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"Zed for Prez! " Zed yelled as I ride my skateboard slowly . Zed is running president and I must say I am actually quite proud of him, not that I am never proud of him. I mean who would Bucky as president, sure Addison and I would be captain and co-captain but with Zed as president, monsters can go to prawn and that includes me. He deserves this place much more than Bucky.

"Vote Zed for prez please unless you want me to claw your faces. " I yelled as I saw a group of students shudder before taking the flyer from either Bonzo or Zed. Zed and Eliza giggled as I flipped off the skateboard and picked it up. " What, you need support, I give support. " I said to Zed as he slinged his arm around me. I swatted his arm away and gave him a playful glare.

"Okay so here's our platform, we would fight for zombie toppings on pizzas in the cafeteria. " Eliza told us as I nodded my head before continuing after her, "Get zombie tongue taught as a second language but third language for me. " I said to them as Eliza gasped. "Third? " " Wolf language is my first, English is second . " I said as Eliza looks at me , impressed. I howled and moonstone activates. "Thats cool. " Eliza said, totally forgetting about our main topic. " Anyways back to our main topic. " I said as I looked at them both as Eliza spoke up, "oh and how to overthrow your oppressors after school club. " I chuckled at her response and shook my head.

"Eliza! "Zed said sarcastically as she scolded herself. " Sorry right! Don't over promise! "
"But more importantly we allow zombies to go to prawn. Wow this guy really loves my sister so much till he would sacrifice anything for her. "Hey Mr future president" Addi called Zed flirty as I chuckled and went on my skateboard again. "Sorry guys, gotta leave. Addison, I will be seeing you at home later okay? " I excused myself, " Yes ma'am!" Addi said, saluting with a big smile on her face. We all laughed at her action.

I ride with speed to my locker. "Ms Wells, No skateboards in the school! " The principal screamed through her office. " You do know that I won't listen right? " I shouted back and double flip on my skateboard before landing back. I reached my locker and fumbled with the lock. I grabbed my spell book from my locker with the potion and emptied the text books from my bag before riding to my specialty place in the library.

When i reached my special room, a blue invisible door was before my eyes. I stood in front of it and flipped my spell book, looked around, making sure no one was behind me, I casted the spell, " Quiet and quick, open this door without a kick. "The invisible door disappeared, I swiftly went inside and the invisible door went back up. I came to a stop when I saw the table full of my potions. I walked to the table and placed my spell book on the table. I picked up the necklace and scanned the moonstone, the blue light from it shone brightly. Thinking about it, made my heart broke once again. If I didn't stay out for so long, I could-would have save them.

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"Honey, please don't stay out too long okay?"mother said as she tied my ponytail."Okay mom. " I answered my mom. I kissed my father's forehead as I skipped out of my house. "Goodbye! " I closed the door and ran into the woods. " This place is still the best. " I said to myself. I smell the air, scent of flowers filled my nostrils.

I heard a whimper behind me and I grew close to it. I walked closer to the whimpers.
"Hey come out. Don't be afraid. " I said as he shook his head, "come on, I don't bite. "
I said as he looked hesitant. " I assure you, I can't bite with these fangs. Besides you look as small as me or should I say taller than me , you don't need to be scared. He took the hand that was held out for him.
"I'm Will. " I introduced."Whats yours ? " "Wyatt." He said with a small grin. "Why are you in this forest all alone? " Wyatt asked as I smiled. "I like coming here once a while. " I said and smiled like my 5 year old self.

Out of the blue, one of the servants came running into the woods. "Ms Will! " She screamed. "Whats wrong? " I asked as she came in a frantic. "Your parents! " She said but without continuing her sentence, I dashed back home in a flash. When I reached the big house, my heart shattered into millions of pieces. The house, the house was on fire, my parents, my life, everything was gone. "No! " I shouted as an explosion was heard from the house. My parents were dead. "Mom! Dad! " I screamed as I quickly scurried into the building, ignoring the calling of the fireman and the servants. I rushed into the house to see one of the doors locked. I wrecked my brain to cast the perfect spell,"Quiet and quick, open this door without a kick! " The door swinged open and I saw my mother and father on the floor. "Mom and dad ! Please don't scare me! Wake up please! " I screamed but there was no pulse, they were dead. I pulled their corpse near to my chest and cry my heart out. The fire was suffocating but I was suffering.

I cried and cried till I blacked out.

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