Arya had arrived quicker than Noah had anticipated. But she had been prepared. Visiting the crypt every day until she feels her presence. "Are the Freys taken care of?", Noah asks.
"They are vanished."
Turning around slowly Noah looks at the shorter, young girl.
"Did you train well?" "It was hard. You could have warned me about nearly being killed and blinded." "That would have made it worse, wouldn't it?" They both smile and Arya jumps into Noah's arms. The young woman embraces her, her eyes watering. "Do you love me still?" Noah had answered that question once before. Nodding her head she hugs the girl as close to her as possible.
"Like you were my own." They just linger like that for a while longer as Sansa joins them, reuniting with her sister. "Bran is here. And Jon should soon return.", Sansa smiles happily and Arya beams. "Where is he?" "The Godswood. At the weirwood tree. He has become the three eyed raven now.", Noah smiles and Arya grins widely. "Let us go then." The two girls drag their teacher out with them while Noah sinks into thought. She might have to ask a favour of Bran.She enjoys watching the siblings embrace and talk, witnessing Bran handing over the Valyrian dagger to Arya, then allows the sisters to leave, opting to stay with Bran.
"How much do you know?" "Only what you've told other people. I can not see you in my visions. You are a mere blurry flimmer of air." "Good enough. Can you travel north of the wall for me, Bran?" "What is it that you have in mind?" Noah smiles. "The three eyed raven was a Targaryen once, do you know that?" Bran blinks. "I didn't know." "I suspect the legendary sword Blackfyre was hidden inside the tangled roots that bound him to the cave.", Noah says softly, looking at Bran with gentle eyes. "You know who Jon is. You know his true name. That he is a Targaryen and the one with claim to the throne.", Noah says. Bran nods. "He should wield the blade of his family." Bran stops, then smiles. "He wouldn't take it. He already has a Valyrian steel blade. But I don't doubt it would be well wielded by your hands." "Bran..." "You will fight with us, will you not?" Noah smiles softly. "If I fight the nightking will run." "Why?" "Because my presence is dangerous. Far more dangerous than any living being is deemed to be.", Noah smiles. "I am an otherworldly witch with magic powers that, if well combined, can resurrect the dead. Which I plan on doing one day sooner or later. I can kill by only brushing my hand against skin. I killed Tywin Lannister that way. He would have lived if not for me." They exchange a look. "I hate that I have to kill to get through this world... If Zachary doesn't appreciate my effort I will fling myself off a cliff." Bran shakes his head. "You want me to try and find Blackfyre? Couldn't it be with the nightking?" "If it is I shall visit him a second time and demand it from him." "And you believe he would hand it to you?" "He is waiting for Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons because of me." "What is it that you have planned?" "Going home. I just want to go home. And there I want to grab that handsome man, do unspeakable things with him, return here with him, bring back all of the people I've missed so much who will come to pass, then allow you to rebuilt this world as you seem fit." Bran smiles. "You've seen it as well. Worthy of a king. Just one small little hint. Do not allow Bronn to be Lord of Highgarden. Give him any other place. Really. He is a cunt. Don't trust him under any circumstances." "He is your friend." "Exactly. I know what he's like."
There is a small pause before Bran speaks again.
"I will look for Blackfyre if you stay here by my side." "Alright." Brans eyes roll back while his fingers are linked with Noah's. It takes a while but eventually he returns. "You were right. It is in the cave." Noah winks at him. "Very good." "But there are many wraiths.." "I can destroy them with a wave of my hand. Don't worry." Noah straightens up and sighs softly. "Well then... I need to travel north again it appears." "No." Noah blinks in confusion. "What?" "You are needed here. Stay." Noah sighs softly, then squeezes Brans hands. "On one condition. When they are here.. I'm staying by your side." Bran nods slightly and they remain there. Sitting silently. "The trial should be soon.." Bran nods slightly. "Will you guide the blade?" "No. I do not need a blade.", Noah smiles. "You think of showing yourself?" "As a not overly talented witch? Yes." A snout pushes through the forest and soon a body follows. "I can not morph into this creature." Noah smiles softly. "Want to know why?" Bran nods. "I've thought about Prometheus for a long time. He grows with my anger and hatred and he shrinks with my happiness and satisfaction. He is an extension of me, despite once being a normal wolf. I have in a way possessed the poor wolf to become something comparable to a ghost, yet still able to take physical shape. Someday I think I'll take him back to my world with me. Not the first time though. Alone I only know how to bring humans and inanimate objects.", Noah says, petting the beasts head as it drops into the snow, resting it into her lap. Bran watches. "How did you create it?" "I don't know... I really don't. And I do not know why it is a wolf. But I know he and his pack had tailed me for days when it happened. They were feasting on the trail of dead bodies I left behind. Rabbits. Birds. Occasionally someone who attacked me." Noah shrugs. Bran nods. "You didn't possess the wolf. It chose you. You are some form of warg that leaves the animals with an imprint of you in their spirits. It wanted you to change it." The young woman looks down to the huge beast and smiles as it looks back up at her. "You are perfect, Prometheus." The large beast quips up at the sweet talking and then closes his eyes, slumbering away. "Bran?" He looks to her. "Once I am gone.. do watch out for the dragon. I do not doubt you'll be able to warg into him. Send him to the fallen Kingdom of Valyria." The boy nods. "I will." "Good... I'll take you back to the castle in half an hour when Prometheus has napped outside for quite enough."

Noah [Game of Thrones] ✓
FanfictionIt had been years and she had almost forgotten what life was like before IT happened. The trespassing. It had been an accident. A stupid accident happening to a very troubled 21 year old with nothing better to do than try out witchy spells using he...