Chapter 38

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I woke up with my head pressed to your chest and breathed in the smell of your skin. I pressed my lips to your collarbone, and you finally stirred, wrapping an arm around me and holding me hard against your side.

"Good morning," you said, running your fingers through my hair.

I smiled up at you. I'd never been this happy before. I knew that fairly soon we would have to go back home, and we'd have a whole slew of problems to deal with when that happened, but for right now, I was lost in you.

"I love you," I said because it was the only thought that kept going round and round inside my head. Inside my heart.

You grinned up at the ceiling, and I watched the way the early morning sunlight lit up your eyelashes, the side of your face, your bottom lip. Before you could say anything, I leaned forward and caught your lip between my teeth. You groaned, and I felt you go hard against my stomach.

"Should we spend the day in bed?" you asked against my mouth. "Or actually join the rest of the world?"

The idea of staying in bed with you all day did sound appealing, but we were in Paris, one of my favorite places in the world, so I definitely wanted to go to all of my favorite places, eat my favorite foods, see Paris in the afternoon sunlight.

"Let's join the real world," I whispered. "And when we get back to the room tonight, I'll let you do horrible things to me."

You groaned again and pulled me on top of you, nudging me with your cock between my legs. I was so tempted to push down onto you, let you stretch me and make me come like you already had so many times during the night.

But I rolled off of you, completely naked, and went into the bathroom, starting up the shower. We both needed it. We smelled like sex.

I knew you would follow me in as soon as you heard the shower running, but I didn't wait for you. I stepped into the shower and slid the door shut behind me, smiling when I saw your figure in the doorway.

I pretended you weren't there, rubbing shampoo into my hair even as I heard the shower door open behind me. Your hands found the back of my neck, pushing my hands away so that you could rinse the shampoo from my hair yourself. When you were done, you pushed me up against the side of the shower, and I giggled against your neck.

"You're insatiable," I said when you pressed your cock against me, jerking your hips so that your hardness rocked against my clit. I gasped.

"Only with you," you said, and then you froze. You pulled back so that you could look down at me. Your hands framed my face, and your thumb brushed along my lower lip. "I'm only like this with you. You make me crazy for it."

I smiled, feeling content all the way down to my bones. You made me crazy too. I wrapped a leg around your hip, opening myself up, but when I expected you to put yourself inside me, instead you pulled away, pressing lightly on my shoulders to tell me what you wanted.

I grinned, my pussy immediately throbbing with the idea. I loved giving you head, loved it when you asked me for it this way. I dropped to my knees, wincing slightly at the press of my kneecaps against the tile floor, but ignored it when I found myself face-to-face with your gorgeous cock.

My mouth watered for it. I leaned forward and sucked the head into my mouth, and you groaned in that way that always sent all the blood rushing straight to my pussy. You thrust your hands into my hair, and I loved the way I could feel them trembling against my scalp. I loved that we'd been doing this for years, and I could still have you shaking like that.

I drew a line with my tongue from the head, all the way down the shaft, and then pulled one of your balls into my mouth. At that, you made a choking sound, which I also loved. You smacked a hand flat against the tile wall and your other hand came up to stroke, stroke, stroke while I sucked on you. I released you with a pop and set the head of your cock against my tongue, just barely on the tip.

"Fuck my mouth," I told you, and for a second, you looked uncertain. I loved that you still worried about me, but this wasn't the time for worrying. I spread my legs wider, settling my butt on my feet so I could spread my legs and rub my clit while you took my hair in both your hands to hold me still. As if I was going anywhere.

And then you started to thrust. God, there was nothing hotter than this, getting myself off while you used my mouth. I opened as wide as I could, plunged two fingers into my pussy, nodded when you asked if you could go deeper.

I wanted you as deep as you could get.

Your breathing started to falter, and I knew I was going to get to taste you soon. I loved it when you went off in my mouth. I loved swallowing you down and sucking on you after you started to go soft.

But you didn't come in my mouth like you usually do. Your breath started to puff out hard, the sign that you were close, and then you pulled back, took your cock in your hand, and pumped your cum onto my chest.

I watched as it slid down one nipple, coated me, and the whole thing was so sexy, so unexpected, that I came on my fingers harder than I ever had before. I screamed as I plunged my fingers deep, as I shook on the floor at your feet.

One it was over, you came down onto the floor with me, pressing kisses against my mouth and telling me over and over how much you loved me. You leaned against the wall and pulled me against you, the water starting to go cold as we lay there.

"Do you love me, or do you just love my blowjobs?" I asked, smiling up at your so you would know it was a joke.

You smiled back. "I love you and your blowjobs. But we should probably get moving. There's a lot of Paris to see."

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