His breathing had been heavy and pained when she kicks open the door to the privy. Ever colder growing eyes look at her. "Have come to save me like the apparent kind goddess you are?", Tywins voice, even in death, is laced with sarcastic humor. "No. I've come to assure it'll happen.", Noah says cooly, her eyes glaring at the man. "Tyrion never killed Joffree. You and I both know it. Yet you allowed your daughter to push for his trying which resulted in MY FRIEND getting slaughtered." He looks at her, a narrow smile on his lips. "Finally showing your true colours?" "Not even in the slightest. I am made of looking glass.", Noah says, stepping a bit closer as her eyes rest on the old lion. "When beasts are all that surround me I become one myself. I did not choose cruelty. You have brought me here. Your family has killed Robb Stark. A boy I've loved as if he were my brother. You have killed Catelyn Stark. A woman I've loved as if she were my own mother. You have killed Eddard Stark. A man I've loved as if he were my own father. You have tortured Sansa Stark. A girl I love like she were my own. And you've killed the best friend I could have ever wished for. Oberyn Martell. Thank goodness I've managed to snatch Arya away from right under your nose to safety.", Noah smiles. Tywin attempts to straighten up on the shitter, yet fails to as his lungs fill with the blood seeping in from the wounds left by the bolts. "What.. do you mean?" "Your cupbearer. It was her all along. And your soldier, the one I spoke with, is the very friend I send her to Essos with. You might want to thank me... you know? You've lived to see this day because I send him away with her. The faceless men are the best assassins in this world. And his eyes must have been set onto your head.", Noah tells him. "How do you know assassins?" "I do not. But they know me. Have you heard of witches, Lord Tywin? And what happens once they are angered?" He looks at her. "A witch. Are you attempting to humour me as I die in the privy?" "No. I'm trying to have this be the last things you'll ever hear. I know what will happen. I know everything. And I knew everything. Once your family has turned to ashes in the dragonfire coming for this city I will raise every dead one I deem worthy and bring them back to live the life you've taken from them. Oberyn knew what would be coming. He knew everything. Just because I mourn him doesn't mean I didn't know it was coming. He and his sister will be reborn by my hands while not a single Lannister will be left to sit upon Casterly Rock... Oh wait." Noah grins cruelly. "There is one. The very one who just took your life in this miserable position." Tywin shakes with anger. With all of his strength he jumps to his feet, only for Noah to hit his adams apple. Gasping even harder he falls back into his seated position. "Rot in hell for all eternity, Tywin Lannister. I curse you. You and your firstborn son and daughter to damnation. You and their inbred bastards. I curse every man and woman in this castle truly alive to burning bright and fading quickly. I curse all of you to not ever find peace. And as the dark god may give me his strength I will be the one who brings doom and destruction to all of you. I call to every god of war and wits known to human kind in this world and my own. I call to every ruler of the underworld whose names may just be muttered. I call upon Light and Darkness and upon the titans that move the earth. I call upon them and I curse you. I, Noah Mars, the vengeful one, the winterrose, the siren, sentence you to die." Noah digs her index fingers nail into the old lions hand and at first the man begins to laugh while coughing blood, only to then gasp in horror as black lines run through his skin as if there had been poison injected into him. And the last thing Tywin Lannister did ever get to know was that there was a witch under his very roof and that her threats were anything but empty.
Noah Mars leaves the privy and walks back silently to her quarters where she takes all that she had packed up and takes the flower she had folded out of blue paper. A blue rose.
Visiting Oberyns still fresh grave she places the paper rose onto it, while Prometheus joins her.
It had been the name Oberyn suggested keeping after she had brought it up. It was very befitting such a kindred soul with little regard for those deeming themselves above him. Silently stealing a horse from the Lannister stables Noah Mars rides away from kings landing, knowing fairly well that Arya too was on her way. And so was Bran.
She was ready with every fiber of her being. She had been passive long enough. Now it was her turn to play the Game of Thrones. And she knew she would win. Because what she wanted wasn't a crown. It was revenge. Ned Stark had named her a true northern beauty. And one thing about the north people ought to remember, as the bells ring in the distance.The North Remembers.

Noah [Game of Thrones] ✓
FanfictionIt had been years and she had almost forgotten what life was like before IT happened. The trespassing. It had been an accident. A stupid accident happening to a very troubled 21 year old with nothing better to do than try out witchy spells using he...