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ßêêþ. [̲̅b][̲̅e][̲̅e][̲̅p].Beep.The sound of my alarm ringed in my ears. I picked up the clock and tapped on the button. I got up from my bed and heard a knock on my door. I opened to see my mother standing there with a bright smile one her face.

"Good Morning sweetheart. " Mother said to me.
"Morning mother. " I said along with a yawn. "Go get changed honey. " Mother said as she walked downstairs to make breakfast.

Oh wait how rude of me. My name is Willow.I am the sister or should I say the adopted sister of Addison.You might be wondering why I did not go the cheer leading camp with my sister. Well, while we were about to go, I was starting to have frequent sharp pains at my chest. I could not do vigorous activities so I had to stay indoors but today since I was better, I could finally leave the house.

I took the spell book from my desk and put it in my bag. I ran down the stairs and greeted my father, stealing a piece of bacon my mother fried."By ma! Bye dad! See you later! "I said goodbye and left. As I left the house, my chest started to feel pain but I just ignored the feeling.I called an uber and tapped my feet, waiting patiently.The moon stone was dark blue but those sharp pains doesn't seem like though.

My ride came and I got in the car. "The field next to the forbidden forest." I said to the driver.He nodded his head as we whisk away to the direction of the field.

We reached my destination. I paid the driver before leaving the car. I took in a breath before walking into crowd. I spotted Addison immediately with my big eyes."Addi." I said her name. She turned around and her smile grew wider. "Will! " She squealed at me before hugging me. I returned it gratefully. "You did not break your promise. " She said with a tear escaping her eye. "Of course. I would miss the world to just see you win the cup up there. " I said as I wiped the tear.

"Look who is here. " I heard from behind me. I turned to see Bucky walking up to me. My smile immediately turned into a frown. "Yes it is me. " I said with the best voice I could. "Better now Witch? " One of his minions, Lacey,came up to me with a fake smile on her face. "Of course but when I saw you, I felt sick again. "I said to her and the smirk on her face dropped. It was my turn to smirk , I turned to Addison. " I am still not allowed to do cheer leading because of mom but I will see you win that cup there,okay? "I said as she nodded her head eargerly.


lay song
We're back here on the scene
And everyone's together
With Zombies on the team
It's better than ever, better than ever
Those moves won't get the gold
Green hair is so whatever
Well, you'll never break the mold
'Cause we're better than ever, better than ever
Tearing down the power plant
You're welcome, Seabrook, I'm your man
To build a place where everyone can cheer
I'm making Zombie kinda cool, not feared
Making progress, that sounds great
But what's the price we have to pay?
Ready for a new day, ready for a change
People, zombies, everybody say

Hey! We got this!
Teaming up to make progress
Change the rules, you can't stop this!
Together we rise, you know we got this!
Hey! We got this!
Teaming up to make progress
Change the rules, you can't stop this!
Together we rise, you know we got this!

[Verse 2]
I wish that I could call
I hope you get my letters
Hope I get asked to Prawn
It'd be better than ever, better than ever
Oh, Addison, my love
Gar-gargazas are forever
We pull the strings, we run the show
'Cause we're better than ever, better than ever
We're finally allowed to go to Prawn
Gonna get our ziga-ziga-zombie on
Counting down the days, I've been keeping track
Kinda wishing Addison would write me back
Imagine me taking her to the dance
A human and a zombie hand in hand
Ready for a new day, ready for a change
People, zombies, everybody say

Hey! We got this!
Teaming up to make progress
Change the rules, you can't stop this!
Together we rise, you know we got this!
Hey! We got this! (Novice)
Teaming up to make progress
Change the rules, you can't stop this!
Together we rise, you know we got this!

Here in this hall
Up on these walls
Picturing Addison beside me
Then they will say
We're all the same
And they can see the life inside me
Oh, what's it gonna take, what's it gonna take?
What's it gonna take, what's it gonna take?
What's it gonna take?

We got this!
(We got this!)
Ready for a new day, ready for a change
People, zombies, everybody say

Hey! We got this! (Hey)
Teaming up to make progress
Change the rules, you can't stop this! (Ohh)
Together we rise, you know we got this!
Hey! We got this! (Come on!)
Teaming up to make progress (Picturing Addison beside me)
Change the rules, you can't stop this!
Together we rise, you know we got this!
Hey! We got this! (Ohh)
Teaming up to make progress (Picturing Addison beside me)
Change the rules, you can't stop this!
Together we rise, you know we got this!
Hey! We got this!
Teaming up to make progress (Picturing Addison beside me)
Change the rules, you can't stop this!
Together we rise, you know we got this!

In the end like I predicted, Addison won. A crowd cheered and I joined in. I ran up towards Addison and hugged her, "Good job Addison! You did well. " I said as she hugged me tighter. "Bree hi. " I said as I saw her joined hands with Bonzo. I raised an eyebrow with amusement. She blushed and nodded her head. I hugged her too and congratulated her.

"Tarragees garmi"I said 'good job' in zombie to Bonzo. He grinned from. Ear to ear.My head started to spin and I held my head. " Are you okay?"
Addison asked worriedly. I nodded my head before rummaging my bag for pain killers. "Dang it! I forgot the pain killers. " I said as Addison rubbed my back. "It's okay, just board the bus with me. We are heading to the school and I have pain killers in my locker. " Addison said with a smile on her face bit her eyes said something different.

I nodded my head. "Come on lets go ! The bus is leaving! "Bree complained as we ran to the bus together.

When we found a seat, Addison told me, " You know if you had a headache, you shouldn't come. You should just stay at home, in bed. You didn't have to trouble yourself."I gave her a smile. "But you are my sister, I don't mind sacrificing everything for you. "

She hugged me tightly, "Thank you. "

I nodded my head and returned it.

"Sorry to break this touchy moment but stop this cause the bus is moving. "Jacey said with a fake smile. I listened but unwillingly but she's right.

" Hey isn't that Zed? "Bree said pointing outside the window. I looked out to see Zed at the front of the bus. " Zed! Look out! "I screamed but it was too late. Apparently the person driving does not have a license and he practically hit Zed and broke a gate to the Forbidden Forest down.

" Uh this is so scary! I am too pretty to die!"Bucky flailed his arms in the air before jumping out of the bus, following by Addison. Man this girl really loves
that guy . I being that overprotective sister jumped out bus too.

" Zed! Addi! Bucky ! Where are you?"
I screamed for their names. Being the careless me, I scraped my arm against the tree. I hissed at the pain. I then saw someone standing on the rock.Growling was heard behind the bushes. I growled back. My head was spinning but I didn't care, my arm was bleeding but I still didn't care. "Who is there? " I asked with all that confidence I had.

Instead of words,I heard a howl. I turned around, scared but since what that werewolf said in that howl I mean,i howled back.

While I was thinking,someone tapped on my shoulder.

Hi people! How is everyone!? I hope you like this chapter.

 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝘁𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 ‣  ⊹ ִֶָ໑ .🏾 。༴ | 𝘇𝗼𝗺𝗯𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝟮 Where stories live. Discover now