Chapter 14🩸

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June 14, 1994
Desire Hemera

Uncle Chance and I arrived at a lake that was out in a very secluded area. I stood on the grass with my hands inside the pockets of my hoodie as I stared at my reflection in the water. My body was giving me heavy signals to run off like a track star and get as far away from my uncle as possible but my mind wasn't allowing it. I felt stuck and unable to get my brain to respond to my legs. And it's like every time I opened up my mouth to speak, my words were transformed into things I didn't want to say. My actions were things I didn't want to do. But I couldn't help it, everything just felt right and I couldn't understand why.

"You was supposed to be my daughter." Uncle Chance appeared from behind me while dragging my suitcase. He stood next to me with a little glass bottle filled with purple liquid in his hand. I remained silent, still staring blankly in the water.

"Ya daddy was a good man and a good father. He was a great brother to me, also. But ever since we was kids, he'd always get everything he wanted... and I wouldn't get shit. He had the perfect family with the woman of my dreams, the woman he stole from me. But it's all good because now we gon' be the family we've been missin'. Ain't that right, niece? Or should I say, daughter?" He chuckled and placed his hand my shoulder.

His words were pissing me off but I couldn't do anything about it. I just stood there and didn't say a word, still keeping my eyes on the lake.

He held the bottle out in front of him, "this gon' solve all our problems. This gon' bring us to a place where you, especially, can live in peace and away from all these mothafuckas that you don't need." He popped the cap open and smiled.

I side-eyed the bottle, "what is that? Some sort of magical potion?" I sarcastically asked and looked back at the water.

He snickered and shrugged, "I guess you can say that. So you ready?" He asked and I slowly nodded.

Uncle Chance stretched out his arm to pour the liquid in the lake. Just as he titled the bottle, a voice startled the both of us.

"DESIRE!" We turned around to see everyone that we left back at K-Ci and Jojo's house. My body was relieved to see them but my mind was angry as hell.

"Desire please! Please, stop lettin' him get in yo head!" DeVanté ran up to me with others following behind.

The woman, who I'm assuming was Ms. Hailey, approached me with a concerned look on her face.

"Hi, Desire. I'm your Aunty Abby. I need you to please listen to me, baby. This man is pure evil—" Uncle Chance released a very loud laugh and gripped my arm, pulling me to stand behind him.

"Abigail, what are you not understandin'?! She does not want to stay here! Now, if you know what's good for you, y'all will get the fuck outta here before shit gets ugly." He threatened everyone.

My god mother laughed in his face, "I'm not afraid of you, Chance. You know me sweetie. I'm always up for a challenge. You think just because got these powers now, I'm supposed to fear you? These kids might be scared but me? Hell no. We go way back, Chance. You still the same little punk ass, ugly ass, bitch ass nigga from college." She gave him a distasteful look.

Uncle Chance stepped closer to her where they were now up in each other's faces, "listen to me and listen to me well. I will kill all you mothafuckas right fuckin' now if y'all don't leave us be. You don't wanna fuck wit me, Abby. This ain't college anymore." He warned her with rage in his voice.

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