Noah hadn't expected the lavish gifts Joffree and Cercei alike practically drowned her in.
Cercei more likely due to her keeping the Tyrells influence at bay.
So now there she was, moving through the red keep in the lions colours. Gold and blood red, next to her two guards.
"A woman as an advisor! Your majesty that is.." "Unheard of indeed. But so is it for a man usually so forward to talk about things so important behind someone's back Milord." "Noah. Finally. Sit by my right." Joffree has gotten up and pulled out her chair. Her heals make a small clicking noise with each step that seems to echo in the suddenly dead silent room. "Thank you.", she says after taking her seat and he has taken his again. "Tell me Noah. What do you think of the situation in the city?" "The people are hungry and it's causing uproars. But as far as I am concerned the capabilities of the city are quite low. The land close to the coast here is known to be quite fertile. And crops such as corn, potatoes and wheat grow the quickest. If you ask me you should order the farmers surrounding the city to plant fast growing crops on the majority of their fields and only take a smaller space for those taking more time. If they do need workers call out to the citizens to help the farmers work their fields. It would be much quicker if those who can still complain so loudly do help with solving their problem. Rationalize the new harvest and have cornchambers built where you can store the food for long time so in the winter hunger should not be a problem. They need to switch between who plants what on their fields for the natural resources quickly get exhausted when one plants always the same plant into the same earth but that shouldn't be too hard to coordinate.", Noah says, leaning her chin onto her open palm while keeping her eyes trained on the young king. "That.. that.." "That is a great idea. The best we have so far." This was Baelish speaking as his eyes roam her freely. Joffree nods. "I agree. You are already proving yourself to be very helpful, Noah." "I am glad.. Joffree." The Lords gasp in shock at her informal way of speaking to their king. "How dare you.." "Quiet!" Joffree gives the young woman a meant-to-be seductive smile, earning himself an amused smirk and a raised eyebrow back. "I particularly requested for Noah to address me by my first like I address her with hers. The moment one of you calls her anything but Lady Mars without her approval I will see you hung by your ankles with your stomachs carved open." Keeping her eyes fixed on the rest of the council now she stares, half amused as the men shake at the sound of the mountain shifting in the background. "Is there another topic we need to discuss, Joffree?" He shakes his head. "I thought this would take at least half a day but it appears out problem was solved in less than half an hour." "What is there then left to do. "How about accompanying me to breakfast. Have you eaten already?" "Not yet. I was so exhausted after the ride and speaking to Sansa way into the night I slept right up until the moment the guards knocked on my door."
"Good. Then we can have it together." He gets up, then glances at the still seated men. His glare resting on his uncle for a second before dismissively waving his hand at them. "Leave now. I have better things to do."
The Winterrose and the young Lion in Stags hide walk alongside one another, talking about the disrespect the lords of the council dared to show her. While Joffree is all but ready to have their throats slit, Noah calms him down by promising to make their lives hell..
She didn't have to ask Joffree. After they had eaten he had her take his arm and began to show her around the Red keep, speaking in detail about its history. Interested and fascinated at once Noah keeps her attention entirely on him and the building itself, not even truly noticing as they pass by the Tyrells while Joffree speaks about the gardens. Noah doesn't hesitate in the slightest to ask questions. Something the young king appears to like.
Their tour ends at the shore line where they find Tyrion and Bronn, both staring at them. "Your Majesty. Lady Mars. What a surprise." "A good one without a doubt.", Joffree gives back with his arrogance Noah can't entirely blame him for. He was a prince and now a king. And young. Of course it would go to his head. "Indeed. Ser Bronn of the Blackwater. And you may be, milady?" "Unimpressed.", Noah cooly replies, making both Joffree and Tyrion laugh loudly as she cracks a smile and Bronn himself looks a bit confused for a moment before too chuckling. "This is Noah Mars of Winterfell. My royal advisor and previously the teacher of the Stark family when it comes to reading and writing. She would outsmart all of my men without a doubt." Noah bows slightly with a mischievous glimmer in her eyes.
"I haven't been in Kings landing before and I must say the city under the keep is just as filthy as people said it was.", Noah says, looking out to the water. "But this is a nice change." Joffree grins slightly. "I knew you would like it. The north doesn't really give one such a view." "Well.. I do like it but it isn't as impressive as the wall.." "You saw the wall, Milady? What did you do there?" "I visited my so... Jon Snow. He's already grown into a man. It is almost scary how much the wall hardened him. But it felt good to see him anyways. It always does." "The Lady's lover went to the wall." "I do not love him in such way, Ser Bronn. I love him as if he were my own flesh and blood. My son." The man is quiet for a moment. "Does the poor boy know that?" "He calls me mother." Now it is dead silent. "I didn't know a man could pass up such beauty once his eyes lay upon it." "If one person dares to even try and touch me without permission I will slit their throat so deeply one can see the spine again. Without hesitation so. It would not be the first man I killed." Noah's glare is fixed onto the knighted sellsword while now Joffree has become angered as well. "Shall we take our leave, Noah?" "Gladly Joffree. If I have to hear even one more person try to lather me up as such there will be dead to mourn.", Noah grumbles, taking his arm again and following his step, walking away with him."Did that woman just call the king Joffree?" "He insists on it. The brat has a thing for her.", Tyrion admits. Bronn blinks. "Who doesn't?" "Well.. so far she has entranced every man she's come across. My own father called her a siren in his letter to us. I really don't know how she does it but even my sister adores her. And that has to say something. She has no secret ulterior motives. Her sole motivations are her love for the Starks and her love for the man waiting for her return so they can marry. Maybe it is just that combined with her intelligence." Bronn nods slightly.

Noah [Game of Thrones] ✓
FanfictionIt had been years and she had almost forgotten what life was like before IT happened. The trespassing. It had been an accident. A stupid accident happening to a very troubled 21 year old with nothing better to do than try out witchy spells using he...