Chapter 46

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"Hmmmm," you said, coming to stand beside me. "You don't look too chipper." You put a hand on my shoulder, and I closed my eyes, letting the warmth of your skin soak in.

"I'm addressing invitations," was all I said. I didn't look up at you, just stared at the custom invitations and the fountain pen I'd been using to address them.

"It seems like maybe this should be a cheerful event, and yet, you look like you're about to cry."

I craned my neck to look up at you and smiled wryly. I handed you the envelope that I'd been addressing, and you took one look at it and nodded knowingly.

It was my parents' invitation. I'd already written their names on it with shaking hands, and now that I was looking down at it, I was feeling distraught. They weren't going to come. Of course they weren't. We hadn't spoken to them in months, since the night they found out that we were together. You'd informed me that word had definitely gotten back to my father that we were engaged, but I didn't know how, and it wasn't like he'd called to congratulate us.

You sat down in the chair next to mine at our kitchen table, and I choked back tears when you reached across the table to put your hand on mine.

"All you can do is send it," you said, and I felt my heart beat a little louder because you always knew exactly the right thing to say.

I put my forehead to where your hand was covering mine on the table, taking a few deep breaths so I didn't cry in front of you. I'd spent more than one night crying myself to sleep while you held me, and it wasn't fair. This was supposed to be a happy occasion. This was supposed to be the greatest day of our lives, and instead, I couldn't stop crying.

"Do you regret it?"

I looked up at you with wet eyes. "Regret what?"

You shrugged. "This. Us. Do you regret falling in love with me? Telling your father? If we had better control, if we'd denied ourselves, your family would still be as happy as ever."

I stared at you, my heart beating loud in my ears. "Are you...are you serious?"

You blinked at me. "Of course I am. You're miserable. I hate it."

I pushed back my chair and swung a leg over yours, until I was straddling your lap. I held your face in my hands, felt the way you held your breath.

"There is nothing that could happen to me that would make me regret choosing you, John. Everything that goes wrong in our fucked up lives means absolutely nothing compared to what we have. I will never regret falling in love with you, and as for my father, the only thing I regret is how childish he's acting. And if he doesn't want to be at our wedding, then fuck him. In three months, I'm going to marry you, and I'm going to be the happiest person alive, and I'm never going to regret it."

Before I could even finish my sentence, your mouth was on mine. You pulled my face down to yours and devoured my lips like it was the only sustenance you needed. I felt you go hard inside your pants, and I pulled away from you, gasping.

"I can't," I said, even as I ground my hips against yours. "I'm supposed to be meeting Allie for our dress fitting."

You took both of my hips in your hands and pushed me down onto you, until your cock was rubbing against my clit beneath our clothes. "How much time do you have?" you asked, but even as you asked, the doorbell rang.

You froze and groaned in agony. But you released me, nevertheless, even as I giggled. I stumbled to the door and threw it open to see Allie on the doormat. She grinned at me, and I reached in for my purse, blowing you a kiss as I shut the door.

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