Lessons to be taught

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Standing before Joffree Noah wears a cool expression of professionalism.
"Let me summarise the habits of your grandfather that make him so fearsome to most." Joffree nods, never once taking his eyes of her.
"He invades ones privacy by stepping really close to them or he lets one wait for a long time while either staring or not paying any attention at all. It makes the opposite unsure of themselves and thus easier for him to take control over while at the same time showing that he is the one in charge of the situation.", Noah begins to explain, all while the king listens closely.

It had taken her merely 4 hours to explain all the little things Tywin Lannister does to make those around him follow his bidding. And Joffree had quickly learned. She thought it to be because of his love for cruelty. Getting up he marches up to her, invading her privacy and stares her down. Noah only looks back with an amused glance. "As much as I enjoy this, Joffree.. it will not work on me.", she says, playfully smiling at the young king who then shrugs, stepping back. "It was worth the attempt I'd say." "I'll go and have my lunch with Sansa." "Not today. You'll have it with me and my family." Noah blinks. "That is highly inappropriate, Joffree.." "So is it for you to address me by my first name." "Well what are we waiting for then?"
They leave together swiftly, Noah walking next to the young king, while he speaks of some mundane things to her and she simply listens.
He allows her to step first into the dining room, then he leads her towards the table. "Noah!" Tommen jumps up and rushes to her, the even younger boys face lighting up. "Will you help me with my studies?" Noah smiles. "That depends, little lord.. I still have quite a lot of paperwork to work through but if you join me in my office I can always help you when you need it." Tommen grins widely, squeezing to her side as she gently brushes her fingers over his blond locks. "Let Noah sit, you tick. She will be eating with us today." "Sit by my side. We can talk a bit.", Cercei says and Noah nods gratefully. "I'd like that." Taking her seat and Joffree the one on her other side she starts to talk about some books with Cercei, as Tywin Lannisters gaze attempts to pierce her like a stake. There is just one problem. Noah was tough and not even remotely disturbed by his glares. It irritated the old lion immensely. Almost more than the fact that the king, his grandson, seemed to want nothing more than to marry the woman and kiss up to her. It was clear as daylight to anyone with eyes. Even in that very moment he was just staring at the brunette locks of the admittedly enchanting beauty who was speaking to Tywins daughter like friends would do. But she was merely a commoner. Yet he found himself unable to speak up against her and even during the meal her table manners were flawless. Something she couldn't have picked up in Winterfell he was sure. "A Winterrose.. Lord Stark gave you your own sigil but you have no house. Why of all things a Winterrose?", he finally asks. The woman holds a hand up to her lips, chews and swallows before she answers. "It was Lady Catelyn's idea to have one made for me as a present after one year of service. It is one of the most treasured things I've ever owned. Lord Stark chose the Winterrose not only because I always had at least one in my room in a vase but also because of me being known as the cool northern beauty. Apparently. Out of this little nickname the northern lords had given me my official unofficial name was created. Although I seem to have gained another one. Siren.." Tywin looks at her with a raised eyebrow. "Why do they call you such?" "I've heard some guards whisper about my 'alluring beauty and siren call'. I am flattered that people believe my singing voice is something to behold. But if that is the case for them I have my serious doubt about the bards and singers in this city." This time she even manages to get him to crack a smile. "So it was you who sang a few moons earlier in the gardens.", Tyrion points out and Noah nods slightly. "Yes. It is a long story as to why but yes. I sang for the Tyrells and Sansa." "Did they force you to?" Noah turns to Joffree immediately. "No. Not at all. I just don't think myself to be a very talented singer. They only asked me to sing for it was a song my love sang to me.", Noah smiles and he relaxes slightly. "You've denied lords and kings over a bard?" Noah smiles. "No. For a young architect who likes to write music for me and sings like a god." They all look at her incredously and she only sighs softly. "We do not choose who we love, do we? But when one loves the right person and they love one back just as much it is the one connection made we must treasure above all else. For it is worth more than any gold or amount of power." "Words of a fool." "Words of someone with an understanding that the people we choose to surround ourselves with have an influence on us, wether or not we like it. We adapt speech patterns, clothing styles and many other things without truly noticing. And if we surround ourselves with people that we care for in such genuine way as love it is easier to live long and happy regardless of in what situation. Thank you very much. I shall see you later Tommen. The food was lovely. My compliments to the cook. Or rather not. I do enjoy conversing with you Milady. Feel free to speak with me any time. And Joffree I believe we will see each other for our next lesson tomorrow. Am I excused?" Before Tywin can bring out another sound Joffree nods, but grabs her arm. A look of understanding is exchanged between them and Noah gives him the slightest smile. "Thank you. But love shan't be duties death. It's only the beginning." With that she leaves, practically floating away. Joffree turns to his grandfather with a blank expression, deciding to use what Noah had taught him earlier that day. "Noah Mars is my personal guest and advisor and I will have her respected as such. Do not dare to speak to her in such condescending ways. I am aware that my feelings for her are partially to blame when it comes to her position. However she is the Best advisor I have had and I would make her my hand if it wasn't against all traditions. I have made you hand and I shall take back my decision if I please." Joffree speaks cooly and everyone at the table recognises Noah Mars's already effective positive influence and teachings in his words as he gets up himself and leaves the room with a rage foaming Tywin Lannister who, at the same time, is impressed with the woman's work. "I told you we need her.", Cercei merely comments, sipping her wine. Never before had she agreed more with what another person had said. Noah Mars was right with everything she had said and done thus far.

Noah [Game of Thrones] ✓Where stories live. Discover now