It had been the darkest night when they had arrived. The dead. Noah could feel them. She could practically smell them. Theon Greyjoy and his men pace nervously. Their spears, swords and shields brandished. Meanwhile Noah is right next to Bran. Her hand holding his as she rubs the back of his hand with her thumb and her lips whispering noiseless words into the dark tent that covers the world. "What are you thinking?" Bran asks her and she looks down to him, giving him a soft smile. "I'm thinking about home. About myself. Am I still the same person I was before I came here? Will Zach even recognize me? I will have murdered plenty of people. Where I am from people no matter what status they have would be executed for what I have done so far. I don't like that I have changed so much. I don't like that I hate so much. But you are just as real to me as I am to you and it kills me that I can't do more for now.", Noah answers. "I don't see why he wouldn't still love you. You did it to return to him." "When did my little wild spirit get so wise?", she sighs, making the boy crack a small smile. "When I became the three eyed raven." "Do not just rely on memories that aren't your own, my dear. You aren't history. You are your own story. We should learn from the past but not live in it. Remember that please." Bran nods. "I will." They can hear the screams and screeches from the Wraiths outside the godswood and then from within the trees. The Dothraki had failed despite their burning blades.
"I will have to conceal myself for now, my dear. They can not know of my presence.", Noah whispers and Bran nods.
The woman whispers a few concealment charms, then shatters the first wraiths skull with the Dragonglass blade. It would be a long night.The men around her are exhausted while Noah tirelessly slices through wraith after wraith. Many of Theons men have fallen and turned. It was only her and him left at Brans defense.
She heard Arya call for her to do it and she understood what it meant.
The nightking and his white walkers march towards them. The wraiths part like the sea and after one last glance at them Theon runs to attack, only for the nightking to turn the spear around to him and thrust it through him.
He walks closer to them and reaches out with his spear of ice, piercing Noah's torso as she guards Bran with her body. Her head snaps up and her eyes connect with his so that he can realise just who was before him as she moves her body along the spear and then thrusts the dragonglass dagger into the nightkings chest.
Ice shatters and skulls and bones break into hundreds of pieces while she rips the spear out of her body, the wound healing immediately. Looking to Bran she gently cups his cheek. "Thank you.", he says. Noah smiles softly. "My pleasure. Let us leave."
Pushing the wheelchair towards the old castle she finds herself being stared at.
"Seven hells mother! You did it!" Jon wraps his arms around her and Noah laughs, nodding. "It's over. There is a new dawn." Arya too quickly joins them and embraces the woman tightly as the others stream out of the crypts. "Who in the seven fucking hells had the idiotic idea to put the women and children in a crypt with dead bodies?!", Noah asks. "Tyrion." They all chorus. "Noah!!" "My sweetness." Sansa rushes into Noahs arms and the woman embraces her tightly. "Is it really over?" "Noah stabbed the blade of Dragonglass into the nightkings heart. Yes. It is all over.", Bran says and Sansa looks at her in shock. "You did it?" "Should I be offended that you doubt me?" Sansa simply hugs closer to her. "Thank you."
"I'd do it again if I had to." Soon they are joined by the others whom survived and all thank and praise Noah which she tries to get to a stop but truly can't. Prometheus too had joined them. He had grown a bit more. His snout was covered in blood and Noah pets his head proudly. "You did very well. Good boy.", she praises him as he wags his tail like a puppy would, amusing those watching."We should send out word that the enemy is defeated.", Noah says as Daenerys joins them. "The enemy of all of us is defeated. Now it is time to take back what's mine."
The Dragonborn looks at her. "You said you would come to the capital with me." "I have business with the mountain. Yes." "Good. You said that Euron Greyjoy will not flee like they made us believe. What will they do?" Noah acts as if she thinks for a second. "Cercei wants the throne under any circumstances but the city has not enough men to hold it for her. She will buy mercenaries. Only the best of course. The golden company. I do not doubt that Euron is currently moving them with his ships.", Noah says and Daenerys nods. "How many men could she have?" "The golden company has 20000 men, 2000 horses and war elephants, though I doubt they'll be able to bring them to Westeros. Elephants on ships die quicker than flies." "What else do you think?" "They'll prepare for being attacked by your dragons. Cercei must actually think herself able to win. They'll have weapons that can kill a dragon." The Targaryen nods her head once more. "You know Cercei Lannister well?" "I tend to analyse those, I feel like I can't completely trust, automatically. She is admittedly one of them. She and most Lannisters aside of Tyrion. Him I don't worry about. But yes. I know her better than she might know herself." "Then what do you say?" "I will march on kings landing to kill Gregor Clegane with or without you. But if you are going.. I'd say your chances of success are at around 70 percent." Daenerys turns to Jon. "Will you hold to your word as I held to mine?" "You are my queen. And I will follow you." Daenerys nods. "Good. We'll leave soon."

Noah [Game of Thrones] ✓
FanfictionIt had been years and she had almost forgotten what life was like before IT happened. The trespassing. It had been an accident. A stupid accident happening to a very troubled 21 year old with nothing better to do than try out witchy spells using he...