Mothers Touch

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She had arrived upon Castle Black after weeks of traveling and her eyes had quickly spotted the traitors trying to barge in the door. Upon her recognising them she had brandished her dagger and stepped into the at the moment unguarded castle as everyone either sided with their dead Lord Commander or the traitors and both parties were agitated.
They were the first words she, at that point, had spoken in weeks.

"Prometheus. Fetch." The men had snapped around only for her to sink Oberyns dagger into the first man's neck and Prometheus teeth to lock around the first ones neck, tearing his head from his shoulders.

They had stabbed her. But not a single weapon could ever harm her. So in the end she watches as Oli, the young boy, is the only soul left. Shaking. Holding his knife out against her. "Who are you?!" He stutters out. "An angered witch and an angered mother." She grabs the boy and snaps his neck with her hands. He wasn't deserving of a death with the blade. Sheeting Oberyns dagger once more she knocks at the door. Three times.
"WE WON'T SURRENDER YOU.." "I want to see my son!" Her voice is loud and steady. And it only takes seconds for her to hear Ghosts scraping paws against the door. His whimpering. "Who are you?!"
"The men are dead and so is my son right now. Open the damned door Ser Davos before I have to tear it down!" The door is opened slowly and the old man peeks outside only for his breath to stop upon seeing the mauled bodies and the huge direwolf. Standing far larger than Ghost. Next to the beast is a cloaked woman holding the young boy by his hair while he can see his mangled neck. Thrusting the head to the ground the woman makes sure to step on the body as she swiftly passes through the room towards where they had barred up Jon Snows body and where the red priestess was still attempting to bring his body back to life. "Away with you, you old murderous hag.", the cloaked woman hisses and before the red priestess can protest the Dornish dagger is pressed against her throat. Still bloodied from the men outside the door. "Jon. I'm here. I've come for you." Her voice had turned to sweet and caring in a matter of seconds as she leans over the body and the huge direwolf accompanying her too squeezes inside. Her gloved hands cup his face as she places a kiss upon his forehead, steps back and just moments later the men jump at the loud gasp they hear. In shock they quickly make their way over while the still cloaked woman enters their Lord Commanders vision. "Mother?" "Hello, my dear. I have missed you." Uncaring of his exposed form Jon Snow is on his feet as he brushes down the hood, revealing the face of a stunningly beautiful woman that could not nearly be old enough to have birthed him. Yet he wraps his arms around her and she hers and her cloak around him. "Who is that?" He asks, shivering slightly, nodding towards the giant direwolf Ghost had apparently found a friend in. "Prometheus. He has followed me all the way from North of the wall to kings landing and back.", Noah smiles and rubs the wolf's neck, all while wrapping him up in clothes and warming his hands between hers. "Who is this woman? She can not be your mother!", his friend Ser Davos finally asks. "She took me in as her own when she was still teaching us to read and write in Winterfell. My father had hired her and she has always cared for me like a mother. They call her the Winterrose and the Siren. Noah Mars.", Jon says, making the men stare in awe. "How did you get here?" "I took off from Kings Landing after enjoying the show of Tywin Lannister dying while taking a shit. That and I watched my best friends skull get crushed. But I have promised him one thing. And that is that I will have the mountain dead as revenge for his sister." "You have befriended the Red Viper?" The voice behind her is filled with disbelief. But she brandished her dagger. "This is his dagger. He gave it to me as a gift to never forget him. That and this." It was subtle. And none of them had noticed. But the broche that fastened her dress together at the neck was a Sun, pierced by a spear. "Did he know?" Jon looks to Noah as she nods. "I promised. I'll have the mountain dead by my own hands. That much is sure. I don't give two shits anymore. I loved that man. He was kind and caring and loving. He helped me with all my troubles. Endured me sobbing into his robes for hours. He didn't deserve to die like that. If I had ever considered staying here.. he is the one I'd have married." "Those are some strong words for a woman rejecting every northern lord...", Jon chuckles and Noah smiles. "He would have been the one. And I made sure he knew that. It feels so strange for him to be gone. We had been attached for weeks from the moment he first stepped into my office." "Office?" Noah straightens up, a smile on her lips. "You stand here in the Presence of Lady Noah Mars. Appointed Royal Advisor directly to King Joffree by himself.", she bows ever so slightly, as the men gape and Jon begins to laugh loudly. "You wicked woman always manage to surprise me. And Sansa?" "I made sure no one dared to lay hands on her. Although I couldn't save her from marrying Tyrion. She should be still in Winterfell right now. With the Bolton's. We'll need to start reaching out and riling up against them soon. But I can promise you I will kill them all myself if I have to. It shouldn't be a problem.. after all Oberyns dagger stays ever sharp. Is the free folk already gathered? I want to know whether or not I have the time to go back and help Sansa get here." "How does she know all this?" "Because I possess something called common sense." She then turns to Jon. "Arya should soon be bored of learning from the faceless men. She too should soon return." "The faceless men took in Arya Stark? How? Why?" "They took her in because I asked one of them to. I know this because I personally stole her away right from under Tywins nose where she worked as a cupbearer after being taken captive and I was there at the port to watch both of them sail to Bravos." "What are you?" Noah looks at the man with cool, yet kind eyes. "A trespasser."

Noah [Game of Thrones] ✓Where stories live. Discover now