"Jon. I'm not from Essos, Westeros or any place on the blank spots of the map." "Of course you are. You must be. There is no other place in this world!" "You said it perfectly, Jon. I'm not from this world." He blinks, now too placing down his cake, pulling his chair closer to hers so that their knees touch. "What do you mean?" "I come from a world that is so far technologically advanced that one day two years two years ago I became bored and.. well.. I found a book about ritualism. Witchcraft. And I performed one of the rituals and landed here." Jon shakes his head. "It can not be. How do you know so much about our world then?" "Your world is in mine merely a series of books to read. Of fire and ice by George R. R. Martin. An author who became world famous for his books." "But I am real." "Here you are. Back in my world you are not." "Can you prove it?" Noah gets up and walks over to her bed, lifting the matrasse underneath which she has hidden a secret. Pulling out the books and her old belongings she waves him over, then hands him the top one. "Of fire and ice by George R. R. Martin.." Jon opens the book and recoils. After the first two pages. It describes his world." "This speaks of white walkers. They are a fairy tale, right?" Noah shakes her head. "This book has only spoken the truth so far. Why should it lie now? Jon. They are coming. The true purpose of the Nightswatch, which is why I am trying to get you to doubt your decision to go there, is to be the noble souls to fight against the white walkers and their wraiths. Every single one of the men north of the wall that dies has been turned. And the nightking controls the dead. In a few years they will have an army large enough to breach the wall and they will come here. To Winterfell." Jon gasps softly. "It can not be. But.. the book.." "You will defeat them. They will be defeated. But until that moment much suffering will come over this family and I do not want to be around to witness it, Jon. I need to go back home." "You'd leave me?" Noah shakes her head and smiles. "No, Jon. I'm taking you with me if you then still want to." The boy looks at her. Shaken up. "I will succeed in opening the portal again. Sooner or later. And when I do I will come find you no matter where you are and we'll go together if that is what you wish." Jon looks at her, then nods. "It is." Noah looks at him, then makes a decision. Taking her necklace from around her neck she places it around his and hides it under his clothes as she always does. The gold immediately adapts to the boys own temperature. "What is that?" "It's a necklace I inherited from my grandfather in my world. It's precious to me beyond belief. Take it as a promise and never take it off. I'm not leaving this world without you." He hugs her tightly and she holds him close. "Thank you. I will always have it with me." Noah smiles. "Tell me everything." She chuckles. "Of this world or my own?" "Both. We have all night, don't we?"
They had taken to sitting on the bed together. Jon's head resting on the pillow while Noah sits up against the wooden headboard. "Houses high enough to scrape the clouds?!", Jon asks, looking at her. She nods. "I love in one of them. Eleven stories high with more than a hundred apartments ranging from cheap to very expensive. Mine was very expensive but at least I own it personally for myself. It's on the ninth floor and I get a great view of the city.", Noah says, smiling. "Apartments?" "It's living quarters for a family. Practically a one story house in a house. My apartment for example has a two bedrooms, one bathroom, a kitchen, a living and dining room and a home office. In other words.. a study I also use for my sowing projects and such. And you live alone there? Where is your family." "I don't have any. Not anymore. I moved to study, work and live on my own." "No husband of fiance?" "I had a boyfriend but I highly doubt I'll have one when I come back. I mean.. the book that supplied me with the trespassing spell says time freezes for me in my universe. Yet I am somewhat doubtful about it.." "Boyfriend?" "I'd compare it to the relationship between a promised couple. Just.. a lot less restricted like it is here and including sexual contact and such without marketing myself as a whore or anything. People are actually relatively fine with couples casually having sex or just kissing in the streets and everything. He's one of the reasons why I refuse Robb.", Noah admits, smiling. "What's his name? What does he look like? What's he like?" "He is named Zachary Vicker and actually a bit older than me with 23 years last I saw him. He is tall. Very tall. He stands at 6'5 and makes me with my 5'8 feel like a dwarf. He does do quite a bit of sport so he is well trained, has tan skin, dark hair and dark eyes. A bit like dornish people do here. In my world his family just has a bit of Latino and Filipino two generations back that shows up very well on him. He is kind and caring and giving. The man practically carries me on hands. And he can cook so well I gained a lot of weight when we first dated because he would spoil me rotten with all of my favourite dishes." Both of them crack a smile. "Do you love him?" "With all of my heart." "Does he love you?" "I was the first girl he ever brought home to meet his family. Even the extended family. They are very large on family relations. Once you are introduced you are a fixed part of it. Can't easily be undone." "How did you meet?" "We met when still in school and went to the same university." "University?" "It's a place where people with the ambition to reach the highest degrees of intellectual knowledge about a certain field they want to work in go to. I went there to study literature and journalism. It basically means that I went there to learn how exactly to write books. He went to the same university to study architecture. Constructing buildings like those huge houses. If we take away the years I've been here now it would have been around 7 years." "I hope you'll be able to reunite with him." "I hope he'll believe me when I tell him I brought a young man from a different universe into my apartment and am trying to get him to adapt to our world." They both crack a smile and Jon finds himself extremely grateful to not only have met Noah Mars, but to have her in his life in the way she is.

Noah [Game of Thrones] ✓
FanfictionIt had been years and she had almost forgotten what life was like before IT happened. The trespassing. It had been an accident. A stupid accident happening to a very troubled 21 year old with nothing better to do than try out witchy spells using he...