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Lorelai entered the common room that night with the cheekiest smile on her face

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Lorelai entered the common room that night with the cheekiest smile on her face. Avoiding the questions asked by her friend, she went straight to bed. That night she wouldn't sleep at all. The conversation she had with Draco after their mind-blowing kiss didn't leave her thoughts.

"Let me help you" she said, "with the cabinet I mean, not the other part."

"Are you insane?"

"No. I mean it Draco, let me help you."

"Don't even think about it, you're already more involved in this than you should be."

"Oh come on! They already want to kill me! It won't make any difference if I help you or not!"

"Absolutely not!"

"Think of it this way: Imagine that when they enter the school they come after me, if you were to tell them that I helped you, they would probably start thinking of me as an ally and end up sparing my life."

"I can tell them that you helped me without you actually helping me."

"And what if they use legilimency on me? I'm no occlumens, they would see that you are lying and probably killl the both of us."

"Then I'll teach you occlumency."

"You already have enough on your plate."

"Lorelai, please! This is dark stuff. You're too good for this, for me, I don't want to taint you."

"Oh you have got to be kidding me, Draco. I am not taking no for an answer."

"Stop being stubborn, you'll get yourself killed."

"I'm smarter than you think."

"Yeah no shit, you figured out everything with just a few clues. But you are nothing compared to hundreds, if not thousands of Death Eater's"

"I'll take my chances."

"Bloody hell, Lorleai."

"I'm helping you and that's final."

"You're going to be the death of me."

They say that curiosity killed the cat, but in this case, Lorelai hoped that it was the other way around. That she would save both her and Draco's lives.

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