In case any of you have come to ship Noah with Oberyn Martell as much as I do I've decided to give you the longest One-shot I've ever written that I shall name 'Sirens touch'.
Hope you all enjoy.
.Sirens touch
Noah had been pacing the entire night leading to Tyrions trial she couldn't help but be completely agitated. There was no way she'd find sleep. She was sending Oberyn Martell to his grave. Before it had only worked to not interfere because she had fled the scene. But now... She couldn't.
It was still black as the bubonic plague outside when she, with the help of a candle, reads through the book frantically. There must be a way to save him and maybe a way to turn things around. Make everything right again. Finally a page and her heart skips a beat.
In this world, since she was a mere copy of her soul, with a few spells she could send a part of it back home, still keep this body and her abilities. She could split her soul as Voldemort would for a Horcrux. Just that she was a Horcrux splitting herself to make a person that can die in another world. It might kill her. Possibly. But she had to try. Or else she may forever regret.She bites down hard on the leather for soul splitting is the most painful thing she had ever experienced. But after hours of pain she feels it leave her and with it most of her worries are gone. After all most of her soul and her real body can now return to Zach. All that was left was to find a way to raise the dead safely and make sure Oberyn wouldn't die.
Shit.. Oberyn!
The sun was already beginning to rise. Quickly getting dressed Noah hides the book, then runs out of her chambers. She rushes so much she takes only minutes to burst into Oberyns chambers.
The dornish man turns his head. He had just gotten out of bed.
To his surprise there is Noah standing in a blouse and pants fitting her well, all in his colours. Her hair disheveled.
She makes quick steps across the room to him and for a moment he is actually fearing for his life when she just jumps into his arms. Reflexively he catches her, confused as to what the hell was actually going on.
"I've gone home.", Noah beams. "But.." "It took hours of self torture to split off the majority of my soul to send back but I did it. I always thought I wouldn't survive this so I didn't try. This part of me is staying forever. The rest went home.", she explains. "Does this mean what I think it does?" "What do we say to the god of death: Not today." Swiping her off her feet he twirls her around before pressing his lips to hers. This was more than he could have dreamed of. And that time Noah kisses back. "Well what do we do about the trial?" "I've been thinking that too.. do you even own steel armour?" Oberyn nods. "Yes but.. why?" "I'm just making sure that I didn't almost kill myself for nothing. You'll be staying on the sidelines. I'll take care of the mountain." "You?!" "I'm still not truly existent. Even less in fact than I was before. He can't do shit to me. Also... I do want a subject I can experiment on before I try to keep my promise to you." "You can still..." "I do believe I can." They share a second kiss and both smile at each other.
"Is it wrong to believe that the Winterrose, the Siren, is now mine?"
"If you'll have me I am yours."
"The second your feet touch Dornish ground I will take you to a high septon." Noah laughs and nods. "I'd like that."She ties up her hair so that it can be tucked under the helmet and puts on the rest of the armour. Her eyes twinkle with mischief as she looks at Oberyn. "Do you think people will notice? I did tie down my chest more than usual to disguise myself."
"Your height might give us away.. now what was that about your chest?"
Noah laughs loudly and shakes her head. "I'm surprised you heard anything else other than 'my chest' in that sentence." Oberyn cracks a smile as he throws on his robes. "I do think of you as more than your body, but I can not really help myself if you get my thoughts running." "I'm just going to overhear that. I'll need your spear please."
Oberyn hands it over to her. "Don't come until everyone is already in their seats, alright?" He nods.
"Good. I'm off then." Copying his exact way of movement she leaves his chambers and walks through the hallways head held high as many soldiers look on.

Noah [Game of Thrones] ✓
FanfictionIt had been years and she had almost forgotten what life was like before IT happened. The trespassing. It had been an accident. A stupid accident happening to a very troubled 21 year old with nothing better to do than try out witchy spells using he...