Chapter 2

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"Have you ever liked an...older guy?"

Allie pushed her sunglasses down her nose and peered at me over the top of them. "You mean a college boy?"

I didn't even know why I brought it up. Allie wouldn't understand. How could she? I knew I didn't.

"No. Not a college boy."

She groaned. "Please tell me you're not getting a crush on Shana Susman's older brother because many have tried and failed, my dear. And you might be a ten but--"

"It's not Shana's brother. It's someone else. God, never mind. Just forget it."

That time, she whipped the sunglasses off. "Lena, we've been friends since second grade. Have I ever forgotten anything?"

I tapped my fingers on my knee. We were sunbathing in the back yard, and I was wearing my favorite yellow bikini that I was only allowed to wear at home because Dad said it made me look like a professional.

"Spill," Allie said, covering her eyes again and leaning back on her chair.

It had been six months. What was there to spill? 'Oh, by the way, I've fallen madly in love with my dad's colleague, who barely spoke to me and who I haven't seen since that night?' No, thanks.

And really, it wasn't your fault that you appeared right then, like I'd summoned you with sheer force of will.

For the past six months, I'd begun to think I'd exaggerated it all: the way you seemed to carry all your heartbreak in your eyes, how I'd never seen broad shoulders like yours, the way your hair seemed to slick back naturally like you couldn't stop running your fingers through it and it had just decided to grow that way.

But you were just as beautiful as before. I hadn't made it up.

Allie sat up, and I looked away as fast as I could, but she was already looking over her dark shoulder at where you were approaching.

"Good afternoon," you said, and we were silent as the grave, looking up at you in our bikinis. You were smiling, carefully keeping your eyes on our faces. "I wasn't sure you'd be here. I just popped by to have a chat with your dad. But I've got your books in my car."

I knew that if I teased you, Allie would just tease me right back as soon as you were gone. But I couldn't help myself. Something about you made me want to make you smile. I would go to any length.

"So, Team Edward or Team Jacob?"

You snickered down at your feet, and I could feel myself blush because you'd never done that before and what's more exhilarating than seeing all of a person's expressions for the first time? "I'm pretty firmly Team Edward. I like a man with manners."

"Me, too."

I blushed so furiously then because I meant you. Of course I did. But if you picked up on it, you didn't say anything. A man with manners never would. Besides, why would you assume there's something behind the words of a silly fifteen-year-old? My words never mattered to adults. It was like a curse.

You opened your mouth, ready to respond, but my dad came out of the back door and spotted you.

"John!" He looked so startled, like you'd just shown up in a Halloween costume. "Are the girls bothering you? I can have them come inside."

Your mouth made a weird, confused shape. "No bother," you said back and then nodded at us briefly before heading in my dad's direction.

"Holy shit," Allie said as soon as you were gone. "You better not let Jason see you around him. You light up like a Christmas tree."

It took all my willpower not to say Jason who? Jason Montgomery, my boyfriend since the first day of high school, who I at least said I loved. Jason was my age. My parents loved him. He had a summer house in the Hamptons and twenty-seven pairs of Nikes. Right. Jason. Jason was coming for dinner.

"Do not."

I was still watching you, shaking hands with my dad, having a discussion with the assistance of your hands and arms, waving him off like he'd just offered you a beer and you were saying no. But you followed him inside the house anyway. And just before the door shut, you peeked over your shoulder and smiled at me.

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