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It had been five years.
Five years since they had moved to LA together, where Noah had gotten Zach signed with her uncles record label and since he hand become a more and more successful bandleader and frontman. Five years since Noah had returned from the world of Game of Thrones.
And four since the two of them had married.
Now they walk through their new LA home, both smiling happily. It was the first house this size they had purchased and they had turned it into the perfect home for them.
Sometimes Noah caught herself thinking about how much her little ones in Westeros would have hated the heat of the city of Angels. Smiling softly Noah places a hand on her slightly swollen belly. "Beautiful?" She looks up at Zach. "Yes?" "We have a couple of days off.. you know. How would you like a bit of world exploring? This time together. We can first visit Westeros and then maybe.. hmm. Middleearth? Narnia? Harry Potter Universe?" Noah laughs happily. "I'd love that. But aren't we too old to blend in with the wizarding world?" "Hmm. Good point. Let's act as if we were marauder age then." "Hey! If anything we are going to middleearth over the Harry Potter universe. I need information on how Thranduils haircare program is." Zach, who was just growing out his hair laughs loudly, lifting her up and carrying her towards their little office space where they kept their magical stuff locked in a safe. "Deal."
After packing up a backpack each they are ready.
Setting her down he gestures for her to go ahead and Noah quickly grabs the book that had gotten her into a whole lot of trouble.
"Also.. if someone stabs you.. nevermind it. It doesn't matter. We are invincible there since we are just trespassing.", Noah winks. "How assuring, babe." She proceeds with the ritual, sacrificing both hers and Zach's blood, before grabbing his hand and placing both of theirs onto the book.

It felt like the first time all over again as she wakes up in the snow. Just this time she is holding the hand of her most loved person and they both sit up, only to be staring right into red eyes. "Ghost my good boy.", Noah smiles and the direwolf whines softly, nudging her with his nose as if to ask where she was. "We've come to see how Jon is doing. Bring us to him." Ghost trots ahead while Zach only brings out a "Fuck!" She looks at him, realising the change in clothing and laughs in amusement. "You look hot like that." "I feel hot too. But you are something else entirely. I could just.." "Control yourself. When we are back home.", Noah laughs, then laces their fingers together and hurries to follow the white direwolf. From afar she can see the settlement of the free folk. They were still Nomads but it looked a bit more comfortable and most importantly sociable than before.
"Seven 'ells Ghost. What's gotten into ya!" The couple watches with amusement as a whole group of the men and women follow out of the tents while Jon Snow or Aegon Targaryen is dragged by his pantleg towards them. "Would you excuse this hormonal mess of a woman for a moment?", Noah asks, already crying. "Go right ahead. Get him, love." "Jon!"
Just hearing her voice makes him perk up immediately. The man looks around and when he finally spots her she has already thrown herself at him, a sobbing, proud mess. "I missed you so much I actually wanted to name my first child after you but it's going to be a girl!", Noah sobs while Jon simply hugs her laughing as he can not comprehend what just had happened. She was back. "I've brought someone with me this time." "Nice to meet you." Stepping up behind them Zach gives a crooked grin and Jon just goes to hug him too. "I never thought I'd see you again!", he laughs, turning back to Noah, then looks at her stomach. "Little ones?" "About time, hu?" He laughs. "I have five myself." "And you are so much younger than me! Zach. We need more children and a bigger house." The man sighs playfully. "Look what you've done now mate." Jon shrugs. "I doubt you don't enjoy it." "Got me there." "What are you doing here anyways mum?", Jon asks, as from the crowd with a loud roar Thormund storms towards her and tosses her up into the air. "We fucking missed ya! Just up and left us you cruel witch!" He catches her again and Noah laughs, patting his back. "Missed ya too, old boy." "And this is the pretty boy you couldn't stop talking about when someone got ye started..." He looks at Zach who playfully waves. "He looks southern as fuck! And you are one clearly northern beauty." Noah smiles. "Well.. he is My pretty boy so you'll have to go find someone else's cock to suck." The redhead bursts out laughing at her jab and they roughly hug again. "Good to have ya back little siren." "We are only visiting though. Next stop is Winterfell, Dorne and perhaps Casterly Rock and the Red keep? Is the Unsullied army gone? I don't think they'll appreciate me being there very much." "All gone. Sailed home." "Good. Oh. And Bravos. Go see the faceless man.", Noah says and Zach enthusiastically nods.
"Good idea. Maybe we can just.. subtly make a trip to the ocean in Dorne because it always sounded so nice when Oberyn told me about it." Noah grins. "Now we are talking." "So.. you won't even stay for food?" "I think we won't. We'd really love to but we decided to mess with some other worlds while we are at it and we only have about a week off before we have to go back to your life and a year in one world means a day in our world so..", Noah explains. The three men smile fondly at her. "I still have your necklace.." "Keep it a good while longer then.", Noah smiles, quickly pushing back down Jon's hand. "We'll visit again. I promise. Won't we, handsome?" Zach chuckles. "The story of yours that was part of the books is written. We can appear and disappear at will now. We'll drop in from time to time.", he explains. The two men nod, satisfied. "Bring your little one next time.", Thormund says with a grin. "Uncle Thormund will show the little girl how to.." "She will most likely cry the moment she sees you, you ugly fuck." "I'm beautiful, little Siren." Noah cracks a smile. "Yes you are. Inside out." "I doubt I am a pretty sight when gutted." "No! It's a saying for you being beautiful both in appearance as in personality." Thormund blinks for a moment. "Inside out. I like it." "Take care you two. Alright?", Noah smiles, when Zach gently pokes her sides. "Look what I brought for this very special occasion, love." Noah gasps as he pulls out a polaroid camera. "You are the most perfect being ever to be created when two people took it upon them to have intercourse and I love you." "Don't say it like that!", he laughs but non the less he holds up the camera for a selfie. "You two get right here.", Noah smiles, bringing the two up to their sides and forcing them into frame. "Now look up at the black box, okay?" Both do and Zach quickly takes two pictures that slide out of the machine. Confused the two stare at them while Zach shakes the fresh photo, then grins. "Perfect. One for you.. and one for us." He places the photo in Jon's hands, making Thormund gasp. "How did ya do that?" "It's a camera. We use it in our world to take pictures like this all the time. How the camera itself works.. don't get me started at all. It's complicated and I doubt you'd give a shit. But I hope you two will keep it. I don't doubt there will be more in the years to follow." "If someone even tries to touch this I'll slit a fuckers throat.", Thormund grins, kissing her cheeks and roughly hugging Zach, who simply endures it, hugging him back. "You two looked out for my wife a bunch. Least we can do is visit and bring you some presents from our world, right?" "Next time we'll bring them chocolate.", Noah laughs. "Miles ahead of you. And it's wrapped in paper so.. no plastic here." "Except the photos. But those are necessary." Zach hands over the two bars of chocolate. "What's this?" "It's sweets from our world. The most classic ones close to everyone likes. You open the package like this so you can just wrap it up again. Just don't get it hot. Also it's got these practical little sections so you can break it apart easily. There you go." Both men eat the chocolate with wide eyes. "That is some sweet fucking stuff." "Is that good or bad?" "It's perfect!" The couple laughs, leaning onto one another as they watch the two enjoy the sweets. "We'll see you soon. I love you two. And Jon?" "Yes? "You'll always be my son. No matter what. Prepare for a little present to reach you soon." He hugs her tightly. "Thanks mum. I love ya too." Kissing his cheek goodbye and hugging Tormund once more the two then leave and soon find themselves in a familiar forest. Right under the godswood.
Noah smiles and gets up. "You know.. this feels like I've come home." He nods. Amused. Just then Prometheus trots towards her. "My good baby boy! Come to mommy.", She laughs as the once wild wolf comes to snuggle with her. "You've gotten to cuddle a ton of pups without me and somehow I'm jealous." "Maybe we should take him with us. What do you think?" "I don't know. Hm boy? What do you think?" Zach holds out his hand to the wolf who quickly rolls onto his back for belly scratches, panting like a pupper. "Jup. Ours now.", Zach shrugs and they both share a laugh before, hand in hand, making their way into Winterfell. Sansa is standing next to her husband whom Noah didn't recognize as she watches a pair of children far too blond to be hers play together. "Those are Briennes and Jaime's.", Noah whispers before finally taking a deep breath. "My sweet." It doesn't take more for Sansa to snap around, break into a sprint and fall into Noah's arms. Reunited both women cry in happiness. "Zachary, right?" Zach nods slightly, only to be embraced as well. He hugs the red haired young woman back, smiling slightly. "You really look perfectly like I imagined you would after seeing that picture of you two." "Noah!" "Arya?!" The younger Stark quickly joins her side, then looks up at Zach before she looks back at Noah. "You'll have a child? You two better have married." Noah laughs loudly and so does Zach. "I asked her the moment I got the chance to.", Zach admits and Noah proudly presents her wedding ring. The three share a little happy squeal. It feels just like it did when they were so young. "When I saw you up there I really thought it was your mother.", Noah admits and Sansa smiles. "I miss them a lot. Mother and father." "Well.. do not fret any longer. For we shall today dabble in some necromancy. I have waited quite a while for this." "What?" "Necromancy is the art of using magic to raise the dead. Most people only pretend they can do it but have no idea. Some even use this to get a chance to harm someone. In this world usual witches would just fail to bring back people not freshly passed on. However.. we all know you can trust me. And I do trust Zach with my life. I've been waiting for too long to come here and reunite you." "You can really.." "Don't tell Jon but we did plan to actually bring back your aunt and Rhaegar too. In any case. They need to not cause an uproar please..", Noah grins and the two sisters cling to her. "The Stark family will be reunited again. You have my word." "My brothers. My uncle. My aunt.." "I'd even give you back your uncle Brandon but.. I think one Brandon Stark is enough." The sisters smile and watch awe as the couple then proceeds to whisper soft words they can not grasp, when suddenly a loud gasp is heard and a quick movement. The eyes of all people in Winterfell find the sight of Ned Stark. Alive and with his head attached holding his sister to his chest as she cries and with Benjen in his other arm. Rhaegar Targaryen standing behind them, confused but also seemingly happy and Catelyn Stark has simply grabbed her sons, crying loudly.
"Mother!" Sansa hurries over to her and Arya follows while Noah and Zach watch from a distance. "Should we leave now? While they don't include us in their sappiness and make me sob like the mess I am?", Noah asks. Zach chuckles. "Too late."
"You bleedin' little miracle. To this day I don't know how lucky one can be to hire you as a teacher for their little ones!" Ned Stark grabs Noah and lifts her up, twirling her. Noah smiles gently at him, resting her hands on his shoulders. "I missed you too, Lord Stark." She then moves to Lyanna and Rhaegar, taking their hands. "Your son is precious to me beyond words. He lives north of the wall with his children now. And I do believe it is time you reunite with him. He has been a bastard for too long." "A bastard?" Catelyn too peeks up at Noah's words. "Aegon Targaryen grew up as Jon Snow, bastard son of Ned Stark because his uncle saw no other way to protect his sister's son from certain death by Robert Baratheons hands.", Noah says, seeing from the corner of her eye as Catelyn presses a hand to her lips. Ned had never taken another woman. Nor fathered a bastard. He had carried the burden of her anger for all these years when he really only tried to save his sister's only son. The only thing she had left him with, other than his memories. Lyanna presses her lips together as they quiver. "He lives?" "Very much so. And has five little ones of his own. Your nephew Brandon Stark is king of the six kingdoms and your niece Sansa Stark here is queen of the now independent North. The Targaryen dynasty has ended. And now the Stark one has begun. So far it is the most peaceful one.
The white walkers are defeated after the nightking was slain by my own person. House Baratheon has disappeared from the world. So did house Tyrell, house Martell but they shall soon be returned, house Lannister and house Clegane. I myself am quite infamous now in this world since I am said to have stabbed the last Targaryen to death for burning all of kings landing to the ground and threatening to do the same to all of Westeros, while really.. I took the blame for your son. So he could live freely and happily. And I hope you will be able to do so now as well. Welcome back amongst the living to live the life you never had.", Noah fills them in, while behind her Ned and Catelyn look back and forth between their daughters who simply nod to show it was indeed true. Every word Noah spoke was true." "I do not know how you have done it.. but thank you.", Catelyn speaks up finally, making her way over to Noah. Then finally they all take notice of Zach who has been watching all that was happening with a fond smile..
"And you must be her much praised husband. How many little ones?" "One on the way.", Zach smiles, nodding over to Noah who grins happily.
"I never thought I'd see you again." Benjen Stark makes his way over to Noah who cracks a smile. "I promise to not stab you with Dragonglass this time." He embraces her tightly. "Thank you for whatever you did." "Don't thank me. I have to thank you. I can only be thankful that you don't hate me because I had to let you all die and had to let the story take shape as if I never was here in the first place. Now I can finally bring you back.."
After a while more they leave them too with a photo, tons of chocolate and a promise to come back.

The rest of their time in Westeros they spend with taking Rhaegar and Lyanna to see their son who simply breaks down crying between them and quickly disappearing, visiting Bran and leaving him with a picture as well and finally visiting Dorne and Sunspear. "One last time?" Zach nods and together with their united strength they bring back two last people. "Elia." Oberyn Martell embraces his sister tightly, then looks around in confusion. "What.. little Siren." "As you know your Sandsnakes and lover killed your brother so I thought it unbefitting to bring them back to life as well. But I do believe it is a good choice to have you two back and reunited. Just as I promised. If you even dare think about starting a war I will hunt you down and wipe you off the face of this world again. Understood?" Oberyns eyes glisten. "It always turned me on when you spoke like that. I can not believe you kept your promise." "As much as I can appreciate our similarities in that regard.. that is still My wife.", Zach speaks up and Oberyn looks at him. "He is the one you rejected me for?" "He is the one I rejected three kings, more than fifty lords and many more men for. And I couldn't be happier with my choice.", Noah chuckles, keeping one hand on her stomach. "You carry his child.", Elia says softly. Noah nods. "First one." "Congratulations. And thank you." "You are welcome. Again. I want no more war in this world. It's so nice and peaceful right now. So please just find your place in this world again. We grant you a second life. Use it well. Goodbye now. We have one last place to visit before leaving this world again. For now. Take care. We'll visit you soon. Also.. Oberyn. I truly am glad you are my friend. Until next time when you shall show us Dorne." "Wait." Oberyn quickly walks over to her and places a kiss on Noah's hand, then embraces her like he did when she went to cry in his arms. It says more than words could and she simply smiles, then takes her husbands arm and they leave for Bravos.
The temple of the faceless god echoes their steps as they walk into the building. From the shadow a figure emerges. "A woman has returned." "Indeed I have. May I introduce the man I love?" The faceless man walks to them and shakes their hands. "A husband and wife have brought back many souls. Yet the faceless god doesn't ask for others in return. A woman is truly favoured by the gods." Noah laughs softly. "I'm not from this world.. Maybe it's that. They couldn't kill me if they wanted to. Anyways. I just wanted to see you in good spirits and give you warmest greetings from Arya Stark. You trained her well. She herself has slain an ungodly amount of wraiths.", Noah says, then hands over the last bar of chocolate. "We have still a lot of other worlds to explore so we shall leave you now. Take care, friend." With that the two of them return to their office, both smiling.




"Middleearth next?"
"With pleasure."

Noah [Game of Thrones] ✓Where stories live. Discover now