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I looked up to see dad's face plastered with pure shock. " Wow. " I heard Zed's voice behind me. " So she is a half wolf and a half witch . That. Is. So . Cooool! " Bree lit up with excitement .

I looked at her with a weird expression plastered on it . Why in the world would people be so excited about  powers ? I feel so left out . " Yeah Dad , Sorry for being such a disappoin-" 

" No Will , this is amazing . I will still love you no matter what you are or who you are , okay? Don't ever think of yourself as a disappointment. " Dad looked  at me . I enveloped dad in a hug tightly . " Thank you dad . " I said , holding the moonstone tightly to my chest . " This might be the best confession I ever made. " I whispered to dad . 

He chuckled quietly. " Dad , Mr Necrodopolis , you can't destroy the place . If you do , the wolves die including Willow. So please let the wolves go. " Addison said as a tear fell out of here eye , she was touched. I glanced Wyatt to see his face with a bright smile .

 The same flattering smile that I have seen the first time that I saw him .  

"The sister are right . Shut it down ! Stop the detonation! " Mr Necrodopolis ordered the team . "Tomorrow, when it is safe, we will find what you are looking for, but right now you all can go home " 

Cheers and screaming being heard from all corners . Bree, Zed, Addison and I all did a group hug tightly . I think this was the proudest day of my life . 

The team quickly took the handcuffs away from the wolves and we all walked out of that building . " You guys feel better ? " I ask the wolves as I held onto my moonstone necklace. " Yeah . " Willa answered . 

" Thank you for standing up for us . " Wyatt thanked me. 

" But Willow , if you are wolf , then how are you not affected by that smelly and poisonous smoke? That I would not say the name because I would freak out ." Wynter asked and us wolves laughed lightly at her last sentence . 

" Sometimes being a half wolf and a half witch a.k.a a hybrid has its perks. The allergies that a wolf would usually have I won't be affected by it cause of the small effect by my powers. " I explained . 

Wynter just stared at me in awe . " I -I am still quite overwhelmed by the fact that you are hybrid so please just give me some time to process . " Wynter rambled as we all chuckled. 

"Sure Wynter , take as much time as you need . " I said with a small smile. We all walked in a silence . It was not awkward , it was actually quite peaceful . I actually enjoy it . 

" Hey ,uh Willow? " 

Someone called me from behind . I swivelled around to see Zed , face plastered with a slight guilt . " Yeah , Zed ! " I asked as he motioned for me to come to the group of three in front . 

I walked slowly to them as Zed fished something out form his pocket . Something bright and shiny , lit with a faint glow of green and blue . The moonstone necklace. 

" You found the necklace ! " Addison exclaimed , a bright smile crossing her lips . " That is amazing ! Thank You ! " I thanked Zed, I expected a thankful kinda face but  instead I got back a face that was filled regret and guilt . " Zed ? " I asked as he let out a deep sigh before glancing with the same guilt . 

" Uhm , I took it from you guys . " My smile immediately crumbled into a face of shock not long before I started fuming with anger .

 " I stole it from Addison when you both weren't looking . " Zed looked inside my menacing , piercing blue eyes before looking down . " We thought we lost it . We questioned  ourselves Zed!" I yelled with all my anger at him . 

" Addison , Willow . I am sorry . I did not know Willow was a wolf at that time and if Addison turned into a wolf . I'd lose my best frie-" Addison was quick to cut him off . " You don't get to make that choice for me Zed ! " She growled at him angrily . " But a werewolf ?! " He questioned. 

"Zed just stop okay? You are just going to make this matter a whole lot worse . " I remarked , quickly shutting Zed up . " I finally find where I belong , you tried to steal that away from me?" I can't believe it ! And no ! I will not go prom with you after you have done ! " I looked at Addison wide-eyed . I think her angry level is a bit too high .

 " Addison !" I scolded. I looked up to see Zed with shock and heartbroken evident on his face . 

I looked at Addison to see that she was staring the moonstone necklace before turning around and putting it on .  

After a few seconds had passed , she turned around but nothing happened . 

" Am I ? " Addison asked. I took her hands into mine with a sigh . " You're beautiful Addi, but the same beautiful you've always been . " I said with a small smile . 

" There is still someone that could be  . " Addi said before taking off the necklace . " Wait wha-"

Before I could even process , the necklace was slinged around my neck . 

Hey readers ! How is everyone today ?  Sorry for this very long chapter , please hope you guys understand! I hope you guys all have a good day. I hope you guys are all safe at home and please wash your hands often , practice social distancing , don't stay in crowded areas and mostly just stay at home . Hope you guys like this chapter , please do comment , please vote ! Thanks for reading this chapter !

~ ꉔꏂ꒒ꏂꇙ꓄ꏂ💩

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