As Noah felt the ground under her body her eyes rip open. She looks around. The familiar fuzzy carpet. The grey sofa with the blue pillows thrown on it. The white and blue walls with the framed pictures. She was home. She jumps up, grabbing her keys. Not even caring that she was merely wearing one of Zach's T-Shirts and underwear. It was enough for then. Quickly she slides on her shoes as she already leaves the door, slamming it shut behind her. She fumbles to lock the apartment, then sprints down the stairs, taking three steps at a time. Some of her neighbors look at her in confusion as she runs out of the building to her car. She starts the engine and recklessly drives through the roads, then parks the car with squeaking tires in front of the familiar house and runs inside, locking her car while she is already in the stairwell. First story. Second story. Third story.
Taking the keys to his place Zach had given her a almost a year earlier she unlocks the door and runs into the apartment, closing the door behind her. Confused and sleepy he steps into the small hallway of the apartment. Zach. She has tears in her eyes as she just let's the keys fall and jumps into his arms, wrapping hers around his neck and her legs around his waist. He stumbles a bit but quickly stabilizes himself. "Babe? What's going on?" Noah is unable to answer as she clings onto him, not even thinking about letting go. Almost four years she had waited for this very moment. "I'm going to LA with you.", she squeezes out between her sobs. Zach takes a deep breath and hugs her to himself a bit tighter. "Took you only close to four days of completely ignoring me to change your mind.." She laughs softly, burying her face in his scent. "I was gone. I'm sorry.. I am just so scared to leave the place I grew up at. It's ridiculous I know, but I felt like I'd be loosing my home if I left." She feels him rub her back as she tries to fit herself even closer against his body to absorb his scent and warmth. "It's.." "I'm not done yet. But after a while I realised that it doesn't matter where I am as long as I've got you. I love you. I love you so much." "I love you too beautiful." The way he says those words goes right underneath her skin and so do the small kisses that he places onto her neck. "Can I stay?" "I wouldn't have let you leave the door again anyways." Zach smiles, carrying her with him as he locks the door again. He helps her kick off her shoes, then takes her into his bedroom where he places her onto his bed. Noah still can't bring herself to stop crying. "Babe calm down. It's alright. It's only been three days. I'm right here." "No.. It's been three years.", she softly whispers making him raise his eyebrow. "Are you alright?" "Zach. I attempted the damn ritual we spoke about alone and it worked." The boy immediately falls silent. "I was stuck in the world of fucking Game of Thrones for three years and had to make sure everyone died like they would have. I arrived there two years before the storyline began and worked for the Starks. I had to leave Rob and Catelyn to get slaughtered. Sansa to get raped. Rickon to get killed. Benjen to the grasp of the wraiths." Noah takes a shuttering breath. "I had to make sure everything happens the way it would have if I wasn't there so that I could come back to tell you what I was sure about after only half a day in Westeros." Noahs lips quiver as she stares at him. Takes in his face only sparingly lit up by the light of the small lamp at his bedside. "Arya asked me when I told her everything, if you were worth letting everyone die." Zach tries to take her hands but she simply cups his face as hers is still covered with tears. "I said you were worth everything I could ever loose." Zach leans in and finally his lips meet hers, as he swiftly pulls her into his arms and buries her in his love as he buries himself in hers.
Noah's steel eyes fall shut as she looses herself in him and his kisses.
This was were she belonged. Right then and there she was finally home.

Noah [Game of Thrones] ✓
FanfictionIt had been years and she had almost forgotten what life was like before IT happened. The trespassing. It had been an accident. A stupid accident happening to a very troubled 21 year old with nothing better to do than try out witchy spells using he...