We grabbed the bags and headed towards the door and that's when I saw her. My mystery woman with some nigga in all black, a Sox cap, and sunglasses.

This better not be her boyfriend.

"Well look who it is..." I took off my shades off and her laugh from the conversation she was having died down as she noticed me.

"Oh, hello." She smiled awkwardly and looked down.

Static squinted his eyes at her, "Desire?"

My head quickly turned to him and then back at Desire who suddenly had a slightly shocked facial expression. "Stephen? Stephen Garret, right?" She asked and he nodded with a wide grin. "Yea it's me. How you been? Wait... how you know De?" He asked as he pointed at me with a confused look.

"Forget about me. How do you two know each other?" I asked curiously while pointing at the both of them.

Static snickered and waved out his hands in front of him, "oh nah, it ain't even like that. We went to the same high school, had a few classes together and what not. " He shrugged and looked back at Desire. "But... I don't know why this the first time I'm noticing your eyes, were they always that colour?" His eyebrows furrowed at her.


"Aye, wassup? I'm Joel, nice to meet y'all." The guy with her suddenly spoke up and stuck his hand out for a hand shake. I just raised my eyebrow at him. "And Joel is...?" I trailed, wanting to know who he was to Desire.

He chuckled while putting his arm back down to his side and glanced at the ground before looking up, "I'm uh.. Desire's brother." He said.

"Hm." Was all I said while keeping a blank expression on my face. Static lightly hit me on my arm, "the fuck you always so rude for?" He mumbled to me and I just kissed my teeth at him.

He stuck his hand out to Joel, "what's good, man? Name's Stephen but I go by Static." He introduced himself and they shook hands.

"DeVanté." I introduced myself and gave him a simple head nod. I turned my attention back to Desire and a slight smirk appeared on my face, "so I see fate decided to bring us to meet again in person, since you ain't wanna use my number." She shrugged and smiled, "I guess so." She replied and I slowly nodded at her while biting down on my lip.

I stepped closer into her space and looked down at her, "I'm gon' see you this weekend, right?" I said lowly and she backed up just like she did the first night we spoke.

"Maybe." She said as she looked at me with such innocence on her face.

I think I make her nervous and that's something I'm going to have to fix, immediately.

I chuckled and put my sunglasses on, "aight then. I'll see you." I said. She nodded at me and went inside the record store with her friend. I know for sure that ain't her brother, they look nothing alike.

Once Static and I got to my car and set the bags of records in the back seat, we got inside and I instantly started asking him questions before starting the car.

"Yo Stephen, what can you tell me bout that girl? She's kinda weird but I like it a lot. She always like that?" I turned my head to him and he just looked at me like I was crazy.

"First of all, how did you even meet her?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. I sat back in the driver's seat and started playing with my fingernails, "at the bar we perform at. She comes every Sunday night and I finally spoke to her last weekend." I explained.

He nodded and looked out the window, "well there's not really anything I can tell you about her. She always stayed to herself in high school, never really had any friends. We only spoke when we had to during class or whatever. She's a nice girl but doesn't seem to like hanging around a lot of people. A lot of the guys in school found her very attractive also. I just- I honestly don't remember her eyes being so fucking bright like that. Those gotta be contacts..." He said as he twisted up his face at his last couple of words.

I shook my head, "they not, I can tell. Trust me... I would know." I snickered and put my key in the ignition to start the car.

He waved me off and side-eyed me from the passenger's seat, "so you wanna get to know lil miss Desire, huh? Good luck wit that. She really don't be speaking to nobody and she seem like she damaged or hurting. Y'know, I heard both her parents died after we graduated." He sighed and shook his head. "Oh shit..." I said as my eyes slightly widened while driving. "That's probably why she's so closed off or whateva. Damn." I said to Static but more to myself.

Suddenly, I started to feel bad for coming on to Desire so strong. That girl probably don't want a damn thing to do with me. Losing a parent is already hard but to lose both? Damn. My parents are back in Charlotte. We don't have the strongest relationship but I could never ever imagine losing them.

I want to ease up off Desire for now but at the same time, I want her to be loved. Not just by anyone though... I want to be the one to give it to her. It's like my heart and my mind are gravitating towards her and I can't stop it. It's not a bad feeling, just out of the blue. None of this is making sense but I hope it does very soon.



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