Noah walks calmly through the burning city. Around her reigns flames and chaos.
In her hand she tightly holds Oberyns dagger. This was it. She would soon be back in her own world. She enters the Red Keep and finally finds whom she was looking for.
Sheeting the dagger she walks right towards him. His sword pierces through her, but she simply moves closer and then places her hand against his chest. Blood starts flowing from every pore of the mountains body and Noah watches in satisfaction as he crumples to the floor. She kicks off his helmet and now brandishes the dagger once more. This would be just what she needed. "House Martell and Stark send their best regards.", Noah says with a contempt, mocking smile. Stabbing the blade into the meaty skin of his forehead she carves a sun pierced by a spear into him. He tries to once again kill her, breaking her legs but they grow back together before Noah even loses her stability. She twirls the dagger, then brings it down into the mountains skull. The bone shatters under her blade and grunting incoherent 'words' the man dies. Pulling the dagger out from his skull she kicks the massive body down the stairs that collapse and bury him with stones.She walks through the halls that are tearing apart until she reaches a place where she can see the sea. Ignoring the bells and the sinking ships she just watches. "Who are you?!" She turns around and looks at Euron Greyjoy himself, then down at herself. The mountains sword is still lodged in her stomach. She pulls it out and the wound seamlessly closes before a drop of blood is spilled. She drops the sword to the ground. "I asked who you are!" "My name is Noah Mars. And I came for revenge for my friend and for his family. If I recall correctly you brought his daughter and paramour here to get murdered." Noah's eyes narrow at the man and he smirks. "What are you going to do about it? They both were excellent to taste." A grim smile rests on Noahs lips. "I am going to kill you." The insane man immediately tries to slit her throat, behead her. Stab her. Nothing works. Noah chuckles, then laughs. "What are you?!" "Some say a Winterrose. Some say a Siren. Those who truly know I am a trespasser."
With that she slits his throat so deeply she almost beheads him and the almost becomes a completely when she kicks the head and it flies into the city below them. His body collapses to the floor and she spits on it before moving on.She visits many rooms. One of them her old office. Noah sits in her chair and smiles to herself. Breathing in deeply, closing her eyes.
The finale was only moments away.
When she is sure that Jon has reached the throne room she gets into her feet in her last effort.Walking into the room is her very much smaller wolfish companion. "Prometheus. Go to Winterfell with Sansa when I am gone. Watch over the north for me, will you?" The wolf's pants and sits down on the ground as she pets him. "You are a good boy."
With that she walks towards the throne room, entering it, just to witness the scene of her son stabbing the woman he loves, holding her in his arms as she goes down onto the floor.

Noah [Game of Thrones] ✓
FanfictionIt had been years and she had almost forgotten what life was like before IT happened. The trespassing. It had been an accident. A stupid accident happening to a very troubled 21 year old with nothing better to do than try out witchy spells using he...