Jon enters Noah's quarters, finding her sitting there on her bed, holding something close to her chest. "Are you alright?" Looking to him she smiles softly. "Close the door, will you? I need to get some things off my chest." Jon does as he is asked, then he sits down next to her. "What is it?" "Do you know the reason why I am here?" Jon blinks. "Because of the ritual you did that opened a portal." "Yes. But do you know why I even considered opening it?" Jon shakes his head. Confused. "Zach and I fought that day. He wanted to move to Los Angeles, a city a long distance from where we went to university and were I grew up. His family lives in Los Angeles and he wanted to pursuit his dream of becoming the next big name of the music industry. Musicians in our world are oftentimes know worldwide and their songs are played everywhere... I said no because I was scared. Our discussion turned into a fight and when he left my apartment I started the ritual out of spite. This stuff.. everything for this ritual is Zach's, you know? We promised each other to figure it out together. Make it work somehow. I made it work in the worst possible moment. Two years I've had to think over my decision. And I'll probably have even longer to regret not having told him immediately that I am scared of moving away from the place where I was born. From my family to his. His family is lovely but.. I can't help but be intimidated. They all look at me like crows, waiting for me to stumble, break a leg and become weak enough so they can devour me. Jon.. I can't put into words how much I wish I was back home with him so that I could simply tell him I am ready to jump into the unknown as long as I've got him and as long as he gets a chance to become what he wants to be so much.." Noah sighs and buries her face in her hands. A tear leaves her eye. It is the first time Jon had ever seen her cry. "I miss him so much.." The boy pulls her into a hug and, burying her face in his shoulder, Noah lets loose. She cries softly, sometimes shaking as she struggles to breathe while her own tears drown her. "I want to go home..", she breathes and Jon nods, rubbing her back. "You will. We will.. don't worry." Holding onto him even closer she nods. "Yes.. we will." Only slowly they separate again. Noah wipes away the tears on her lovely face with the sleeves of her dress. "Thank you.." "You have done the same for me so many times I've lost count.", Jon shrugs and squeezes her hand. She laughs softly, blinks away the still falling tears. "Yes, but you are a child. And I am a grown, adult woman." "I am a man, Noah." "People are only legal adults once 18. Mentally.. you have to wait for at least another two years." "I am pretty sure this was an insult." "I didn't mean it as one. Jon!" The boy smiles as the tears cease to fall from her eyes. He notes that he absolutely despises seeing her cry. "Why did you bring this up anyways?" "Because I found a picture of me and him. From when I was 20 and he 22." Noah opens the book and hands it over to Jon who looks at the crystal clear image in awe for a moment, before taking in the actual image portrayed. A male is carrying a slightly more rounded version of Noah in his arms. Hers are wrapped around the man's neck. On her lips is a laugh while he smiles widely.
He would and wouldn't be considered handsome. There are metal rings in his face and his ears have a stretched hole in them. On his arms, that are visible thanks to the confusingly short sleeved shirt he is wearing, are paintings. One is also on his neck. It looked outlandish to Jon, yet interesting. The face itself was gently defined with high cheekbones, thin lips and a small mouth, eyes that are the slightest bit too close together, thick, bushy eyebrows and a very straight and well rounded nose. Raven hair falls round his face down to just above his shoulders. Over all Zach seemed to fit right with Noah in some way that Jon couldn't quite understand. He felt as if he couldn't truly be appeased by the image of the man since he saw him slightly through Noah's eyes and the way she spoke of him so fondly. "I imagined him a bit differently but I do believe that happens when one compares people from different worlds.."
Noah chuckles. "What's with the paint on his arms?" "In his arms. The ink is pushed into his skin with the help of needles. It's now there the rest of his life except if he covers it with more ink or gets it painfully removed. One of his legs is covered too. I have some on me as well.. I just cover them up so people here don't.. panic.", Noah chuckles. "Wasn't that painful?" "Depends on where it is poked. Mine are on my back and ribcage. Ribcage is a nightmare. Back is okay-ish. Arms are okay. Legs are okay except inner thighs. Head, knuckles, palms and the foodsoles are also very painful. Some people get even their eyeballs tattooed. That's what we call it by the way: Tattoos. Anyways. Getting your eyes tattooed can permanently blind you so.. not really worth the risk I'd say." Jon shivers. "People's eyes?" "Jup. There are people who are almost completely covered." "That's insane." "It's actually a tradition in many of my worlds cultures. There is a form of tattooing called tribal and what it does is every line represents the wearers life. It tells a story and I think tattoos are insanely beautiful. Scarification now.. that is kind of terrifying." "Oh gods. What's that all about?!" "Well... Let me tell you...."
"Seven hell's! That's disgusting!"

Noah [Game of Thrones] ✓
FanfictionIt had been years and she had almost forgotten what life was like before IT happened. The trespassing. It had been an accident. A stupid accident happening to a very troubled 21 year old with nothing better to do than try out witchy spells using he...