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" Willow ? Willow ? " 

I shot up awake . Turning my head vigorously , I took in my surroundings . The wolves den . Just rock rock and rock but somehow I was sleeping on a bed . 

There was a opening and the rock door was open . I climbed out of the bed just as Wyatt came in with a bucket of warm water and a piece of cloth . 

" Hey . You're awake . You shouldn't be out of bed . Come on back to bed . " Wyatt chided , in a joking manner , before I sat on the bed . 

I was having a killer headache and I didn't like it on bit . It sucked so bad . 

" Hey Wyatt , what happened ? " I asked as he dipped the dry cloth in the warm water . 

" You fell to the floor unconscious after coughing too much . Seems like it took a huge toll on you. No one here was so extreme excluding the elders . " I rubbed my forehead . It was really warm like an egg could be fried on that . 

" Am I burning up ? " I asked Wyatt as he worriedly touched my forehead . 

" Yea real bad . Come on . Lie down . " I obeyed and lied down comfortably on the bad as he put the wet cloth on my burning forehead . 

I recalled being someone's hands . I just couldn't find out who . 

" Hey Wyatt , did you see a cloud of smoke ? Something like that . " Wyatt looked at me , shaking his head . 

Its probably just me burning up . 

I looked straight up at Wyatt as I got lost in his dark chocolatey eyes . A weird glimmer shone through his eyes as it stayed . I felt warm and cozy , something I haven't felt in ages since my parents died . 

Wyatt looked at me as he stroked my chin with his finger . I leaned into his touch as he leaned in .

He pressed his lips against hers. they matched like linking puzzle pieces as he roaming his hands around her waist. she positions her head to deepen the kiss while she plays with his fluffy brown locks. Fireworks ignited within them as they smiled to the kiss

We both pulled back , smiling like two idiots . Blushing so red . 

He soon got out of the room . I screamed into the pillow . I could not believe it ! I kissed him ! I kissed my crush ! My mind was a wreck , I couldn't even think straight . 

Calming down , I walked out of the room to see Willa covering some of the werepups and the elders some blankets to warm themselves due to that collision . 

She turned around to see me and wiggle her eyebrows at me , side glancing at her brother who was blushing continuously . 

I helped around as well by giving some hot soup to the wolves that some of the better wolves made . They were still my pack . As I was  giving out the bowls , a green haired boy walked in the den . 

Zed . 

Wyatt and Willa looked up and scowled , rolling their eyes . " Are you coming to congrat us ? Well, thanks . " Wyatt retorted . Zed sighed , shaking his head . 

" No . I am here to apologize for stealing the moonstone and they were wrong for destroying Seabrook power and I was wrong about werewolves , considering the fact that my best friend is a werewolf and further more a witch . You all have every right to fight for who you are . " Zed apologized . Wyatt looked deep into his eye , still annoyed by the collision Zed kind of caused . 

" Yea , but what are we now Zombie ? " 

" You are fierce and proud werewolves . " 

" They think we're monsters , Zed . " I said , joining into the conversation . Standing a bit near to Wyatt and Wyatt seem to take notice of that as he sling his arm around my small shoulders . 

 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝘁𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 ‣  ⊹ ִֶָ໑ .🏾 。༴ | 𝘇𝗼𝗺𝗯𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝟮 Where stories live. Discover now