**✿❀ 2 ❀✿**

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Instead of turning around to see who it was, I took its arm, ready to sink my fangs to bite into, okay do not confuse a vampire with me okay."Ow ! Ow! Ow! Ow! It's me , Zed. " I heard the person whimpering. "Oh hi Zed! I am so sorry! " I said, letting go of his arm. He hugged me and I hugged him back.

"By Earth and Air
Bye fire and water
So shall you hear my call
Powers of Birth and Rebirth
Heal our scars. "
I chanted. The blood stopped and the scar on my elbow healed and look like it was never hurt before. "Thanks." Zed said, looking at his now never pain as before arm. Addison came running up to me and hugged me like I was a teddy bear.

"Are you okay?Don't ever scare me like that again! Okay ? " Addison chided me. I smiled at her and nodded my head. "I am sorry for scaring you. I'm fine but we are not alone, there are.... werewolves here. "I told Addison as she turned pale. " You saw them too? "Addison asked but it was cut off by all the screaming that cheerleaders made.

"WHAT WOLVES? "Stacey and Jacey screamed
"HERE WOLVES! "JC yelled
"WEREWOLVES! "The 'Aceys' screamed as they all fished out of their phones and started spreading the news, making my phone go bongus.

I sighed and looked at Addison and Zed. "Don't worry Will. Nobody is going to believe it right? " Zed answered unsurely. A frown was plastered on my face.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ᖶᓰᘻᘿ ѕkiρ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙

We were at City Halk waiting for my mother, the mayor to come and give a speech about what she has to say. "Do you know what is happening Addi? " I asked her as she gave me a questioning look. "No and I don't think it is good either. " She said putting her arm around me. "But whatever happens, we will face together. " I nodded my head and turned back to my parents.

Our parents came up to us. "No this is unacceptable! " Mom exclaimed. I looked at with disbelief. "Mom, Dad. We are fine! No scratches, no nothing! It's fine. "I said but my parents just turned a deaf ear on me.
" It is not fine Willow! There are Werewolves circling around us, ready to attack! "Father said, furiously.

" Someone has to do something! "Bucky said, flailing his arm nervously. I rolled my eyes, man if only I could just bite his head off with my fangs, but that is scary as hell.
" And someone will! Hold my purse! "Mother screamed, shoving my purse in Father's hands.
" I don't think I had ever seen mother this angry before. "I whispered to Addison. She nodded her head, agreeing.

" By order of city council, effective immediately all anti-monster law are reinstated!!" She yelled to the crowd. I could not believe my ears right now. The cheer leader cheered while I glanced at zombies, they wore the same disbelief look as me. "What! " Addison screamed. "Mother that is taking away their freedom! How could you be so selfish! " I shouted, losing control slowly.

Zed ran up to us, looking as shock as he could ever be. "Zed, can we talk? "Addison asked, nervously. " Sure even though you did not write me back. "Zed said sadly in a sense. " No Zed, she did write back. It's just those stupid Aceys that shredded her letters. "I answered for her, she gave me a grateful smile. I growled at the 'Aceys' and they took a step back, scared. Those scaredy cats. Zed got down on one knee and looked at Addi with loving eyes. Oh he is gonna ask her to prawn!! " Addison would you make me the luckiest zombie and be my date to prawn." Zed asked, with a confident smile.

"No." Addi said simply.

"Great.Wait what!" Zed gasped, getting uo from his position. "What!" I screamed,shook from what I saw. "Everyone's freaking out about the werewolves. The anti-monsters laws are in effect again which means.... " Addi said with unsure look on her face. "Which means, the zombies are unable to go to prawn a d that's mean I can't go to prawn. That is so unfair! " I said. I regretted using such a huge breath because I started coughing badly, gasping for air." Are you ok?"Addi asked, coming to my aid. I nodded my head, still coughing. "You definitely don't look okay. "Zed said, patting my back. " I'm fine. Just excuse me. "I said, running out of their grip and into the bathroom.

I looked into the mirror. I gasped as my once blue eyes turned bright yellow. This was not a good sign.I needed to find the moonstone. Mom and dad where are you? Why are you not here when I need you the most?

**✿❀Time skip(The next day)❀✿**

I walked into Zombie town to spent time with the little cutie, Zoey. I walked to Zed's house and knocked on the door. It was swinged open by Zoey. "Hi Zoey. " I said to her and she gave me a huge grin. "Hi will. "
She said cheerfully before Zed pulling me into the house. "Zed." I said as he let go of my arm "There are werewolves circling around, it is dangerous." Zed said with a worried smile. "It is fine Zed, besides they are my kind. " I said before walking to Zoey. "So Zoey, what do you what to do today. " I asked as she handed me a piece of paper and a pencil. "Could you possibly draw a werewolf? " Zoey asked me and I smiled at her. "Of course Zoey." I took the paper from her small hands.

»»--Wyatt's p. O. v--««

There were posters everywhere about us werewolves. Ugh! We have been discovered.
Someone saw us. "Everyone! Evacuate now! "
One of the workers shouted loudly. I growled under my breath. I then saw this treat called 'Fro-Yo' . The owner stopped me from walking nearer to small shop.

"Oh No No No No No! We're closed for good.
Dreams of Fro-Yo success melted away with monsters everywhere! Look I like Zombies. They like Fro-Yo but werewolves like human flesh and sprinkles! " He said, sadly.Be walked away from the cart and I immediately felt bad for him.

I shrugged my shoulders before something caught my eye. I walked up to see a zombie girl putting a sign with a detailed drawing of a werewolf. I was getting suspicious. I walked up closer to get a closer look. "Have you seen a werewolf? I am trying to find a were-friend. "The young girl said with a cheerful smile. I chuckled at her. "Silly kid. There is no such things as werewolves. " I said to her as she shook her head. She opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by a young maiden coming up to us. She wore a black shirt that was tug in by her skirt, pairing it with some white boots. She looked pretty wait what is happening?

*+:。.Time skip。.。:+*

Willa's p.o.v.

I ran out of the house to find Zoey. That little girl. I saw her talking to one of the workers as he kept looking at the sign that I drew for her. I walked up to her."There you are Zoey! What did I tell you about wondering around alone ? Your father and brother are worried sick. Promise to never do that again. " I said, crouching down. Holding up my pinkie, gesturing for her to wrap around it. She wrapped hers around mine with a smile.

"Zoey , you should go home , i will help you hang the posters for you . Your father is probably waiting for you to get home . " I said as Zoey smiled and handed me the posters. I gave her a smile before turning back to the stranger.

Hey, how is everyone?I hope you are all having a good day .Please vote and comment . Enjoy this chapter.



~ ꉔꏂ꒒ꏂꇙ꓄ꏂ💩

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