Chapter 1

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The bullies are still the same though Tsuna was excelling now in school unlike before though many do not believe that he can answer that well and still call him Dame-Tsuna. Well if he doesn't do well, the spartan of hell will get back to him which he wanted to avoid since Tsuna already has a lot of paperworks to do that is giving him a serious headache already.

His family is still rowdy but fun. The only thing that he wished is that his guardians will not give him more paperworks on their destructive fights.

Haru, Kyoko, and Hana are already part of Vongola as well. Tsuna had no choice but to ask them to be trained with Lal. Who knows what enemy Famiglia will attack suddenly. Lal accepted his proposal on having them trained as she said it is her token of gratitude for destroying the Arcobaleno curse. Chrome sometimes help with the other girls.

Enma and his Famiglia went back to Italy after they graduated from Middle school but they still communicate from time to time, though sometimes it is related to mafia stuff.

Right now, Tsuna's hyper intuition is ringing as hell that he was losing focus on class(though he already learned this lesson with Reborn). He knew something was fishy ever since Reborn did not wake him up with Leon-mallet. Tsuna asked Hayato and Takeshi on their way to school if they saw Reborn, they just shrugged that they had no idea.

"Alright you class, listen up." the stupid Nezu-sensei said. Though he already forgave him for the humiliation he did in the past, he still gets on Tsuna's nerves.

"You guys are going to Italy and it is sponsored by the very famous Vongola Inc." SO THIS IS THE REASON WHY MY HEADACHE WON'T STOP!!!!!! Tsuna internally screamed.

"Reborn, the representative of Vongola Inc is here to explain things," Reborn explained. Tsuna knows he is releasing a lot of Killing intent that his friends can even feel it.

Reborn just went inside our classroom not minding his killing intent that was supposed to be meant for him, he just shrugged it off as if he was not affected.

"You guys are invited for a 2 week stay at the Vongola Mansion for the inheritance ceremony of the Decimo. It will happen during your summer break which is next week on Saturday." Girls squealed and kept on saying that they will do their best for Decimo to notice them and date them.

Um, I am here you know? Not that you guys know anyway. And even the boys are saying that they want to be the right hand and left hand. Tsuna can feel Hayato gritting his teeth while Takeshi is laughing creepily. He just sweatdropped.

"I will pass the paper for the waiver to let your parents sign and for the passports I need your ID as well." Reborn continued as he smirked when he looked at Tsuna and then the class rep started collecting the ID's

"Oh there's no need for you to collect the ID of Sawada, Gokudera, Yamamoto, Sasagawa, Dokuro and Kurokawa since they already have their passports." Reborn added.

"There is no way Dame Tsuna has a passport!" said one of my bullies.

"Teme, Juudaime has his own passport as his dad is part Italian!" Hayato sneered at the bully while silently lighting up his bomb.

"Ahahaha, yeah so you guys should not judge Tsuna," Takeshi laughed but with his eyes pierced on the bully. Tsuna pitied the bully as he just fell down since he got scared.

"Takeshi, Hayato, you two can stop now. And also Chrome, don't even think about putting him in a comatose state," He ordered them quietly. Chrome was so quiet but he knew she was already planning to do something.

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