Noah had successfully snuck across the wall and her white coat and white horse blended right in with the surrounding. She knew that it wouldn't take the night king too long to have her spotted. She knew this because of what Bran had said once she had asked.
He is waiting. And what he is waiting for is her. She had a presence, and although she wasn't part of this world, it was enough to confuse the nightking. Make him hesitate about passing the wall. She knew too well that he needed to cross the wall. He NEEDED to. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to leave.
Noah was selfish. But matters of the heart were always more important than the sake of others to her. When her mother had made quite a few rude comments about Zach she had broken off contact with her. She had always chosen Zach. How could it be that right when she would also just have to choose him, she was hesitant? She hated herself for it. But she'd make it all right again. There was not a speck of doubt in her mind that she'd make it alright again.
Just then she spots the first wraith in the distance and she spots the very man, the very reason why she made sure that this was the right time to come into the true North. Benjen Stark. A spear of ice pierced his stomach and the wraiths lay off of him, instead now finally noticing her. First they sprint her way, then they stop in their movement. They had noticed what she was. Who she was. Parting the mass of the dead as she rides through them she finally comes face to face with him and the other white walkers on their dead mares. The nightking.
She looks at him, her eyes narrowed. "I've come to speak to you and for you to listen. Scratch my horse and suffer my wrath." Swinging down from her mare she walks up to the nightking who too has dismounted the rotting bone. "I know you've been hiding out because if me. That is unnecessary. I am not here to really interfere with what fate has planned for Westeros. March south." The nightkings icy glare lingers on her, before be commands one of the wraiths forward. One still quite in tact. "Why should I trust your word?" Noah smiles amusedly. "Because I came all the way here to speak to you. Don't you think I would have spared myself all this way if I didn't want you beyond the wall?" "Perhaps..." "I also came to inform you that there will be an opportunity coming that will help you cross the wall." "What opportunity?" "Do you know of the old Valyrian blood? Of the Dragon families?" The nightking nods stiffly. "A Targaryen ist coming. With three dragons. Take one of them from her. Turn it. Then break through the most eastern outpost close to the sea is sparingly enough manned that simply having the wall collapse will allow you to cross without any losses. Otherwise they are prepared." "Why do you give us the chance to cross?" "Because this tale must finish being spun before I can leave this world I am stuck in to return to my own. Everything must happen as if I'd have never been there. I am selfish. I'll do whatever it takes to leave this godforsaken place. Well... Do we have a deal?" She holds out her hand that the nightking grabs and shakes as a symbol. "Do me a favour. That crow you just killed.. let me take it with me so once they turn they can ward off those pesky wildlings. They annoyed me enough on my way here." "Why him?" "Have you got any sense of smell? Most of the others stink of decay so much it hurts my nose." The icy thin lips pull into an amused smirk and the nightking nods. Noah gets back onto her horse and rides to the pained breathing man, where she jumps down, throws him onto her horse, then rides off with him, far enough as that they are out of wraiths sight. "Please burn me. I don't.. want to be one of them.", Benjen Stark begs for the fiftieth time at least, as Noah rides into one of the many magical caves left behind by the children of the forest where she had made camp not too long ago. Getting him down from her horse she leans over him. "You won't turn, Benjen Stark. I promise you." With that she grabs the dragon glass she had brought with her and stabs the blade straight into the man's heart. A gasp leaves the man as the material shatters and melts into his skin. "Welcome back, wolf." "What have you done..? How do you know me?" "I know many things. Too many. I served your brother in Winterfell for more than two years. Taught your nieces and nephews to read and write. You I've only heard and read of. You carry yourself like a Stark and would have been saved by the children of the forest this way but they are fearful of my presence. Like the white walkers. Therefore I came to insure that everything happens the way it should... Now... Here. Eat and drink. You need it. And no more stupid questions."
The man follows her command as she moves around him, taking off her coat and getting a fire started with wood she had previously already collected. "You are not from the North." "No. I am not. Neither am I from the South or East or West." "Where are you from then?" Noah smiles softly. "I am not part of this world." "But.. you are right here!" "And yet I am not." Noah takes a dagger and, after taking a slow breath she stabs the blade through her own neck, twisting it before pulling it back out.
In horror Benjen Stark watches as the wound seamlessly closes up, leaving not even a trace behind. "I believe you.", he says. "Is that why you came here? Why you sought out the dead?" She sighs softly. "I adore you Starks with every fiber of my being." Benjen looks confused. "I adore you all but my all of my loyalty and love is in the hands of one man. The man whom I left in my old world. And fate must take its path as if I weren't here. Only then I can return to his arms." Noah says, brushing her fingers through her knotted hair, clicking her tongue in distaste. "They are heading south?" "They will breach the wall, pass it and come to Winterfell.", Noah says, making the man look at her, panicked. "We have to warn.." "Do not dare. Sit back down!" He does only hesitantly. " They will fail and all be destroyed there. In Winterfell. Killed by your youngest niece, Arya, who stabs the Nightking with a dagger of Valyrian steel.
Benjen looks at her. "What does the future hold for me?" "A heroic death and much work." "So I will pass regardless." "While protecting your family. As you always do. I will leave you soon. The horse is yours." "You can not do that. You'll.." "What? Die?" Both chuckle for a moment. "I will be fine. It'll be much easier to leave the North across the wall alone than it was to enter it with a horse." "What will you do?" "What I have done since I arrived in this world. Serve the Starks. I'm going to the capital. But just after making a small stop in the Lannister camp." "What are you planning?" "Sansa ist Held captive in the Red keep. And Arya is posing as a cupbearer for Tywin Lannister himself. I will go to take Joffree Baratheon attention off of Sansa. He will not harm another single time." "And how will you do that?" "The boy loves me. For some reason I can not explain to you either he has taken quite the liking towards me. When he and the rest of the royal family visited Winterfell he asked me to go South with him. Become his future queen. I declined but still.. I can control him fairly well. That and Sansa will be glad to see another familiar face. Although it won't be for long." "Why?" "Joffree will die. Poisoned by Little finger and Lady Olenna Tyrrell. And she will be brought to her aunt by him where he will start to get into her mind. Or attempt to." "What will you do then?" Noah smiles. "Maybe a bit manipulation of fate will not be too much harm. I'll send the Lannisters after him. He'll pay. And once I am done with that.. I will singlehandedly take down Ramsey Bolton." "What do the Bolton's have to do with this?" "I have a long night ahead of me, don't I? You ask so many questions. Why are all you Starks so curious despite being so stoic?" The man actually finds it in himself to chuckle. "We are wolves after all, aren't we?" "Not all." It makes the man stop immediately. "What do you mean?" Noah smiles softly. "Do you remember your sister. The way she was before Rhaegar had stolen her away?" The man nods. "They loved each other. He didn't rape her. He married her." Benjens breath stops in his throat. "What.." "They have a son. Jon isn't a Snow. Not even truly a Stark although he has a northern mother. He is the true heir to the throne."
It takes the Stark a while to gather himself before nodding. "Yes. A long night indeed."

Noah [Game of Thrones] ✓
FanfictionIt had been years and she had almost forgotten what life was like before IT happened. The trespassing. It had been an accident. A stupid accident happening to a very troubled 21 year old with nothing better to do than try out witchy spells using he...