Noah had known of the mildly bad blood between the Tyrells and Martells because of Oberyn accidentally giving the first son of Mace a permanent limp but she wasn't necessarily prepared for Oberyns explanation of the amount of hatred the family seemed to hold for him, except for his 'victim' and she truly felt bad for him. His sister raped and killed. His nieces and nephews killed. Him despised in all of the seven kingdoms while he actually seemed like a decent person. Just very horny and homicidal all the time. So she had devoted to spent time with him as far as she could. At the moment he was sprawled out across the elegant Triclinium enjoying a glass of wine as she is writing more and more papers and correcting the spelling Tommen had practiced with her a few nights prior. As a huge boost to her ego he was improving rapidly and she truly took pride in how neat his handwriting had become.
"What are you working on?" She had not even noticed that Oberyn had moved to stand behind her and she clutches her hand to her chest as to try and calm her rapidly beating heart. "Seven hells! Don't do that!", she laughs, leaning back against the elegantly polstered backrest and looking up to him, as he gives her a flirtatious, teasing smile. "So?" "Well.. I'm correcting the text I've had prince Tommen Baratheon write and also working on the last arrangements regarding the wedding. It is truly boring. I mean.. look at this load of shit." Noah holds up the parchment for Oberyn to read. "Cake decoration details..." He snorts and Noah nods. "Thank you. I see we agree on this.." Slapping down the parchment she then lifts another one. "This is my favourite yet. Do you like the name of this or this performer better? I already doubt they'll survive the damn wedding but Joffree insisted on having a couple of dwarven actors perform a play of his most glorious moments which of course include a very tasteful homage to my former lord whose family I pledged my loyalty to so that's something to look forward to..", Noah sighs, brushing back her brunette locks. "If you'd like me to relieve your stress.. I'm always available." "How very charming. You truly have the best timing for your flirtatious outbursts, my friend." Oberyn cracks a smile, shrugging slightly. "I think I timed this one perfectly." "Yes you did. I'll admit. Perfectly placed at a vulnerable moment. This would have worked if I was just a bit more dornish and less intensely attached." "Well then.. I guess I'll waste time entertaining you a bit longer. I'd say this one." He points at one of the names and Noah shrugs. "Your guess is as good as mine. Sure."
They just throw coins at some point making the decisions for them, when Sansa suddenly bursts into the office. Immediately Noah is on her feet, rushing over to the girl and wrapping her up in her arms as Sansa hysterically cries.
"I am to marry the dwarf!"
Noah blinks before her eyes harden. She could hardly wait for Tywin to die while taking a shit.
"Calm yourself my sweet. Prince Oberyn would you mind closing the door? I do not need more ears than those Varys stores in the walls to hear this." Oberyn nods and slams the door close before taking a seat in the chair Noah previously occupied as she brunette tends to the young girl, holding her to her chest while rubbing her back.
"Let me try to piece this together. The Lannisters are marrying you to Tyrion to permanently secure the North by right. I highly doubt the wanted effect will take place but.. alright. This is actually not the worst news you could have gotten. I don't want you to marry him either, but the good thing is that he will not touch you in any way. Not if he wants to keep his male parts at least. No one will be able to harm you again. By legal right then, and not just by promise."
Noah looks at Sansa gently, tucking her head under her chin and brushing over her hair to calm the poor girl. "I really don't want to marry him." "You'll be alright. I know you will be. I promise. I will be here. I will come to find you whenever you need me. Trust me. Just trust me." Sansa nods slightly and straightens up. "I love you Noah. Thank you for always taking care of me." Cupping the young girls cheek Noah places a kiss on her other, embracing her once more. "I love you too, my sweet. I will always love you. " She then leans back and takes a deep breath. "Have Shae draw you a nice bath to calm you down. Everything is going to be alright. I am with you, okay?" Sansa nods and gets up again. Noah takes her to the door. "If you want you can come stay with me for the night." Sansa looks at her. "Really?" "Of course. I can do your hair and I'll tell you tales I was told when I was a child.", Noah smiles and Sansa gives a weak one back. "I'd like that." "Good. Take care of yourself, my sweet. I'm around here if you need me." The young red haired girl leaves and the second the door is closed Noahs composed nature crumbles. She hadn't been prepared to have to be such a desperately needed support for the young girl and to see someone she considered her sister or daughter even in such pain weighed heavily on her. "Fuck.", she whispers, then looks at Oberyn who simply stares at her with those dark eyes. "Can you do me a favour?", she asks softly. "That depends.." "Could you just hold me for a moment? I feel like breaking down. Without any intentions or such. I just need a friend and I do not feel like searching for someone right now." He gets up and wraps his arms around her tightly, just like she does as she hugs him back. "I don't know what to do right now.. I could go and threaten Tywin but that seems like a bad idea. I could go and threaten Tyrion but I doubt he wants to marry her either. I could ask Joffree to stop this but he would request me to marry him or something in return. And I can't do that. I won't even consider that. I would ask Cercei but she'll hardly be able to do anything if she wanted. Jaime can't even influence his fathers opinion if he tried without selling away his position in the kingsguard and becoming the heir to Casterly Rock Tywin wants him to be so desperately. Margery is just not influential enough yet and neither Loras nor Olenna probably give a shit.", Noah whispers, but the man understands her regardless. In this very moment his sexual attraction to her doesn't matter. What matters is that he actually found himself caring for her in a way he before had only cared for his sister and his daughters.
Noah steps away slowly, wiping away a tear she had let escape her eyes. "I'm going to finish the last two papers. How do you fancy a ride on the beach, prince Oberyn?" He chuckles. "Who is it now seducing whom?" "Horseback riding. Seven hells!" He had still managed to get a laugh out of her. And he was proud of that. She gently jabs his side with her elbow. "Why do I even like you?!" "You are simply falling for me. Admit it to yourself, milady." She smiles slightly. "If that ever happens remind me to punch myself right in the face because you'd be the worst choice I could ever make." "And why is that?" Noah looks at him with a slight mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "Because I get very very jealous."
Oberyn throws back his head in laughter as she takes back her seat and dips her quill into ink, bringing it down to the parchment.

Noah [Game of Thrones] ✓
FanfictionIt had been years and she had almost forgotten what life was like before IT happened. The trespassing. It had been an accident. A stupid accident happening to a very troubled 21 year old with nothing better to do than try out witchy spells using he...