Chapter 27

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"Me?!" Tsuna lost his composure in his hyper dying-will mode as he was surprised to see another him, a mature one, beside Honoka.

"Finally..." Byakuran leaned towards Tsuna who was beside him. "Took you guys long enough." He whined.

"Wait. You knew?!" Tsuna shook him off.

"Mouuuu...I already told you guys that a back up would arrive." He whined again.

"Hahahaha. Adult Tsuna is so cool!" Yamamoto commented while Gokudera's mouth was open wide as he was shocked to see an adult Tsuna.

"Why are there two otouto??" Ryohei dumbly asked.

Everyone sweatdropped when they heard that.

"Kufufufu~ A great vessel to possess." Mukuro mused. Chrome inwardly sighed on what he said.

Tsuna, the one Honoka knew, started on healing her with his sun flames. "You are still reckless as ever." He lightly scolded her. Honoka smiled softly as she leaned to hug him.

In a flash, Hibari from her world, lit up his flames and effortlessly attacked the two who had hurt Honoka.

"The older nii-sama is so cool..." Kizuna looked with admiration at the said person while his real nii-sama was irritated when he heard what Kizuna said.

"Man... Your cloud guardian is a show-off Tsuna." Enma laughed. Tsuna decided to ignore what Enma said as it was true. Honoka sighed as she tried to stand up. Tsuna supported her in standing up.

Hibari spun his tonfa and kept in somewhere for who-knows-where and went back towards Honoka and hugged her.

"Nii-sama?" she was confused as this was not normally her brother that would give affection with everyone around.

"I swear I will put a chain on you if you try to go somewhere again that I don't know." He growled as he hugged her tighter.

Apparently, Honoka's guardians heard what he said and sweatdropped on Hibari's possessiveness.

"T-that sounded so wrong in so many ways, Onii-sama!" She flushed.

"Hn." He ignored Honoka's outburst.

"Honoka!" Yuni hugged her. "I would somehow agree with Kyouya-san." She followed.

"Not you too?!"

"Now that Hibari knocked out those two, what's the plan next?" Enma went serious.

"And you're not going to fight." Tsuna darted his eyes to Honoka as he sensed she was about to say something.

"I haven't said anything yet..."

"But you are about too. I only healed your wounds but your flames are not recovered." Tsuna argued with her.

"That's true. I can feel that your flames are depleting. It's just like when I was the Sky Arcobaleno." Yuni added.

"I have a pla--"

"No means no."


"What an argument." A new voice intervened. They all looked at the newcomer who made the grand entrance.

"Chaos. I see two Dame-Tsunas." Reborn flicked his fedora and smirked at the scene.

"Reborn! Where had you been?" The younger Tsuna asked.

"Relax. I had just arrived from the hotel where your classmates are. I had made sure that they were heavily guarded with the help of CEDEF." Reborn had rolled his eyes.

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