o_o 12 -_-

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I bumped into a kinda look-a-like pirate . He scratched the back of his neck ," Where the hell am I?" He asked himself . " Who are you ?" I asked the young man as he turned to me . " Look who do we have here ? I am Harry Hook, " That pirate stood in front of me and kissed my hand.  I rose an eyebrow . " I am Willow Wells and not interested , sorry. " I said as he looks at me amazed. " I am shock , most people would fall in love from my touch , I guess you are special . " I scoffed . " Special , more like a selfish jerk . I think I was a stupid great alpha and thinking of stealing a fully charged moonstone. I am so unbelievable . I don't even know what I am myself . " I said as I look at him again . " Wait Hook . Do you know where are you ?" He shook his head again . " This is isle of the lost right ?" I looked at him , shocked . " Uh no , Auradon and the isle is literally across the world. This is Seabrook town , you know the one town that brought zombies into their own , Yah that's the one .  " Harry looked at me shocked . " S-Seabrook ?" He stuttered as I asked ," How did you come here ? " I asked as he looked super panicky . Who knew a young built man could be scared of being lost but then again , I am also scared of being lost so its kinda of a win win situation. 

 " Uh-Uh I-I ... was touching my mom's stuff and I-I found a spell book... then I read one of the spells and now yah , here I am." He said , looking around scared. " Its ok um , I will just try to make up a spell but it will take a couple of days . I am really sorry ." He waved his hand . " At least I am out of the hellhole . " He said as he said on the rock . " Hellhole ?" I asked . " My father and my captain . " " Captain ?" I asked , still very confused .  " I am her first mate but I was treated like a slave and a dog, never part of a crew but I did have times when I take over as captain but that was very seldom. My captain wanted to take over Auradon , so do I but I don't have a crew. My father , was depressed like a lifeless soul , part of it was because of Ursula and the other was my mother 's death " Harry said with remorse .  I felt sorry for these kids , I may not a lot about him but one thing I know about him is he is definitely not like his father .

 At my young age or shall I say my 'young' age , I read a lot about Auradon's history and how King Beast decided to banish all the villains to the isle of the lost even their little children. It was a big move and I felt wrong of king beast of doing that . It was not their child's fault that their parent did something wrong in their life . King beast literally asked my mother for the revival spell to revive the villains and obviously my parents wanted to fight back, but they were not a queen nor a king and both of them were just a leader of witches and a  great alpha of a pack so they could not do it . Besides , the both of them have great chemistry with the king , so my mother decided to give him the spell . I confronted my mother and it turned into a big fight but I guess we resolved it somehow. 

" What about you ? " He asked as I laughed lightly . " My story is actually pretty unique . This is my second life . " " Second life ?" He asked as I answered his question . " I revived after getting push down a cliff by a mortal . " I said as I saw his still confused face . " I am a half wolf and a half witch so when I lost my first life , my parents just revived me . " My voice cracking at the last words. Harry must have definitely sense my sadness . " Spill it out , you have me . I may be known as a villain but I still have a heart . " Harry said as he put his arm around me for comfort. "My parents , died in a fire . " A lone tear escaped my icy blue eyes . " But can't you revive them?" Harry asked . " I was too young to that then and I was too late to safe them . I arrived too late or should I say I didn't till one of the servants who works for us asked me to come back home . From that day onwards , I kinda gave up but I met a guy in the woods and he soon took care of me and we became great friends . It was like I was put back on my feet , I felt alive but everything always have to come to an end right or just my fate is unlucky . One day , a social worker came and I was separated from him. I was adopted by the mayor's family . They had a daughter and she soon became my sister , I felt happy but a part of me cause me I-I fell in love . " I said , practically sobbing at that point . I felt much better now , it felt good .

 " Feeling better ?" Harry asked . I nodded my head , I was a bit shocked that Harry did not stop from spilling but I was definitely shocked that a villain or should I say a villain's child was that kind . It was just a misunderstanding all this while . Villains can be nice , it is just the way you treat them . You either treat them like ordinary mortals or trash . Its you that makes the decision , everyone does something for a reason , it could be good , it could be bad or both . It could be for a person or for their selfish selves but it all goes back to one thing how the people around them and how they were treated . Harry , the flirt he is may I add , may have a villain as a father but their are some people around him that definitely treated him nice , probably his captain or his crew but why should I be nosy about other people's business ? As I was thinking , I heard a familiar calling of my name from the woods . 

" Willow !" 

Hi readers ! How is everyone ? I hope you guys are having a good day and I think you guys know who is the red coat guy which is Harry Hook. I decided to do this because I don't like having the same story lines and I kinda like to pull my story a bit longer and not like some of the zombies stories which is kinda short , sorry if you get offended , ( I am really sorry ) . If you guys haven't watch the movies or read books about the descendants franchise please do if not I practically spoiling it for you . For this story line , it is descendants 2 and 3 only so I guess you just watch descendants 2 and 3 , I mean I watch the first descendants movie but I would not be putting it in so if you want to watch sure but if you are lazy I guess , then don't .  I guess some of you are very smart and guessed the character that I was talking about . Anyways , I hope you guys like this chapter , please do comment about the story , please vote and thank you for reading the chapter and with that , bye ! 


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