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I walked to my school locker and opened it. What if I had not told Zed about the werewolves. Anti-monster laws would have not be in effect again. It was all my fault. "Willow! Willow! " Eliza snapped me out of my trance. She looked at me worriedly. "Are you okay, will? " She asked as we walked towards the perfect couple. I shook my head as we reached to see the couple arguing. I wore a bright smile not wanting Zed and Addison to get worried.

"You guys even fight like a perfect couple. " I said with a smirk. I felt the pain on my chest and tried to hide it but it was always my stupid necklace that had to ruined it, it obviously turned green and making me cough rapidly. "Are you okay? " Eliza asked as I held on my necklace tightly. I nodded my head and stopped my coughing. "If I had not told Zed about the werewolves, maybe you could go to prawn together with Addison. I am sorry for crumbling your dreams."

" No wonder you got all moody this morning." Eliza said as Zed patted my back, "It's okay Will, we will fight this together with the zombies, Addison and you. " Zed said and I just nodded my head. You see I would not be able to go to Prawn since Bucky, my half cousin, 'accidentally ' told the whole school about my werewolf self, causing me to be the outstander. Basically the whole school calls me wolf or witch oh and have I mention that I am also a witch yeah, pretty crazy right? Just wish my parents were here with me well anyways.

"Willow, Addison. " A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Addison and I turned around to see Lacey and stacey standing behind us. I scoffed at their presence. "You and this witch would be so off the team. " I clenched my fist, not caring the drawing of blood.

"That was awful trash talk. " Stacey stated.
"Oh yeah, you and this wolf witch will never be captain nor co-captain. " Lacey said as she took a step closer to me and addison. Oh hell this girl did not just say that. I took my step forward as I glared my yellow eyes her. Her eyes held fear, " Lacey or Lacey, you would not want to die from a spell do you? " She shook her head rapidly. "Then shut that small mouth of yours before I just murder with these claws. " I held out my claws as Stacey quickly pulled Lacey away and scurried away. My eyes turned back to their blue ones as I took a huge breath. "Thanks Will. " Addison said, holding my hand. "Don't be, that's what sisters are suppose to do. " I said as she smiled at me.

゚+*:;;:* Time skip*:;;:*+゚

I walked towards the city hall. As I reached there, I heard multiple sounds coming from the air vent. I peeked through the air vent but didn't see anything. "Weird." I said to myself as I started coughing rapidly. I placed my hand over my chest, in an attempt to stop myself from coughing. I was lucky that Addison nor Zed was here if not they would be worried sick again.

I stumbled to City Hall and stood beside Addison. "Are you okay Will? You look pale. " Addison asked worriedly. I nodded my head before scanning the crowd of people's for Zed. The crowd became silent as a thud was followed. I winced at the sight of Zed falling down those stairs.
" Be strong and stand up on two feet,
Stop embarrassing yourself. "
I chanted as he stood up with his two feet.
He turned towards me and mouthed'thank you'. I smiled at him as he went up the stage. There was a smell of forest and trees coming towards the school, definitely smelt like something I don't know about but I am pretty sure they are werewolves. "Werewolves ! " Bree yelled.
"Wait why would want ? Werewolves! "Zed screamed, pointing towards the entrance as the group of werewolves aimed for me and Addison. I quickly stood in front of Addison and growled at them.

" Defense, Football team. Z24! "Zed yelled to the football team, surrounded me and
Addison. I rolled my eyes as Addison stood nervously beside me. " Where is the moonstone white hairs? " The leader if I am not wrong said. " I think you got the wrong pair of sisters. " I said as Addison gave a sheepish smile. "Zed, have you ever heard about personal space? " I told Zed, gesturing to the football players surrounding Addi and I. He knew what I meant and dispersed the team. "Thank you. " I said simply as the leader asked  me , "Where is it? " I was clueless in what she was talking about. " I have no clue what you are saying. " I answered back as she growled at me.

"Our razer sharp claws will gut em' and splatter their blood. " One of omega's said. One of the wolves at me, waiting for my reaction but I just simply rolled my eyes. If really killed someone here I don't think you would survive that long. People screaming in the background and frantically running. "People, stop screaming! " Addison shouted as I gave her thank you smile  , turning back to the pack of wolves. The other wolves all looked ordinary to me except for one.

He had a white streak of hair on his dark black hair. Scars drawn on the top part of his face and his eyes yellow. I know this is a inappropriate time but can I just say he looks hot... Sorry lets go back to the story.
The alpha nudged her. "Too much? " She asked as the alpha nodded and looked back at us. "Wolves on my command. " The alpha commanded as all their moonstones activated, making mine turn blue. My blue eyes tried to hide my yellow eyes at the attempt to not show my wolf self. Addison must have definitely saw what was happening to me before trying to stop the wolves. The guy must have muttered to the Alpha before the wolves turned back to normal. I cooled down and my eyes turned back to its original blue ones.

"Sorry about my sister, we werewolves were smittened by your town and we just came here to... join your school. " The werewolf said, faking a smile. I nodded my head, approved .

"What !!they can't join our school! ! " Bucky shouted fuming. "Well technically the forbidden forest is wishing the school district. " The coach said as I followed. "So, welcome to Seabrook! " The werewolves laughed nervously. I walked up to Addison and Zed. Zed looked at me frantically, " What are you doing? " Addison put her hand on his shoulder. "I know what I am doing, trust me guys. " I said and Addison held my hand , " Okay, I trust you. "

Hello reader! How is everyone's day? I hope you guys are feeling okay. Please like, comment and thank you for reading this chapter.

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