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As I held the wolves back with my arms stretch out , Zed realized , " the energy from the moonstone must have created the fault line ! " He glanced at the wolves , mostly me , as we all turned our gaze to the huge crack . 

There was a bright glow coming from the huge crack and that glow somehow made me intrigued and made me stronger . 

" Wait what ? , " the Scottish voice raised . 

" If we follow this crack , it may lead us to the moonstone . " Zed continued as he glanced back to the wolves' moonstones that were glowing brightly . My lips formed a smile and my eyes turned to Wyatt as I grasped his hand . 

" So it's only buried not destroyed ! " Addison finished for Zed just before the whole ground shook again . This time more powerful than the other . I stumbled backwards ,making me lose balance and  let go of Wyatt's hand.

Trying to keep my feet to the ground and not my butt . Luckily , Harry helped me in time . 

" We have to get to it ! " Wynter cried , desperately . I stood up firmly , " Quickly ! While we still can ! " I led the pack down the stairs, hearing scattering feet , towards the bright glow that illuminated the darkness . 

" Willow ! Willa ! Wait up ! " I heard Addison call out but I was distracted by the bright glow now being ten times brighter . It was foggy with dirt as I found it harder to see . I squinted my eyes to get a better view of my surroundings . 

" It's this way ! I see the light . It's coming from Seabrooke Power ! " I exclaimed as the pack followed . The sound of rumbling rocks could be heard as the ground continue to shake violently while we walked through the dark cave . I spotted many wires cut in half and lights flickering , some still able to work . The small flames coming out of the bulbs . 

I took a right turn , continuing my way down another flight of small stairs .

That's when I saw it . The moonstone . It was huge and shone its bright purple color . I was truly amazed . I found Harry standing beside me as his jaw dropped too . I guess in the Isle you don't get to see something so sparkly too . 

" Woah . " 

" Here it is ! " Willa said with a big grin shone on her face as she quickly took off her necklace that held her moonstone . I followed suite and placed it on the big moonstone . They shined a bright white color under the moonstone as the moonstone turned a shade of bright blue . 

Once fully charged , I took it away from the big moonstone as I held it tightly to my hand , taking in all the energy within the moonstone . My eyes turning yellow , bright like the flames of fire , as my teeth protruded out my sharp fangs . Snarls and growls could be heard by the strong werewolf pack . I slipped it back on quickly

I felt strong and new . I felt more alive after the fever I had just went through that late afternoon . It was gone and I felt refreshed . 

Before I could even think of more , the ground shook even harder as we all stumbled . Rumbling like nobody's business . Screams and yelps were heard from the wolves as I looked around frantically . 

" We have to move it out of here . " I said calmly but lace with my worry . Willa and Wyatt nodded their head in agreement . 

" Legend says that together , our pack can move the stone ." Wyatt countered as we all listened to him , using all of our might to try and lift up the huge stone but it was too heavy . We failed miserably . 

" This is some heavy stone . " I remarked . 

" I don't think we are able to carry this at all . " Harry added on , sweat dripping down the side of his face . 

 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝘁𝗼𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 ‣  ⊹ ִֶָ໑ .🏾 。༴ | 𝘇𝗼𝗺𝗯𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝟮 Where stories live. Discover now