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"Will! Will! " Someone shook me awake. I woke up and squinted my eyes at the bright lights. "Where am I? " I croaked out. "You passed out in the fire and I had to carry you out... " Wyatt said as tears welled in my eyes again. "Yeah remember that. " I said as a lone tear escaped. "Hey! Hey! Don't cry. Your parents were-hopefully-nice people, they won't like to see you cry right? " Wyatt said as I agreed. He had a point.

"Your parents corpse are with the officers, I was able to save you from a fire right before I saw you falling. " Wyatt said with a nervous smile. "Thanks." I said to him as I smiled back. I was 5 years old but don't underestimate me, I have another life before, being a witch thats the advantage but not that good as always. Witches die faster than normal people do but your lucky if you are werewolf, werewolves get a 100 or more years to live because of the moonstone. I always wanted to be a werewolf, it was so cool. When I was 21 in my life before this, I found out that I had to fangs and witches don't have fangs so that was when my suspicions came in. You see my mother got married with a werewolf,which is my father, when your parents or any relatives is a witch or a werewolf, you are special because you have the advantage to live to 2345 years old and when you die, you look pretty young and that was the case for me. If you are witch you get to revive at least 3 times or more but less than 10. Wherelse if you are a werewolf , you only get to revive once. Anyways...

We started to hang out and everything was good until this happened. A knock was heard and I opened the door to see a social worker. " Are you Will? " She assed as I nodded my head, "you are moving to Seabrook. " My mouth dropped at that, "what!!! " I shouted "what! What! " Wyatt screamed coming down the steps. "Who is that?" He asked with a blank look. "I am Wren, a social worker and that she is going to Seabrook." Wyatt's face turned as pale as a sheet. "What! " He exclaimed. I  rubbed the back of my neck nervously, hoping he would not explode.

The next day, I rode for Seabrook and never saw Wyatt anymore.

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I shook those thoughts away and started mixing some potions. I heard a thud coming from the entrance. I wanted to walk to the entrance but before I could even take a step, someone tapped on my shoulder. Me being scared, I turned around and punch the person right on their face. "Ow! " The person cried out. It was the same hot wolf.

"Omg! I am so sorry! " I said as I helped him up. "Its okay" he said as I made my once hot hands cold, " You better? " I asked as he nodded his head and blood reached to my cheek, causing a faint blush to be there.

"Wait how did you find me and this place? " I asked as he gave me a sheepish smile. "I kinda heard you cast that spell. " I rolled my eyes before I held out my hand to the wolf, " I am Willow but people call me Will."when he heard my name, his eyes had a glint of something that I did not know what. He took my hand and shook it before saying, " Wyatt. Nice to meet you." W-Wyatt, Did I hear it wrongly? The childhood Wyatt that I knew. He looked really different from last time only his permanent scar on the right top of his face was still there, the others looked different.

I took my hand away from the long hold. My cheeks were more red than before. He smiled at me and I smiled back. "Whats that? " He asked as I explained my potions and things to him. The old memories came flushing in.


I walked to the library together with Eliza and along the lockers, I saw the wolves howling. I smirked at their howl. "Nice howl." I complimented. Wyatt heard it and blushed red. The alpha, I think her name is Willa, smiled at me. I fumbled with my locker as Eliza asked, " So have told Zed about that? "" About what? "I asked, acting oblivious. " Yourself. " She blurted as I sighed. "Whats the point Eliza? I am going to die if I can't find the moonstone. Whats the point in telling him? " " He still deserves to know, and you know he likes you with all his heart. "Eliza said as I shoved my books into my lockers and pulled out my skate board. " Eliza, I told you before many times, I don't like him, he won't like me, we are just best friends and besides he is dating my sister , i would break his bones if he cheats on her ." She laughed sarcastically before I started fast riding to the library. The question popped in my head . Zed won't like me right?

I reached the library and flipped off my skate board. I picked it up and went all of over the library to find Addison and Bree.  "Bree! Addison!" I called out . As I was calling out their names, i saw Wyatt 'reading' a book upside down. I strolled up to him and cleared my throat. I flipped the book upside down, fixing it for him and smiled . " Okay , this is a little weird ." I muttered to myself  and caught sight of Addison and Bree ." Finally found you guys! " I exclaimed  as Addi and Bree turned towards me . " Hey sis , what happened ?" Addi asked but before i could even answer Wynter i think that girl literally ripped off a page that Bree was writing on and shoved right into her mouth. Does paper taste that nice ? " Hey! That dog just ate my homework !" I took a sit next to the poor girl and saw Wyatt eyeing something in my hands . 

I looked towards my hands to see him looking at my spell book . " Wyatt , what is so interesting about the book that you are seeing in my hands ?" I asked as he snapped out of it . "Its just the book looks so familiar , yah that is it." He said as I rose an eyebrow . I had shown my best friend, Wyatt, my spell book before and he really loved to cast spells with it , yeah that was the day I fell in love with him  but it was crushed. This Wyatt guy could  really be my Wyatt ? I don't know but i can't let my expectations be to high. He may not be the one . Anyways lets go back .

"Lies ! These history books claim werewolves attack seabrook but they struck first and stole our moonstone . " Willa shouted before slamming a couple of books on the table. My father told me those stories all those stupid lies and I know they are fake. " I'm sorry , I didn't know that  ." Addison said sympathetically . " There is a lot of things you don't know sweetie ." Willa said with a harsh tone,  grabbed the book and started to leave the library."I know the alarms are going to go off if you don't check out those books . " I said as Willa ripped the necklace off her neck before throwing it to the alarm, causing it to malfunction. " Impressive . " I said as I said holding my necklace on my neck . " Our necklaces have a way with electronics . " Wyatt whispered in my ears . I blushed red  as they walked away . ' OHHHHHHH, is my little sister getting crush ?" Addison said , battling her eyelashes. "No !" I said quickly before i felt the loss of breath and started coughing . Addison quickly helped me and my eyes grew yellow once again . Not good! Not good! I really have to find that moonstone . 

Hello readers ! How was your day ? I hope you guys are all having a great day ! As you guys all know , the virus is spreading faster and faster, please wash your hands , go to the doctors when you are sick and wear a mask , take care of yourselves . Thank yiu for the ones who voted for my stories and also thank you for reaching 1k reads too ! Please like , comment , vote and thank you for reading this weeks chapter!


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